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Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2015 admissions


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I don't think that the strike will affect the admissions committee, they probably aren't a part of that strike because they are most likely tenured or permanent positions. Plus I read somewhere the university will stay open and operational even if a strike does end up happening. 


However, someone did mention earlier in the forum they talked to Angela and she said they were dealing with flooding for a week so I would assume that if they were shut down for a week to deal with that it would push back everything by a week :( which means even longer waiting ... I have already started having dreams/nightmares about letters haha 

Same here! I hate the uncertainty. I am an immigrant. I have a toddler at home and I live with my in-laws. They and my husband are supportive for my application this year, but if I fail, I don't know if they can be of help and supportive if I want to try another year! It's quite complicated. My chances of getting in any of the schools are slim since I got rejected by York as early as January,  but still I wish I can know all the decisions early. Even if they are all bad ones. 

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I tried calling Angela to find out if this ROSI thing is real or what the deal is and no answer. Has anyone else tried contacting the school to confirm an acceptance etc?

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I emailed Ryerson and they told me that admissions decisions will be sent by email. Somewhat confusing as in previous years they sent acceptances by mail and waitlist and rejection decisions by email. My boyfriend and I are trying to decide between moving to Toronto or Calgary as he just got a job offer in both cities. Calgary is a much safer bet for me as it's easier to get a job with a BSW and I have two job interviews for positions I'm interested in there. It might be tough to find a job in Toronto if I get rejected. But we have friends and family in Toronto and I would really like to do my MSW...


Ahh life decisions!!!

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mps - If your Rosi says invited then you are accepted.  People went through this last year, with the stress over worrying if it was true or not, but I am telling you - if you were not in it would say no registration history.  I wouldn't contact the school about it, I would just wait for your letter in the mail.  I'm sure it will be coming soon!

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Hello Everyone, 


I am long time reader first time poster. First I want to say congratulations to everyone who has received their acceptance!! 

I have applied to University of Victoria, University of Waterloo, and recently received my rejection from Carleton. 

Does anyone know when Waterloo will be sending out acceptances, wait list, and rejection letters? 

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  New here.  I applied to DAL last year and was accepted but decided to take a job offer instead.


  Has anyone here applied to Memorial University (MUN) or know anything about MUN and their acceptance/rejection dates?


  Thanks :)

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Hey Chrisseh5


I also applied to UVic (2 year, the non-BSW foundation program). I think we're the only ones on this forum so far who did.

Did you apply to the 1 year or 2 year??

Thank you Nutella14.  I applied for the 1 year program and from what I have read so far I think we are the only two who have applied for UVIc. From my understanding we will be waiting until late March for that decision, but at this point my first choice is Waterloo.

Edited by Chrisseh5
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  New here.  I applied to DAL last year and was accepted but decided to take a job offer instead.


  Has anyone here applied to Memorial University (MUN) or know anything about MUN and their acceptance/rejection dates?


  Thanks :)


I did not apply to MUN, but I did my undergrad there and I know some people who did their MSW there. Not sure when their acceptance/rejection dates would be. If you have any questions about the school itself feel free to message me and I may be of some help! :)

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U of T hopefuls:

I contacted Angela yesterday to ask when I could expect a letter, as their website stated mid-March for the advanced MSW students and I have to accept or decline my offer UBC by the 16th. She stated that, despite the setback with the flooding, we should still receive letters long before mid-march. So hopefully we'll know one way or the other soon!  

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Hello Everyone, 


I am long time reader first time poster. First I want to say congratulations to everyone who has received their acceptance!! 

I have applied to University of Victoria, University of Waterloo, and recently received my rejection from Carleton. 

Does anyone know when Waterloo will be sending out acceptances, wait list, and rejection letters?

Waterloo already sent out first round acceptances about two weeks ago, I was told that by the end of next week second rounds would go out. Just keep an eye on your Quest account! :)

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Just had my hour and a half long phone interview with St. Thomas! It's only a BSW, so not my first choice, but it's definitely my first choice BSW program and speaking to them confirmed that. I think it went pretty well... but the end of March is SO far away! Agh, I wish there was a fast-forward button on life.

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Sdp732 did ryerson say when the decisions would be coming out?

Plus all those applying to u of t. Just be patient I am sure the letters would be coming out pretty soon. At this point if you did not receive a letter(I am one of them) it's safe to say we did not make it to the first round of considerations. Maybe they are waiting for responses from the first round before second round offers. Just be patient, I sure there'll be another wave of responses in a couple weeks !

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Hello everyone.  Has anyone heard from UVIC for the MSW program?


This is my second time applying for that program as I was rejected last year...


I know the decision suppose to come in mid March, but just wondering...



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My friend applied to this program and has not heard either way yet.


Hello everyone.  Has anyone heard from UVIC for the MSW program?


This is my second time applying for that program as I was rejected last year...


I know the decision suppose to come in mid March, but just wondering...



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Hello everyone.  Has anyone heard from UVIC for the MSW program?


This is my second time applying for that program as I was rejected last year...


I know the decision suppose to come in mid March, but just wondering...



Did you apply to 1 year or 2 year at UVic??

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I am a 2 year applicant applying only to U of T. I have applied for other programs that is not social work, but we will see where they take me. The fields I am interested relate, and one of them is the social work program at U of T. I have been pretty patient so far, but as the dates draw near the “thrill” or “torture” of waiting is beginning to get to me! My GPA is okay, but I feel I am strong in other areas. If I don’t get in, it will probably be because of my “OK” GPA. Nonetheless, I have applied and looking forward to hearing a good response hopefully!! The end of March/early April is just too far..

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I have a question regarding GPA / Average that the school uses to qualify...




I have a B GPA


U of T asks that each applicant has a minimum of a 70% in final year.


My final year average is an 81%.


Do they look at your GPA or solely rely on the average that they have requested for (last year)?



... and this waiting game is beginning to be torture. I feel like my life is on stand still until I hear from schools...  :unsure:

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jjmr89 - I was accepted last year but if I remember correctly it is 3 or 4 weeks from the day your letter is dated.  You have to respond with a $150 deposit (at least that was the amount for me).

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I have a question regarding GPA / Average that the school uses to qualify...




I have a B GPA


U of T asks that each applicant has a minimum of a 70% in final year.


My final year average is an 81%.


Do they look at your GPA or solely rely on the average that they have requested for (last year)?



... and this waiting game is beginning to be torture. I feel like my life is on stand still until I hear from schools...  :unsure:


Your calculated GPA is limited to your last 8-10 half credits (4-5 full credits), so only your final year will go into the calculation. Obviously they have your transcript so they can see the CGPA but it shouldn't be a factor in their decision (at least at U of T)


My friend who also applied to the U of T emailed Angela, and Angela said that the average admission GPA for the 2 year MSW 2014 class was high B+ to low A-.


Not gonna lie though, I'm a bit paranoid that she gave that grade range to encourage applications, because $$$. But who knows.

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That slightly embarrassing moment when you realize ROSI has a tab for "Tracking Activity" for every time you log in and check your status, the admissions committee or who ever updates that must be finding that amusing....




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