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Canadian Universities MSW. The waiting game 2015 admissions


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For those who are graduating this semester - how are you all able to concentrate and give it that one last "push"? I have so many essays to write but I'm so down I can't seem to concentrate which will lead to numerous all nighters in the next month. Any motivational advice? I'm feeling blah :( .... 

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I'm trying to log into ROSI and encountering problems. Is your student number the same as your applicant number? If not, where would I have received my student number?


Dexy77- when you log into SGS, there's a summary of your application (not the same page with all the reference letters and statements and transcripts, the one with your name and address and applicant number and such). It's either just above or just below your applicant number and mine starts with 99 so yours likely will too (most universities have the student numbers start the same or similarly, like all Ryerson student numbers start with 500)


For those who are graduating this semester - how are you all able to concentrate and give it that one last "push"? I have so many essays to write but I'm so down I can't seem to concentrate which will lead to numerous all nighters in the next month. Any motivational advice? I'm feeling blah :( .... 


Purplegrey- it has been a year for me, since I graduated last year, but I seem to recall handing stuff in late because my sister was in the hospital at the time. One thing you can do is rewards- if I finish this paper, I will have time to make a really nice dinner instead of reheating some leftovers, or if I finish this, I will have some time on the weekend to go out and see friends. Something else that can help is sticking to a strict schedule, or productivity apps (there is one with trees where if you touch your phone while the tree is growing you kill it and you try to grow a forest by not touching your phone). One other thing is making yourself accountable to someone else- my SO did a really bad job of this haha. BUT I used to work at the writing centre at my university, and I had students who would book appointments with me with the intention of bringing in, for example, their intro and 2 body paragraphs, and then that way they had a deadline and were accountable to me, even if they felt like they didn't necessarily need a ton of writing support, so you can also use student support services at your school in that way. Lastly, most universities have learning strategists on staff, and they can also help you come up with strategies or, again, just be someone to be accountable to (can you tell I'm really helped by accountability? haha). 


Also, if your issue is that you're feeling too crummy to work on your stuff, take a couple days off (ask for extensions on assignments if you need to) and really do some self-care. Go for walks in the park, or to the gym, or pick up a hobby you've maybe been neglecting a bit, take a long bath, anything. Anything that will help cheer you up. I was a total mess this time of year last year (and this year, but less so since I am super busy working this year and even before I heard anything back for this year, I was considerably more chill than last year). And this goes for everyone still in their undergrad- remember that no matter what happens for next september, graduating from your undergrad is a huge accomplishment that you should be proud of!!! I remember being so anxious about grad school that I didn't get to properly celebrate finishing my undergrad, and that's super sad!

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For those who are graduating this semester - how are you all able to concentrate and give it that one last "push"? I have so many essays to write but I'm so down I can't seem to concentrate which will lead to numerous all nighters in the next month. Any motivational advice? I'm feeling blah :( .... 


Totally in the same boat as you. It's frustrating because I'm so done with my program and it's hard to motivate myself to write an essay about the spanish civil war when I know it isn't related at all to what I want to do. But I know my marks will matter if I get a conditional acceptance / if I have to reapply next year, but it's just.... Ugh I have no idea. Senioritis combined with my friends who have all gotten into their programs of choice and are all excited and I'm just waiting and wondering...


I have no answer for you to be honest. I'm trying to force myself through on the knowledge that I DO still need to do well if everything goes to shit with this application process, and I'm trying to use essays / work to put the thought of whats coming out of my mind.... doesn't mean I don't still check this site / my application portals multiple times a day! Seriously good luck though, and if you come up with any good motivational strategies let me know. ><

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For those who are graduating this semester - how are you all able to concentrate and give it that one last "push"? I have so many essays to write but I'm so down I can't seem to concentrate which will lead to numerous all nighters in the next month. Any motivational advice? I'm feeling blah :( .... 


I graduated last year (and applied the first time last year) and I have to say that this is a really difficult process! I won't even lie I was completely distracted in the final month of school and the only thing that got me to push myself was the fact that I knew I didn't want to screw up my GPA in case I needed to apply again this year. 


Remember, this is the final stretch, and your last chance to really boost your marks (unless you plan on going back and boosting later)


Also, like lightning1129 has mentioned, finishing undegrad is something worth being very proud of! I found it helped to get out of my house and work in a library or Starbucks because being at home made me much more susceptible to wandering around the internet instead of writing essays or studying. 


You can do it! :) 

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Prairie girl, ok thx I have talked with her before. Can I ask if it was the two year or one year you applied to? Also, when/how did you receive your offer, by email? U of c account? Letter? And was your application advance standing?

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The closer we get to Monday the more the panic is setting in....good luck this week everyone! *fingers crossed*

Good luck to you as well! I have been having dreams about getting mail from U of T and ripping it open! I seriously SERIOUSLY hope to hear back this week with good news. And i hope everyone else here the same luck! I will be obsessively checking ROSI and this forum throughout the week. :)

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The closer we get to Monday the more the panic is setting in....good luck this week everyone! *fingers crossed*



Good luck to you as well! I have been having dreams about getting mail from U of T and ripping it open! I seriously SERIOUSLY hope to hear back this week with good news. And i hope everyone else here the same luck! I will be obsessively checking ROSI and this forum throughout the week. :)


I hear you both! My work schedule has me in 3 different cities tomorrow, on one hand I know that'll help keep me from obsessively checking ROSI but I hope I will be able to actually focus :)

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I hear you both! My work schedule has me in 3 different cities tomorrow, on one hand I know that'll help keep me from obsessively checking ROSI but I hope I will be able to actually focus :)

I've been so distracted. And I actually made an hour countdown till Monday on my phone Hahahaha hope all this leads to good news

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I hear you both! My work schedule has me in 3 different cities tomorrow, on one hand I know that'll help keep me from obsessively checking ROSI but I hope I will be able to actually focus :)


Ahh why is it monday already ? Lol I enjoyed the vacation putting thoughts of grad school out of my mind for the weekend... hang in there everyone! I hope everyone hears good news!


I envy you blh22. I'm on a computer at work all day. It will be hard not to check mine obsessively :P

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Hi all,


First time poster but long time lurker. I was wondering if anyone could provide feedback/experience/knowledge about the MSW (Advanced Standing) program at York University? I got in and wanted to hear other people's perspectives of the program (any aspect of it).


Anything is appreciated, much thanks!

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Hi all,


First time poster but long time lurker. I was wondering if anyone could provide feedback/experience/knowledge about the MSW (Advanced Standing) program at York University? I got in and wanted to hear other people's perspectives of the program (any aspect of it).


Anything is appreciated, much thanks!


York is very well known for their Masters of social work program. They offer amazing funding! 

One thing is that it is NOT a clinical program. They are more focussed on advocacy, community outreach etc. 

They also said they will not gaurantee a clinical placement..

Pros and Cons for every school so i guess it depends what your looking for 

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I seriously cannot wait this week. I really hope us 2 year- U of T - hopefuls will hear back ASAP I cannot stop thinking about it and am mentally torturing myself going back and forth as to whether I am good enough to get in ... UGGHHHHH

Going through the same thought processes. Questioning everything about my application...I feel like it could go either way. Best of luck to you!

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I seriously cannot wait this week. I really hope us 2 year- U of T - hopefuls will hear back ASAP I cannot stop thinking about it and am mentally torturing myself going back and forth as to whether I am good enough to get in ... UGGHHHHH 



Going through the same thought processes. Questioning everything about my application...I feel like it could go either way. Best of luck to you!


Same boat about you guys! It's all ups and downs here. Up: reference told me I definitely deserved a place in grad school. Down: realized I never sent in an updated transcript so they don't even HAVE my research methods course mark so I've emailed Angela about if it's too late to do that. Gahhhh I am on an EMOTIONAL ROLLERCOASTER and I just want to get off, even if I don't get in.

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It's 9 am on Monday over where I am! A few more hours until the day starts back in Ontario and the anxiety sets in! :) 



To be honest though I am not holding out much hope that the rest of us will hear back from U of T this week. Someone did post that email saying they are sending out decisions from mid-March to mid-April. I think they are probably doing some sort of rolling admissions thing and they might way to see how many people accept/decline before sending out another round? I don't know, that's just my feeling. So I am trying to stay calm :) 

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Also, does anyone know if schools generally email you or change your online status when you are rejected? Specifically U of T, Laurier and McGil. I am just thinking that I live abroad at the moment and if I have to wait for a snail mail letter it will be awful! Canada Post is bad enough, but friends sometimes send me things here and it can take weeks! I dont want to be sitting here refreshing my email that whole time if my rejection letter is somewhere on it's way to me. 

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Also, does anyone know if schools generally email you or change your online status when you are rejected? Specifically U of T, Laurier and McGil. I am just thinking that I live abroad at the moment and if I have to wait for a snail mail letter it will be awful! Canada Post is bad enough, but friends sometimes send me things here and it can take weeks! I dont want to be sitting here refreshing my email that whole time if my rejection letter is somewhere on it's way to me. 

From what I have read from posts on this forum U of T does not change the status for a rejection or a waitlist.  As for Laurier their email stated "electronic offers of admission will be sent out early april using the email address provided in your application", so I would make a guess that they email out all answers, including waitlists and rejections..? Having said that, let's expect good news!!!

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Happy Monday Everyone!!!


I have anticipated this day to hear back from U of T but I have to agree with Bettyg with that I am not holding out much hope either. After reviewing the forums from last year everyone seemed to be accepted the same time. I think that they may change ROSI for everyone at one time...


With that being said, I hope Windsor sends out their results this week. I feel as if they were pretty early for their one year so I assume we should be hearing back soon!

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My ROSI has changed to accepted for the 2 year MSW at U of T, but my SGS hasn't and I haven't received any emails or letters yet. Once Im holding one of those, things will likely feel more real! Good luck everyone - fingers are tightly crossed for you! 

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Can anyone confirm whether they change rosi all at once for everyone or whether they do it in bursts?


Last year everyone heard around pretty much the same 2-3 day period from what I remember (via snail mail), but this year is very different. Hearing back the second week of March for 2 year is very out of the ordinary. I think that they have changed their system this year, from what I can remember reading the advanced standing also heard in waves not all at once this year (correct me if I am wrong) 



Also as far as getting emailed rejections etc. UofT did not send e-mails last year, I got my waitlist via mail. I moved in September so I never received the physical rejection letter but I had Angela e-mail it to me, just to confirm (yes I was slightly in denial lol) Not sure about the other two schools though. 

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My ROSI has changed to accepted for the 2 year MSW at U of T, but my SGS hasn't and I haven't received any emails or letters yet. Once Im holding one of those, things will likely feel more real! Good luck everyone - fingers are tightly crossed for you! 


Congratulations!! :) That's so exciting!

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