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Women's Studies - Fall 2015


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I applied to WS/English. I'm thinking I probably will not hear good news but am still anxious, because it is one of my two remaining programs--and actually an amazing fit. But I guess time will tell....

I talked to someone in WS today and she doesn't believe they've sent out any notifications yet. She was just a grad student though so she isn't a complete insider. 

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hey guys, has anyone heard anything from UCSB Feminist Studies MA program yet? From previous years it looks like the people who got accepted already got their letters by this time. *heavy breathing*

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And KKS, I'm still waiting to hear from UCSB too (although I applied to the PhD program.) :/


Thanks janaca, crossing my fingers for both of us.


I applied to Oregon State, Brandeis, UCSB and NYU and so far have only heard back from OSU. I'm so happy I got in because I know I at least have somewhere to go if all else fails!


Has anyone visited Oregon State or know have any info they'd like to share? I'd really like to hear opinions.

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Hoping to hear back from UCSC & Univ of Washington this week.

Otherwise, I'm thinking they'll be rejections. 


UCSC is such a new program that there are barely any stats / results posted on here to pinpoint when they notify people / how many they accept. 

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Hoping to hear back from UCSC & Univ of Washington this week.

Otherwise, I'm thinking they'll be rejections. 


UCSC is such a new program that there are barely any stats / results posted on here to pinpoint when they notify people / how many they accept

What makes you think they would be rejections? I am waiting to hear from UW too (and four other schools). It is bringing out a new level of obsessive I did not know I had. 

Would anyone be willing to do a call exchange? I was lurking on the sociology group and they were exchanging schools to call. Each person would call a school they had not applied to to get some sort of idea about when they would be making their decisions and no one (hopefully) at the school was any wiser about who was being impatient. 

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Oh man, AmityDuPeuple, I am a bit too socially anxious for phone calls, but I did email UCSB and ask, as politely as possible, if first-round PhD acceptances had already gone out--but got no response. Oh well.


In other news, I got a generic acceptance letter from the M.A. program at UNC-Greensboro a couple weeks ago but haven't heard anything directly from the department or gotten any news about funding. So I am sort of wondering if I should contact them and ask at some point? Hm. But I don't know. In their FAQ's, they say funding information is sent separately, so I don't want to seem too impatient or look like I haven't read the information....

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What makes you think they would be rejections? I am waiting to hear from UW too (and four other schools). It is bringing out a new level of obsessive I did not know I had. 

Would anyone be willing to do a call exchange? I was lurking on the sociology group and they were exchanging schools to call. Each person would call a school they had not applied to to get some sort of idea about when they would be making their decisions and no one (hopefully) at the school was any wiser about who was being impatient. 


Not sure about UWa but the results that were reported last year for UCSC dated rejections being sent out 02/24.

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Heard from UCSC today, acceptance email from my POI. 

Hope you get good news too db116!


Congrats! I never had an interview so it's looking bleak for me. I'll keep my fingers crossed though :)

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Congratulations to everyone who has received an acceptance lately! 


Has anyone made a campus visit yet? I am just wondering what questions you asked or will ask when you do go for a visit. What types of activities etc do you think gives you a good feel for the program? Thus far, I have scheduled to sit in on a class, attend a symposium, I am meeting with a fellow WGSer and writing center consultant, and having dinner with some of the grad students. I am hoping to work in several meetings with professors I am interested in working with. 


Any thoughts/tips/advice would be much appreciated!


Thanks in avance.

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^ It seems like you have a good selection of academic-based plans! On a different note, I would also recommend taking a tour of the town/city if you're unfamiliar with the area. I find that I'm very affected by my environment and certain cities make me feel more at home than others, so I plan to go for a walk/catch a bus and spend some alone time checking out the establishments and architecture. If you plan to live in graduate housing, check out the options in person (apartment complexes can look awesome in online photos but in reality be disgusting). Also, if there was a specific uni resource that was important to you in the past, check that out at your new potential uni (e.g. libraries, gyms, campus lgbt centres, etc.)

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I don't think I've seen any other History & Women's Studies apps from UMich but if you are waiting, decisions should be going out this week. My POI thinks I'm waitlisted so I assume that means they're almost done with decisions. 

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Still waiting...


I called the department on Friday. The Chair's assistant was very lovely but had no additional information at this time. She said, I could call back next week and she'd have more information. This made me nervous and I offered, "You can tell me if it's a rejection, I'll be fine." :-) She laughed and said that she knew that they had already met to discuss fellowship nominations because those were due in early February but that she hadn't been provided a list of admitted students and that no one had been notified of their acceptance or denial as of yet. I followed up the phone call with an e-mail to chair to see if she might know when decisions would be released to applicants. We'll see...


This is a very tiny department. (When I called, she recognized my name because the applicant pool is rather small). As applications were due on January 15th, I feel like they have made their decision. Knowing that makes it even worse. The fact that I know the decision has been made, about my future and where I will be for the next couple of years, but that I just don't now and there isn't really much I can do. :unsure:

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Oh man, Guillaume, I'm still waiting for critical information--ie decision and funding info--from both of the MA programs I applied to, plus four PhD programs, too. Wow, this process is driving me nuts!  But hey, at least it should all be over in like 6-7 weeks? I absolutely cannot wait!!!!

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