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Certainly feels like it.  Did anyone's info change on the portal, by the way?  At some point today, the "funding programme" info on my page got a lot more explicit than just "Research/1 year" or whatever it was before.  Anyone else?  Thoughts on what it might mean?

My portal is also much more explicit now. Perhaps this means that a decision is nigh! 

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Mine also still says "study scholarship for graduates" -- THE SUSPENSE!!!

I don't remember being this worked up about Fulbright two years ago. I just came back from showering one day and checked my email and voila there was the acceptance email. None of this constant refreshing!

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Mine also still says "study scholarship for graduates" -- THE SUSPENSE!!!

I don't remember being this worked up about Fulbright two years ago. I just came back from showering one day and checked my email and voila there was the acceptance email. None of this constant refreshing!

I wish I could say the same, I've applied for both this year and I have become the most compulsive email checker around. Especially after finding out that I'm designated an alternate for Fulbright, it has become even worse now that the notification could come through at any time, or not at all. The waiting game is stressful and it sucks. I'm supposed to be finishing up a thesis and graduating within the next month, but I can't stop compulsively checking my email all the time. I just want to know whether I'll be on this continent in 6 months or not!

Here's to hoping we all hear from DAAD this week! Meine Daumen Sind für uns alle gedrückt! :)

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Yep, I applied for the doctoral candidate one as well.

And I feel you, psych_33. I'm an alternate for my Fulbright program as well, and my anxiety has at least tripled over the past week. Hang in there (and I will try to do the same)! Hard to focus on my comps when I'm so stressed about funding!

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I just received a follow-up message on the Portal, from Bonn, about my rejection. It was very polite, and it gave some numbers that I thought I'd share.


"The Selection Committe had to decide between 149 applications and was able to award 46 scholarships. The number of qualified applications usually exceeds the number of available scholarship."


I was surprised, it's not as competitive as I thought! It's hard for me to see why I came out at the bottom third, but maybe my status as already living in Germany currently was a detracting rather than positive factor - they aim to mobilise exchange and maybe I had already sort of made that step. But who knows! Good luck to you guys, I hope the numbers give you a bit of hope?

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Hey guys,


I've been lurking for a while. I'm a 2nd year English Teaching Assistant in Germany and really hoping to get DAAD funding for an MA in Linguistics starting this fall. I felt good about my application, except that I'm now on my second year in Germany, and I wonder if that will affect their decision negatively... :(


Anyways, I saw your comments about how the "Funding programme" section got more detailed yesterday for some of you. I was wondering if maybe it did that just for the people applying for doctoral programs? Because I noticed that a couple of you for whom it changed are applying for that...No change in mine and I am applying for an MA. For the people whose thing didn't change, are you also applying for MAs? Maybe that's the reason.


Also, to Caelryck, sorry you didn't make it this time! I was wondering, are those numbers just for the Australian grants or are those the total Study Scholarship grants? Not really sure how it works from country to country. They are separate processes right so that's probably the number of Australian grants...?


Hope we hear soon...this wait is seriously killing me!!!! :(

Edited by crthrasher
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I wasn't clear on that either - whether the numbers referred only to Australian applicants or worldwide - the message didn't say but it did come from Bonn, not DAAD Australia. However those total numbers do seem quite small. 


Where are you teaching crthrasher? I'm near Nuremberg, in a Gymnasium and also Realschule. DAAD says it cannot consider those who have lived in Germany for more than 15 months before applying, so I guess we were both safe with that, but whether or not already being here is a positive thing.. I don't know. 

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I'm in Berlin this year. Yeah, technically I'm safe, and even by the time the DAAD grant starts, I won't have been in Germany for 15 consecutive months at any point in time (I emailed them before I applied and they confirmed it was about consecutive months). I just dunno if they'll look at it and say, "Hmm, two grants to Germany in a row...let's give someone else a shot." Haha. Oh well, guess I can't complain if that were a deciding factor...I'm pretty lucky! But I know that if I hadn't had all this time to learn about life in Germany I wouldn't have developed my research goals that I wanna pursue through DAAD...


So you're gonna be at the Hertie School of Governance next year even despite not getting the grant? That's pretty awesome. I have a friend in Berlin now who is starting that program next year too (also without funding). Good luck and hope it's a great experience! :)

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Yes crthrasher, I want to go to Hertie despite the bad news about funding, I've come this far already! I don't yet know how but it'll happen. Good to know I'm not the only one!

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These grants typically don't look at the aspect of being in country for a significant amount of time recently, but they don't tend to fund those that have been in country for approx. a year or more straight. From what I've heard, it's due more so to their feeling it's not an actual exchange at that point, which is the point of most programs.


It's a horrible feeling having to wait. I don't even remember what I was doing around this time with Fulbright, but it wasn't as stressful as my most recent wait was. It got so bad I'd wake up multiple times in the night and check my e-mail! I hope this isn't permanent! :(

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Anyways, I saw your comments about how the "Funding programme" section got more detailed yesterday for some of you. I was wondering if maybe it did that just for the people applying for doctoral programs? Because I noticed that a couple of you for whom it changed are applying for that...No change in mine and I am applying for an MA. For the people whose thing didn't change, are you also applying for MAs? Maybe that's the reason.


Mine hasn't changed at all and I'm applying for a Masters (MPP).


Caelryck, I'm also planning to be at the Hertie School in the fall! :) Hopefully with funding, but if not, I'm going to try to scrape together something...

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