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I'm having my teaching sections observed tomorrow, so I won't be checking any emails until after they've happened...just in case!  I know if I don't get it, my sections will be terrible.  But if I do get it, I can just celebrate at my department's happy hour instead! :D Like I said, my friend's theory is that the decisions will come out on a Friday.  Please, tomorrow, please!

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I'm happy I'm on Spring Break right now. I'm studying for my qualifying exam in 2 weeks, and I'm using this as motivation to get things done. Read a chapter, check email, make a set of flashcards, check email....pathetic. 


DAAD has an SF office, as well - considering calling them on Monday if we've still heard nothing since I applied through a west coast school and it seems like NY has heard enough from us...

Edited by umamam
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LOL, dat desperation. I dont think it means anything as my portal says it will be under maintenance Monday. So they are probably doing maintenance on their servers but not all of them at the same time. So yours is probably under maintenance now. THas probably what that is.

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I have high hopes for tomorrow... Friday seems like it would be a great time to make an announcement! 


I knew I would sound like an idiot for writing that. 

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So if they're going to announce next week, it's going to be between Monday (Portal down?) and Wednesday, since Thurs and Fri are holidays next week, as well as the following Monday... And at that point, it's starting to not be "Beginning of April"

I'm going to be stuck on a plane for 10 hours on Tuesday, so I'm betting they'll announce then...

Edited by jdawg12
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I sent a German application packet (read: 20 pages of crap) to just about every research institute/think-tank that would possibly be related to my field and one of them happened to have an opening right as I moved over. It's a part time gig, but it pays most of my bills and is a great CV booster.


My strategy was the following: play stupid. I took a lot of meetings with academics and researchers asking them about how one typically starts an academic career in Germany, differences between working at an institute and an Uni, things that would help a PhD application in Germany, etc. To be honest, my primary goal was to get a foot in the door, but I also learned a lot about the German Uni system.  The strategy has worked out really well: some of these people later invited me to conferences or offered me internships. I never would have been so aggressive about networking in the US, but for some reason felt no shame about it in Germany. 

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