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SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship/CGS Doctoral Scholarship 2015-2016


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A question - I am looking through all the information again regarding the fellowship and I cannot find the information which says which expenses the fellowship can be used for. I keep on getting to an NSERC page for professors. Would anyone out there be kind enough to provide the link?



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To everyone who is still waiting for their letters (like me): 

I just wrote to SSHRC to see if they will be posting the results on the portal for applicants (as suggested by some of the earlier emails folks received from them). Here is the response I received from SSHRC:


"The results were sent via postal mail on April 20th, 2015.

Per Canada Post standards; you should receive your letter within 10 business days.

Out of fairness to the other candidates; we will not be communicating the results in any other format until this target has been reached (May 6th, 2015).

If you do not receive your letter by this date, please contact us via email and we can then consider other means of sharing your results with you".


I still haven't received my letter in Vancouver (which is surprising since others' letters have arrived in Europe). It's going to be a long week-end. How is everyone else is far western, eastern, northern and rural locations holding out? 

Edited by solala
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I am anxiously waiting for mail delivery. I e-mailed SSHRC asking about clarification as to the release of details via the online portal. I received an apology that in fact these would not be released this week, in contrast to the information I received in my previous e-mail. I really hope mine comes in the mail. I do not think I can cope with the extremely hopeful highs and desperate lows (that come with absolute certainty that I will not be funded). I need to be out of my misery now. How can I cope through the weekend??? Aggghhhh!!!! 

Edited by Anthrogal
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"Out of fairness to the other candidates; we will not be communicating the results in any other format until this target has been reached (May 6th, 2015)."

This is the part I don't get. Out of fairness they're leaving the delivery of results to the vagaries of the post so that everyone can hear at different times? Wouldn't it be more fair to post online so that everyone could be informed simultaneously? Obviously I haven't heard back yet and I'm feeling a little frustrated :/

Edited by OverGrad
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"Out of fairness to the other candidates; we will not be communicating the results in any other format until this target has been reached (May 6th, 2015)."

This is the part I don't get. Out of fairness they're leaving the delivery of results to the vagaries of the post so that everyone can hear at different times? Wouldn't it be more fair to post online so that everyone could be informed simultaneously? Obviously I haven't heard back yet and I'm feeling a little frustrated :/

I agree with you OverGrad. Frankly, conveying the results through snailmail seems such an old school method and I really don't get why they don't make use of an online portal. Plus, there is the possibility that these mails can get lost.

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"Out of fairness to the other candidates; we will not be communicating the results in any other format until this target has been reached (May 6th, 2015)."

This is the part I don't get. Out of fairness they're leaving the delivery of results to the vagaries of the post so that everyone can hear at different times? Wouldn't it be more fair to post online so that everyone could be informed simultaneously? Obviously I haven't heard back yet and I'm feeling a little frustrated :/


I completely understand your frustration. I even considered writing them back with the same questions (as the "out of fairness" claim just doesn't make sense), but I don't think that would change anything. At least now we can stop checking the online portal every 5 minutes. Now all we can do is find a better distraction, go for a bike ride, bake cookies or whatever until the mail arrives on Monday. Wishing all you all a peaceful and relaxing weekend! 

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I completely understand your frustration. I even considered writing them back with the same questions (as the "out of fairness" claim just doesn't make sense), but I don't think that would change anything. At least now we can stop checking the online portal every 5 minutes. Now all we can do is find a better distraction, go for a bike ride, bake cookies or whatever until the mail arrives on Monday. Wishing all you all a peaceful and relaxing weekend!

Yes, it is a relief to know I don't have to obsessively refresh that portal anymore! And I forgot to thank you for sharing this information, solala.

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Mail came - not the results I had hoped for. Waitlisted. I guess that for my first time through I should not be too disappointed. I feel both incredibly sad and relieved the stress of waiting is finally over. Sigh.....

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Mail came - not the results I had hoped for. Waitlisted. I guess that for my first time through I should not be too disappointed. I feel both incredibly sad and relieved the stress of waiting is finally over. Sigh.....


Sorry to hear Anthrogal. But there's some hope yet still... Where are you located by chance?

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Thanks Crimsoc. I am in London Ontario. Does anyone know how likely it is to get funding if you are 'waitlisted'? I'm thinking not very, but maybe OGS - results for that are still to come and some funding is MUCH better than none!

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Anthrogal, I'm right there with you. Wait listed at 11.5/20. Bummer. I second your question though. Is there a place that we can find our position on the wait list? Anyone ever been wait listed and actually got bumped up?

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Has anyone in Kingston received anything yet? I would think if London, ON, has gotten theirs, Kingston would have as well...though sometimes the post comes mid-afternoon around here. Fingers crossed for everyone still waiting!

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Any independent applicants heard back yet? I'm going crazy down here!


Also, to all of you regular posters, thank you for keeping me semi-sane these past couple of months. It's great to know that other people are dealing with the same thing. 

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thought I would share in case the information is helpful to others..


letter recieved yesterday (Toronto). also waitlisted, score of 12. so close, it would seem! :(


congrats to those who recieved good news, and good luck to all those waiting!

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I received a Type B SSHRC on my third time this year!

After a lot of thought over the past few months I have realized, however, that academia is not the right fit for me and I will be leaving my PhD. I do wish I knew that earlier so I wouldnt have applied.

I will be turning down the SSHRC and, as I understand it, someone will be bumped up!

Good luck to those still waiting to hear! Snail mail really is the worst!

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Any independent applicants heard back yet? I'm going crazy down here!


Also, to all of you regular posters, thank you for keeping me semi-sane these past couple of months. It's great to know that other people are dealing with the same thing. 

I'm also anxiously waiting down here...checked my mail but no dice.

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Has anyone in Kingston received anything yet? I would think if London, ON, has gotten theirs, Kingston would have as well...though sometimes the post comes mid-afternoon around here. Fingers crossed for everyone still waiting!


i'm in kingston and have also not received anything  :(



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Hey guys; I'm new to this forum as a registered member, but, like many, have been lurking here for the past few months. Signed up to let anyone in rural Manitoba know that I just got my letter, so expect it soon if you haven't already received it! Good luck everyone, and I know it's been said before, but if you don't get the answer you were looking for this time, there really is next year (and to those who didn't get the funding this year, bonus: it means you're eligible for the Vanier -- I just found out thanks to this forum that if you have already received an offer for a doctoral SSHRC, you can't apply for the Vanier).

Also clavicula, I have a friend who is studying in the States (Colorado) right now and had to apply independently; they're still waiting for their letter. If that changes, I'll update you.

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Thanks for all these posts! Honestly, I feel much better knowing people are getting results and that this waiting game will be over soon. Congrats to all those with SSHRC and condolences to all those passed over. And to those still waiting, like myself, I can't wait to be out of this club.


 I live in a small town near Stratford ON and I am going insane waiting. Rural Ontario still hasn't had word. I'm going back down to the post office in a couple of hours, before it closes at 5pm, just in case they sorted it out late.


I can't believe that SSHRC is using "equity" reasoning. We all set up accounts online to do the application. At minimum, a modern PhD student must have access to the internet in a computer lab at their university. If anything, there is significant unfairness to rural, remote and international applicants getting their letters later. Hopefully, tri-council will be entering this decade soon.

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Long time reader, first time poster.


Maybe somebody can help with some question I have.


Question 1


For 4th-year students who received doctoral scholarship, what happens if the award start May 01 2015, but you are graduating August 2015? Do they pay out only 1/3 portion of (May - August) or everything since start of 4th year is back-pay? How do they back pay?


Question 2


I noticed that receipients are not allowed to work full-time, but are allowed to interrupt award for relevant work twice for 4 months non-consecutive. Would it be possible to "interrupt" the May - August portion and then receive the remainder on graduation? Am I missing something here? On top of this the deferment/interruption form says interrupting for work is forbidden but award holder guide says interrupting for work 4 months non-consecutive is OK. Very confusing.


Thank you very much



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Hey all!


It was at the post office this afternoon and I got it!


B Category for 36 months. I'm completing my second year of the PhD. My score was 13.4, for whatever that means. 


Good luck everybody. My fingers and toes are crossed for you all.

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