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Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)

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OMG Congratulations!!! What program? :D

The Lit PhD -- assuming I don't get a follow-up email in a little bit being like "oops, we sent this out to everyone, you are totally not accepted."

Although the result search is back up (finally!!)  and it looks like other people got notified in the same way, and that this is how Brown does it...so I'll settle down with my impostor syndrome for now.

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The Lit PhD -- assuming I don't get a follow-up email in a little bit being like "oops, we sent this out to everyone, you are totally not accepted."

Although the result search is back up (finally!!)  and it looks like other people got notified in the same way, and that this is how Brown does it...so I'll settle down with my impostor syndrome for now.

 Comp Lit or English, if you don't mind my asking?

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Huge congrats to everybody!

I hate to be this person but can I ask - any other U Chicago applicants who weren't waitlisted or contacted for an interview? Are you presuming rejection?

I didn't apply this cycle, but I was rejected from Chicago during the 2013 cycle. FWIW, that year that sent out rejections way after admits and WLs.

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Huge congrats to everybody!

I hate to be this person but can I ask - any other U Chicago applicants who weren't waitlisted or contacted for an interview? Are you presuming rejection?


Yep! Assuming a rejection since it's been so long with no news.


Congrats to all the admits today!!

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Another early modernist from my program was accepted to UCI. While he deserves the acceptance entirely, I will admit I'm a little selfishly bummed by the news while also excited for him. Here's hoping for a waitlist!


ETA: Completely posted this in the wrong place. Whoops!!

Edited by jhefflol
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I second that. I think this is more severe than childbirth. :o




OMG this exchange made me burst out laughing in the library... 


More seriously, I send those of you still stuck in limbo ALL the hugs. I would send you cookies if I had an address. Academia hurts because it is a vocation as well as a profession: we're in the business of using our heads, but our hearts are what got us here. (I mean, really - no head would be so idealistic on its own!) Just remember that your heads AND your hearts are more than who is willing to pay for them - and be good to yourselves as the wait drags on. I'm really rooting for you!

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I'm writing a thesis chapter on "Bartleby" right now and I can't help but wish I was more like him. I really would "prefer not to" care about if I get in, where I get in, stipends, POIs, adcomms... but like the story's narrator, I am confounded by my own inability to withdraw from the conundrum. "Ah Bartleby! Ah humanity!"

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Congrats to those admitted! And hugs to those who are stressed out! 

Passion for the profession will ensure a happy ending for you beautiful people! It's not over yet! 


I took a gap year this year after not getting in any (funded) programs, and it was sucky, but I'm having an awesome year and am learning a ton about literature while training as a competitive ballroom dancer. So there's always that. 

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