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Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)

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I had entirely given up on this season. I had so given up that I ALREADY SIGNED UP FOR THE APRIL SUBJECT TEST.


And here today a UCSB acceptance lands in my email.


I'm so happy and so relieved. I was considering quitting academia! What nonsense!


Congrats to a fellow UCSB admit!!  Hope to see you in March at the open house.


Also – Did I just see the first Stanford rejection?  Or am I hallucinating?  Anyone else get word from them?  I haven't seen anything yet.

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Congrats to a fellow UCSB admit!!  Hope to see you in March at the open house.


Also – Did I just see the first Stanford rejection?  Or am I hallucinating?  Anyone else get word from them?  I haven't seen anything yet.

Congrats on UCSB


As far as I know it was only MTL rejections that came out. I haven't heard anything from English lit.

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Also – Did I just see the first Stanford rejection?  Or am I hallucinating?  Anyone else get word from them?  I haven't seen anything yet.


The rejection was for the modern thought program there, so if you applied for plain ol' English, then don't throw your towel in yet!


Also congrats to all the recent acceptances! edited to add: zanmato, silenus, and anyone else I missed!

Edited by Gnossienne
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Congrats on all the new acceptances! I just got into Fordham--from an email to check my status update!


Congrats! Fordham, in my opinion, is an extremely underrated program. You're clearly pinning down the NY/Cali markets!

Edited by Lycidas
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Just got an email from the DGS at Miami of Ohio... fully funded MA offer!


Since I already have a PhD offer, I probably won't be taking this, but still a very nice notice on this freezing afternoon.

Edited by silenus_thescribe
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Howdy folks! New GradCafe member here. Throughout the application process I popped in and out of here without ever making a profile, and got some helpful advice. (Making a separate email for grad apps=genius.) You're all very helpful, which is much needed in a stressed-out first time applicant, so a big thanks to everyone on this site.

Fortunately, my stress has been substantially mitigated by my first acceptance, to the University of Texas at Austin. This was very high on my list, and basically a dead ringer for research interests. (Perhaps fittingly, this was the one app that, upon finishing it, I felt truly confident and comfortable with.) This acceptance came after rejections from Cornell (my #1) and Columbia (predictable, but sad). Just got rejected from Pittsburgh yesterday.

Truth be told I found it best at first to avoid Grad Cafe, as looking through acceptances only added to my stress. Now, however, I feel much more comfortable chiming in here given that I know at the very least (in fact, most likely) I'll be at UT in the fall.

This goes without saying, of course, but major props to all of the acceptances so far!

Congrats on UT! If you, or anyone else, has questions about it here, feel free to PM me.

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So this is probably more small cheese compared to many acceptances that are going out, but I got accepted into Brandeis's MA program with a fellowship offer!!!! This is my first acceptance, so I am currently in the process of calling all my friends and family :)

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So this is probably more small cheese compared to many acceptances that are going out, but I got accepted into Brandeis's MA program with a fellowship offer!!!! This is my first acceptance, so I am currently in the process of calling all my friends and family :)


AAAAH!!! Congratulations, Emily! I knew you'd get in somewhere with that awesome SOP of yours! That's a huge acceptance -- absolutely huge. Don't play it down at all...you should be VERY proud. Hell I'M very proud FOR you! :D


Good luck with the other apps, but knowing you've got Brandeis nailed down should be a huge boon to you moving forward. :)

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So this is probably more small cheese compared to many acceptances that are going out, but I got accepted into Brandeis's MA program with a fellowship offer!!!! This is my first acceptance, so I am currently in the process of calling all my friends and family :)


No such thing as "small cheese" when it comes to English graduate study, especially when there's a fellowship/funding involved. Congrats! Waiting to hear back on their PhD. Their deadline was a later one, though, so I'm not expecting anything until start of March, probably.


Speaking of, did anyone notice that Rochester let in some admits at the start of February? Their deadline was 15 January. That's crazy turnaround.

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So this is probably more small cheese compared to many acceptances that are going out, but I got accepted into Brandeis's MA program with a fellowship offer!!!! This is my first acceptance, so I am currently in the process of calling all my friends and family :)


Woohoo!! Congratulations!!!

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So this is probably more small cheese compared to many acceptances that are going out, but I got accepted into Brandeis's MA program with a fellowship offer!!!! This is my first acceptance, so I am currently in the process of calling all my friends and family :)


It's a wonderful program! I opted not to attend but they're all exceptionally warm and supportive people there.

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