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Fall 2015 Acceptances (!)

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Well, I suppose this is in the realm of "good news." While I didn't get accepted to UMD's Ph.D. program, I was offered acceptance to their M.A. program. So that's something, I suppose. It might be unfunded, or might be partially funded. The one reason why it's a true consideration for me is because it's fairly local -- my wife works in D.C., and we were going to be moving this year no matter what. Moving from the Virginia side of D.C. to the Maryland side is not a big deal, overall.


Had it been an M.A. offer from any of my other programs, it would be small consolation...but this might actually be worth considering.


If nothing else, I feel a little better about things overall. I was starting to fear that there was something profoundly undesirable about my applications in general...so to make the top 15% or so of applicants to UMD is at least partially relieving...


(Oh, and there's also the intangible Proflorax factor!)




I would recommend considering it if things don't work out. I got an MA and switched programs after the first semester so that I could better prepare for a phd program and live near my partner. If you don't get in to any phd programs this year, your chances will improve significantly if you take the time to work on honing your interests and writing with supportive faculty without significantly uprooting your life. A lot of people in my program still work full time and take 2 classes per semester instead of 3. I got a half tuition scholarship at the first school I attended and have about 1/3 where I am now plus work study and loans and T.A./instructor positions (might not be available for MA students at a school with a PhD track) to cover expenses. I am also able to receive food stamps because I am a work study student. I am poor but am doing an okay job of not getting into the crazy debt that people talk about with unfunded MA programs. Even if I don't get in anywhere this time around, I feel confident that I have the tools and focus to do it if I apply again. It's a step along the way, not a detour. 

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Well, I suppose this is in the realm of "good news." While I didn't get accepted to UMD's Ph.D. program, I was offered acceptance to their M.A. program. So that's something, I suppose. It might be unfunded, or might be partially funded. The one reason why it's a true consideration for me is because it's fairly local -- my wife works in D.C., and we were going to be moving this year no matter what. Moving from the Virginia side of D.C. to the Maryland side is not a big deal, overall.



Congrats WT!  :)

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Congrats WT! This is definitely good and celebration-worthy news, especially if some funding comes with it! But, of course, you have MANY schools to hear from so there is still lots of hope for that PhD acceptance too. :) We have likely never met in person (though we are both from BC and I am also a Canucks fan), but I feel confident in saying you are awesome in so many ways - an awesome friend, an awesome scholar, and an awesome person! It's been great going through this journey with you on GradCafe. 

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Congrats WT! This is definitely good and celebration-worthy news, especially if some funding comes with it! But, of course, you have MANY schools to hear from so there is still lots of hope for that PhD acceptance too. :) We have likely never met in person (though we are both from BC and I am also a Canucks fan), but I feel confident in saying you are awesome in so many ways - an awesome friend, an awesome scholar, and an awesome person! It's been great going through this journey with you on GradCafe. 


Aww shucks! Thanks so much for this! I've probably had a rather glum "net presence" here over the past week or so, so I'm glad I haven't alienated everyone. :P


Also...the Canucks play Boston tonight. Just throwing that out there.


*casts a sidelong glance at In Hac Spe Vivo*

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Love the sidelong glace, WT... subtle ;)


Don't worry, the Boston feed will be up on Center Ice (provided it hasn't been comandeered by the NHL network). I have a very funny story about 2011 Cup series, but another time perhaps...


Between Friday the 13th and Valentine's Day I've been expecting a big 48 hours. No news yet, but here's to hoping!

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Between Friday the 13th and Valentine's Day I've been expecting a big 48 hours. No news yet, but here's to hoping!


Eep. Last year was the Great Valentine's Day Massacre, was it not? Hoping we don't repeat history this time around.

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Eep. Last year was the Great Valentine's Day Massacre, was it not? Hoping we don't repeat history this time around.


Seriously. Though it was ages ago, one of my profs got her Chapel Hill acceptance Valentine's Day, so just keep that in mind. :)


Milwaukee notified the second Saturday of the month last year. I know acceptances have already gone out to two of the five emphases, but I haven't heard anyone mention Plan H, which is what I applied to... so, my fingers are crossed (a friend from my cohort got into another emphasis a couple weeks ago, so that could be super cool).

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Thanks again, folks. This process gets to everyone, of course, but I think you know just how dejected I was getting over the lack of responses. As the day has progressed, I've grown more and more pleased and relieved with this offer. It's definitely a viable option, and it wouldn't have been had it come from any of the other schools I applied to.


ETA: Incidentally, UMD was the first application I completed...on August 15th. :o The reason I mention this is that it was probably the "roughest" of my SOPs. I don't mean it was rough, but that over the course of a few months, I polished it a bit more for every application. So it's particularly interesting to me to see that I got accepted with my "earliest final version" SOP, and have been rejected with a bunch of the "later final versions." I'm not reading anything into that, but it is a bit curious.

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Well, I suppose this is in the realm of "good news." While I didn't get accepted to UMD's Ph.D. program, I was offered acceptance to their M.A. program. So that's something, I suppose. It might be unfunded, or might be partially funded. The one reason why it's a true consideration for me is because it's fairly local -- my wife works in D.C., and we were going to be moving this year no matter what. Moving from the Virginia side of D.C. to the Maryland side is not a big deal, overall.


Had it been an M.A. offer from any of my other programs, it would be small consolation...but this might actually be worth considering.


If nothing else, I feel a little better about things overall. I was starting to fear that there was something profoundly undesirable about my applications in general...so to make the top 15% or so of applicants to UMD is at least partially relieving...


(Oh, and there's also the intangible Proflorax factor!)




Congrats!!!  I was hoping you'd get something, even better that it's at College Park, and not too far away.  If it helps, I feel that doing a partially funded MA definitely increased my potential for PhD work.  Though to be sure, I've got debt that needs paying off now because of it – so I understand why it's not preferable.

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Well, I suppose this is in the realm of "good news." While I didn't get accepted to UMD's Ph.D. program, I was offered acceptance to their M.A. program. So that's something, I suppose. It might be unfunded, or might be partially funded. The one reason why it's a true consideration for me is because it's fairly local -- my wife works in D.C., and we were going to be moving this year no matter what. Moving from the Virginia side of D.C. to the Maryland side is not a big deal, overall.


Had it been an M.A. offer from any of my other programs, it would be small consolation...but this might actually be worth considering.


If nothing else, I feel a little better about things overall. I was starting to fear that there was something profoundly undesirable about my applications in general...so to make the top 15% or so of applicants to UMD is at least partially relieving...


(Oh, and there's also the intangible Proflorax factor!)




Congrats! I think that's something to definitely be excited about!

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WT: That is interesting. I too polished my SOP a bit after I applied to UMD, yet similarly the program so far has been the only bit of good news (even if "just" a MA).


This has been the source of so much anxiety! I found a typo after submitting my first seven apps (including Maryland) and, of course, revised for the later apps. Honestly, the only SOP I feel really good about is the last one I submitted, UF. It will be interesting to see how this plays out; though so far, it seems to be going well at least for some of us!


And, hey, MAs are great (says the girl with two)...


Also, just got word on funding from Georgia State. They offered funding, which means even if I get 12 more rejections I will be going to a PhD program this fall!

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Also, just got word on funding from Georgia State. They offered funding, which means even if I get 12 more rejections I will be going to a PhD program this fall!


Congrats, In Hac! That's excellent news, and I'm sure quite a load off your mind!


May I ask how they notified you about the funding? 

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This has been the source of so much anxiety! I found a typo after submitting my first seven apps (including Maryland) and, of course, revised for the later apps. Honestly, the only SOP I feel really good about is the last one I submitted, UF. It will be interesting to see how this plays out; though so far, it seems to be going well at least for some of us!


And, hey, MAs are great (says the girl with two)...


Also, just got word on funding from Georgia State. They offered funding, which means even if I get 12 more rejections I will be going to a PhD program this fall!

Wow! Jealous. I haven't heard from GSU about funding, and I emailed yesterday!  :(  Oh, well! 

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Hanna: I e-mailed the director to inquire, so it was a response to that.



Congratulations~! I don't know if you've ever been to Atlanta, but GSU will put you in a fantastic area--cheap housing, cool and crazy music scene, delicious food, public transport that actually gets you places.There are so many college kids up in Midtown (which is like 7 minutes away from GSU, 15 by MARTA) because of Georgia Tech that you'd be able to find a great, cheap apartment with a bunch free amenities (to appeal to the Tech demographic) like free Wi-Fi and free laundry.

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