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Waiting Game Fall 2015


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does anyone know what the process for IFA interviews is? do they interview shortlisted candidates and then choose? has anyone heard of someone having an interview and not getting in? 


thanks! x

If you look at the results page, there are applicants in the past who have explained in the notes that they were rejected after the interview.

Also, if you go to the IFA FAQ page, it explains that all successful candidates will be interviewed.

Does anyone know if all interviews have been scheduled?


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If you look at the results page, there are applicants in the past who have explained in the notes that they were rejected after the interview.

Also, if you go to the IFA FAQ page, it explains that all successful candidates will be interviewed.

Does anyone know if all interviews have been scheduled?



thanks! i don't know if they've all been scheduled, sorry. i just wondered what "all successful candidates" means. successful at being a candidate, or a candidate that has been successful already? 

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Based on the results board I think it means successful as candidates or "short listed." 
I also remember reading one year that they interviewed 30 people but 30 were certainly not accepted.

I wish everyone the best of luck with their interviews.

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A lot of schools seem to have responded earlier last year for some reason. The years before that are a little more in line with this year but that doesn't mean I'm any less anxious. I haven't heard anything definitive in either direction for myself just yet, as reflected in my signature.

I feel like I have the hormones of a teenager while going through the waiting process; a lot of emotional ups and downs.

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does anyone have any guesses which unis will sent out acceptances this week? based on last year Columbia seems like it might be imminent. 


I did not apply there, but I know more than one person who has already heard back from Columbia... at least unofficially.

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Has anyone heard from Princeton, officially or not?

Hi there inner_outer, can you please tell us how and when did you hear from Stanford? I can see that you were declined (Sorry! I am pretty sure that I will be declined as well), but I haven't heard anything yet and in the spreadsheet only a handful wrote that they were invited to an interview. Thanks! 

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Has anyone heard from Princeton, officially or not?

To my knowledge, Princeton has not reached out just yet, although it makes me wonder; has anyone seen a change in their application status from any of the schools they have not officially heard from?

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To my knowledge, Princeton has not reached out just yet, although it makes me wonder; has anyone seen a change in their application status from any of the schools they have not officially heard from?


none of mine had when i checked on the weekend. do you think they would put an acceptance there without emailing you first, or is that only a good way to find out if you're rejected?

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none of mine had when i checked on the weekend. do you think they would put an acceptance there without emailing you first, or is that only a good way to find out if you're rejected?

I'm not sure. I think that some have seen their acceptance before being e-mailed but it seems highly uncommon. I probably check my application statuses three times a week and there hasn't been any changes, even when I know that at least two of the schools I've applied to are definitely in review, because of reasons.

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I was thinking that, too! This week and next week, I feel, will be begin weeks for hearing back.

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I just want to throw out there that CAA was this past week, which likely contributes to the relative radio silence.  I have a feeling things will pick back up again this week.



Yes! I had a few schools who said that they'd expedite my application as I received an offer from somewhere else with a tight deadline and I was wondering why I hadn't heard back but I imagine that this explains it.

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Got my first rejection today, sigh... It was from UT at Austin.  It wasn't the best research fit anyway, so I am not too sad.  Besides, I've got 6 more schools to hear from.


To the Rice admit, if you are reading this, did you get an official email or was it from your POI? I haven't heard anything from Rice yet and my status online hasn't changed either... so I'm getting anxious.


Good luck to the other UT applicants, I'm sure you will hear back soon.

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Got word today that a 2015 MA candidate from a top program received offers from Princeton and Chicago. This person can't go to both but I also don't know where else they applied, they could run the table, super smart. Good news and bad for those waiting to hear from those particular programs I guess. Good luck to all this year.  


Sorry GhostsBeforeBreakfast but looks like you may be in the dark. Like where ghosts live. Boo!

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