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Waiting to Exhale (the wait list thread)

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Officially turned down my offer at OSU, hope this moves someone in off the wait list.



Got the notice last week but I've been on the road-- waitlisted at Cornell for Medieval Studies! It was one of my favorites on paper, so maybe it'll work out.


Fingers crossed for everyone here!


I got into this program and am trying to decide whether or not to visit.  There's a good chance I'll turn down their offer since I have an offer elsewhere that works better for me in many ways (academically sort of, but also in a lot of non-academic practical senses)... but Cornell's program is so cool that it hurts just to write it off (it was one of my top choices).  I'll try and finalize my decision A.S.A.P.   :-)

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Officially turned down my offer at OSU, hope this moves someone in off the wait list.




I got into this program and am trying to decide whether or not to visit.  There's a good chance I'll turn down their offer since I have an offer elsewhere that works better for me in many ways (academically sort of, but also in a lot of non-academic practical senses)... but Cornell's program is so cool that it hurts just to write it off (it was one of my top choices).  I'll try and finalize my decision A.S.A.P.   :-)


You're too kind! I totally get it--they have an awesome department and fascinating faculty. Good luck with your decision!

Edited by margeryhemp
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Theoretically, it is possible for two people to apply to the same schools and each be accepted to their #2 school, which is at the same time the other's #1 school, and waitlisted at their #1 school, which is at the same time the other's #2 school. In which case they will both sit until April 15th, waiting for the other to decline who is waiting for them to decline, until they both shuffle into their #2 school, never knowing what might have been. 


These are the thoughts that are going through my mind as I sit on three waitlists.

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Theoretically, it is possible for two people to apply to the same schools and each be accepted to their #2 school, which is at the same time the other's #1 school, and waitlisted at their #1 school, which is at the same time the other's #2 school. In which case they will both sit until April 15th, waiting for the other to decline who is waiting for them to decline, until they both shuffle into their #2 school, never knowing what might have been. 


These are the thoughts that are going through my mind as I sit on three waitlists.

Exactly the same thoughts.Imagined myself sounding a little crazy if I articulated it

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I've set up visits at both schools that I'm wait listed at. Actually, both DGSs seemed quite eager, or at least willing, to have me come. The rationale from my POV being, if I were to be accepted by either of them around April 15, I would need to have that visit under my belt in order to make my final decision. Which I suppose is true. But it still feels kind of awkward showing up and going through the motions of a visit and not being sure if this place will ever even be a legitimate option for me. Especially since by the time I get there (my spring break is in two weeks) they'll probably have a pretty decent idea of whether I'm gonna get off the wait list. 


This could either go really well or really poorly, I guess is what I'm saying.

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I'm not sure what it says about my application that I've ended up on so many waitlists, be they official or not. That aside, it is really nice to have a group of other multiple-waitlisters so I know I'm not the only one being driven slightly crazy by the process. ;)

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Thanks!  Is it a top choice for you?  It looks like you've gotten into some pretty awesome places for medieval lit already...

Thanks! You too! It is a top choice primarily b/c I do a lot of stuff with queer theory and Masha Raskolnikov's work is amazing (plus there's so much cool stuff happening in that department). If I don't get in, though, I'm definitely happy with my options!

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I'm on the wait list at Cincinnati, too. This is not to sound ungrateful in the least because I'm incredibly happy about OSU, OU, and UC, but can someone please accept me already? I'm beginning to regret turning down my unfunded MA at Temple, but then I remind myself that it was not feasible to pay for a masters degree. 


I'm going to begin practicing breathing exercises. 

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Waitlisted at the last school I had left to hear from... how are five wait lists even possible?!


I have to agree that this is really weird and totally stress inducing. This situation prolongs the stress of admissions season for you. Big hugs.


That said, it does seem like a wonderful surprise is in your near future.

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Waitlisted at the last school I had left to hear from... how are five wait lists even possible?!


Yowch! But yknow what they say about wait lists: faculty wanted you but some arbitrary incidental factor meant another candidate got the acceptance nod instead! In some way you could see it as five acceptances ;)

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Waitlisted at the last school I had left to hear from... how are five wait lists even possible?!


I've been coming here since the 2012 season and I think that might be the record for on here, or anybody I've known, for that matter. 

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Thanks, morristr and 1Q84! Your sunny outlook is much appreciated. :)


I appreciate the confirmation, NowMoreSerious! Honestly, I almost asked if it was (I don't remember there being that many WLs for anyone in the 2013 season). It's a HUGE improvement over my las app cycle, for sure (0/11 for PhD programs), but I can't help but thinking there's some fatal flaw that's stopping programs from pulling the trigger.


Unfortunately, two of the programs are pretty pessimistic about my chances, but I do feel better at least being carefully considered. There is a better chance at the other three, I think. One DGS in particular was really hopeful about making it off the waitlist (and possibly getting a fellowship, which I'm also waitlisted for), so we'll see. It wouldn't be nearly as stressful if my only offer from a ranked program had information on funding yet. *sigh*


Honestly, if any of you more successful applicants would be willing to read my SOP and/or writing sample to help me identify what is keeping me perpetually on the bubble I would greatly appreciate it! Feel free to PM me if you're up for it.

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InHacSpe I'm rooting for you!!!!! I can't imagine the stress of being purposefully kept in limbo when firm decisions are starting to be made everywhere. I really do think that it's a sign that you've done something right that you're getting all these waitlistings because they wouldn't waitlist you if they didn't want you in their programme but I guess there comes a point when all you want is some bloody guarantee

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