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Waiting to Exhale (the wait list thread)

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Wait listed at Indiana- Bloomington. Definitely my top choice program. Anyone have any experience with their waitlist? Do they fill their roster in order of list or by field?


Postwar, congrats! I just got back home to Bloomington today, and have some business on campus--I'll see if I can't dig up some info for you (/ for us, as I applied here too).


I just graduated from IU this fall. I've chatted a lot and very frankly with my mentor about IU's admission processes (he's on the committee this year), and it seems that the wait list is largely decided by who turns down what in which subfield. However, IU has a large focus on Brit Lit, especially 16th-19th century, so if you're interested that subfield they often have more places for you in their program. Any other questions--feel free to message me!

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Me whilst constantly refreshing my emails and checking the results page


I removed all email notifications from my phone, AND I created a new email for my grad apps. So I think I feel a little less tense than I otherwise would. That's not to say that I don't check my email at least every fifteen minutes, but I'm assuming I have mitigated my stress minutely. 

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I removed all email notifications from my phone, AND I created a new email for my grad apps. So I think I feel a little less tense than I otherwise would. That's not to say that I don't check my email at least every fifteen minutes, but I'm assuming I have mitigated my stress minutely. 


That's a smart idea. Also, is it just me or has anyone else gotten more spam phone calls with random area codes during these past two months than they have their entire lives? Because...it's really stressing me out!

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Getting waitlisted, for me at least, feels like a roller coaster. I was absolutely thrilled to get waitlisted because I hadn't heard any good news up to that point. Since I've been rejected to a majority of my schools, and three strong implied rejections, the new ride I'm on is wondering who on this board might elect another school over the one I'm waitlisted at. While I am always happy for those that get admitted to different programs, I hate to admit that I am actually even more thrilled  that those accepted to my waitlisted school are accepted elsewhere because then it gives me hope that I might actually receive an admit from this waitlisted school. So on top of my waning hope of getting admitted to these three implied rejection schools, I'm also checking to see if so and so got admitted elsewhere. Double the anxiety, double the obsessive lurking and checking and hoping. 

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Has anyone here made it *off* a waitlist yet?  Just wondering when, customarily, the shuffling-around tends to start.  


Haven't made it in off the waitlist at UMD, but their DGS said he'd have a pretty good sense by the middle of March or so (before their open house). In my acceptance letter from UConn, they asked that if I'm no longer seriously considering them, that I decline their offer by March 16th, as they'd want to extend their GTA line to someone on the waitlist not much long after that. So I'd be willing to guess that mid-March is standard for many places. Slightly different for most top tier programs, which, as the results board shows, often don't get back to waitlisters until the first or second week of April. 

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Has anyone here made it *off* a waitlist yet?  Just wondering when, customarily, the shuffling-around tends to start.  


I made it off one just a few days after being waitlisted--about two weeks ago. I think it depends on the program. I spoke to my POI on the phone, who was kind enough to send a congratulatory email once he heard I'd been admitted, and he spoke to a situation a few years ago where this particular university had too many people accept their offer. Thus, to keep the cohort down to manageable numbers, available funding, etc. they began extending fewer offers from the jump. This of course means their waitlist tends to be active far sooner than some other schools. 


I think it's fine to have weekly check-ins with the DGS wherever you're waitlisted.


Haven't made it in off the waitlist at UMD, but their DGS said he'd have a pretty good sense by the middle of March or so (before their open house). In my acceptance letter from UConn, they asked that if I'm no longer seriously considering them, that I decline their offer by March 16th, as they'd want to extend their GTA line to someone on the waitlist not much long after that. So I'd be willing to guess that mid-March is standard for many places. Slightly different for most top tier programs, which, as the results board shows, often don't get back to waitlisters until the first or second week of April. 


Yep, I agree with Ramus--mid-March seems about right. I think many people want to visit before making a decision, and open houses typically run through mid-March.

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Has anyone here made it *off* a waitlist yet?  Just wondering when, customarily, the shuffling-around tends to start.  

No. Grrrr. People, if you don't want to go to Chapel Hill, for the love of Caroline's sanity and dewy complexion, please turn down their offer. (Especially if you're C 19 American hehehe) This is giving me stress wrinkles. 


I need to stop complaining though because I have a bitchin' offer from Austin. 

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Really stressed out about being on the maryland English PhD waitlist (for textual and digital studies) and on the one for UT Austin Digital Literacies --Any idea/leads/info about movement in these programs will be appreciated


Life is sad

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I turned down my Austin wait list, though I was not in that area, so I hope that helps!

Also, I'm at the top of the list for my area at the other school to wait list me, which is more than a little anxiety inducing, I gotta say.  

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Declined my Oregon offer today. I hope somebody here gets the spot!


Thanks! If only I were 19c! :)


I'm expecting to get a "no" from Oregon this weekend, but on behalf of everyone waiting to hear I must thank all of you making decisions early!

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All the kudos to you folks who are turning down offers this early.




While I am amongst those who are suffering in wait list purgatorio, I've tried to be very careful not to pester or beg others to turn down their offers. They deserve all the time they need to make a very, very important and tough decision!

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\While I am amongst those who are suffering in wait list purgatorio, I've tried to be very careful not to pester or beg others to turn down their offers. They deserve all the time they need to make a very, very important and tough decision!

Ditto to this. I find myself wanting people to turn down offers so that AYE can get into more schools and take MY time to muddle though my decision. Which, you know. Isn't really all that much better, since then I'll be sitting on spots that somebody else wants. I need to remind myself: in the end we'll all have plenty of time to figure it out.

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I have been wait listed for the PhD in English Program at the University of Minnesota and the University of Missouri. Obviously, at this stage all that one can do is- wait! I have been told that there is a high possibility of receiving an offer (hopefully with funding) but that might take a great amount of time...may be months, depending on when another applicant declines the offer.  That surely is perplexing because it is already March and this 'waiting' period might just extend up to the end of April! Anyway my question is -latest by which month are all wait list offers made?  :)  Best of luck to people who are in a similar situation.

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I have been wait listed for the PhD in English Program at the University of Minnesota and the University of Missouri. Obviously, at this stage all that one can do is- wait! I have been told that there is a high possibility of receiving an offer (hopefully with funding) but that might take a great amount of time...may be months, depending on when another applicant declines the offer.  That surely is perplexing because it is already March and this 'waiting' period might just extend up to the end of April! Anyway my question is -latest by which month are all wait list offers made?  :)  Best of luck to people who are in a similar situation.

The first round of offers has until April 15th, so you should expect everything to have been made by (at latest) the third week of April, assuming someone declined on the 15th and the paperwork for your offer took a day or two to come together. 

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The first round of offers has until April 15th, so you should expect everything to have been made by (at latest) the third week of April, assuming someone declined on the 15th and the paperwork for your offer took a day or two to come together. 

Thank you for your reply. Will try and keep my nerves together in place till April. 

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