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What to Wear to an Open House?


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I have been accepted into a program that is hosting an Open House at the end of the month. The problem is.. I have absolutely no idea what to wear S:. The events consist of an evening (seems like a casual-ish event hosted by grad students) followed by a full day of... well, the Open House.


One, It's very northern, so will likely be (very) cold. 

Two, I'm a female, so I don't think I can go with the good ol' dress shirt-tie-dress pants combo.


I'm open to any suggestions. Thanks you!!

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Go with fleece-lined tights or buy long underwear. You'll be walking in and out of buildings and you don't want to be cold. If it's a snowy location, you may want to consider the amount of traction those boots have when you buy them. I live in a snowy area and I wear my snow boots basically every single day lately, at least when I'm going between buildings.

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Ah that sounds perfect! Thank you so much. I'm looking around Macy's now. Finally gives me an excuse to buy knee high boots.

I've treated this whole open house thing as an excuse for overdue shopping for boots, clothes, bags etc. Now if I can just put as much effort into preparing for this thing academically...

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It sounds like you haven't already been accepted, right? If so, I think it'd be okay to edge a bit towards formal.Try emailing a grad student or two to ask. They are probably used to answering questions about the program anyway and you would be able to get the perspective of an admitted student. You could even ask your POI. One of mine answered with the info quickly. 


I also emailed a student from my UG lab who had been admitted to one of my schools for info on this very thing. She then forwarded me to one of her friends in the department as well, so now I'm pretty confident of what the dress code is. 


As a fellow female applicant, I feel your pain. Asking older male faculty about this is awkward and often fruitless. 

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I'm about to go to one at Arizona State, so I need some different dressing advice. Is a black pencil skirt with a nice shirt (maybe a blazer too), too much? Or appropriate given that this is my top choice?

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I'm about to go to one at Arizona State, so I need some different dressing advice. Is a black pencil skirt with a nice shirt (maybe a blazer too), too much? Or appropriate given that this is my top choice?

I think that's perfect, as long as the blouse has a collar. You can remove the jacket if needed.

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