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Decisions 2015


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I woke up today with a strong sense that one of my programs is the right choice. I'm still going to a few more visits and talking to a few more POIs, but I'm pretty certain of what my choice will be.

I wish all the rest of you luck in the programs you've chosen or with your impending choice!

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I thought I made a decision but certain complications have arisen.  Additionally, as I'm moving with my partner, my choice needs to have something for her career path as well.  That definitely increases the challenge. 

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Yeah that's rough. I'm really impressed by people who are able to coordinate a huge change like this when they have a partner to consider. I'm lucky it's just me and my daughter. She thinks it's a democracy, but I'm really the dictator of this relationship haha

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@Heimat (quote not working) - I'm totally with you on this one. I'll be declining one last offer today - mind's made up. Honestly my top two choices were essentially equal for me academically (a nice problem to have) and so I am picking based on where my partner can find a job and where we want to live at this stage in our lives. It seems like the pressure is ramped up when you're choosing for two.


Although @Ashiepoo you are totally choosing for two also. It must be hard to think about schools/childcare/life with a kid in a new place. Good luck to you both!

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Yeah that's rough. I'm really impressed by people who are able to coordinate a huge change like this when they have a partner to consider. I'm lucky it's just me and my daughter. She thinks it's a democracy, but I'm really the dictator of this relationship haha

Still!  You have childcare/schools to consider!  I don't know how old she is but it sounds like you'll want to be sure that her early schooling years start off right :)

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Yeah, researching schools and child care added an element of stress for sure, but I only applied where I felt comfortable bringing my kid, places with decent schools nearby. Maybe I'm a cynic, but I think kids are easier to deal with than grown ups haha

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Congrats, Gambaosaka! I hope they don't give you a hard time getting the visa.


Chiqui, I think the added generous funding demonstrates they really want you at NYU and that you shouldn't read too much into the (apparent) aloofness of the POI.

I never heard back :shrug:

Edited by Chiqui74
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Thanks everyone!  I definitely want to keep in touch with everyone (as time allows of course) and find out how all of your programs are working out. Also, I'm sure commiseration will be necessary from time to time. 

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I'm with you Heimat! We should do a google chat every now and then, catch up on how our classes and research are going.

I spoke to my MA adviser, and she gave me great advice. After discussing the pros and cons and what I was thinking, I was glad to hear she agreed that UC Davis is the best choice for me. Had she disagreed it wouldn't change my mind, but I'm happy to have her confirm that my anxieties about Minnesota weren't overblown. I have nothing against Minn--it's an exciting and thriving department. I love that a bunch of strong female scholars run the history program, and I totally dig the interdisciplinary emphasis. But I couldn't get over certain instabilities that I feel would limit my ability to do my best work.

So yeah, I'm going to Davis, and I couldn't be happier! :)

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Congrats ashiepoo as well! My undergrad thesis advisor, who is a Colonial period historian, went to UC Davis for his Ph.D. and he told me he loved it so much so I really think that you'll enjoy it too! :)

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As I indicated, I'm almost certain (with still a tiny bit of chance for making a change to Claremont) that I will attend U. Hawaii Manoa so, if there's anyone who actually decided to attend there, hit me up! :)

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Financial stuff, mostly. I think a large part of their funding issue stems from the grad students not being unionized. The UCs have achieved some pretty significant gains because of the union. At the end of the day, Davis offered me more stability, which will make working and living less stressful. I'm not just a historian, I'm a mom, and my daughter is one of the main factors in my decision. I'm sure you and other parents can relate, Chiqui! And really anyone with a 2-body problem.

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I see.  That makes sense.  I think that most grad students are not unionized though, so those of us who have been accepted to schools who do have grad student unions are lucky.

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