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McGill or NYU?


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Admitted for a PhD in Music Technology, cant make a decision in this moment, had hope that university rankings would settle this decision but they are very inconsistent over which one is better.





PROS cheaper living costs, more interesting projects, potentially higher grant

CONS cold weather, canadian PhD maybe wont get me a job in USA


NYU Steinhardt


PROS more job prospects, living in new york, international networking

CONS much higher living costs, probably music tech is a minor part of the music department compared to mcgill


gotta decide by 5 march!!!

any thoughts?

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A Canadian PhD is pretty much like an American PhD (and they're both generally different from PhDs from elsewhere, yes). I don't think you need to worry about that part at all.


From what you've described, I'd say go for McGill, but if you can talk to the people more or maybe visit these departments I think that would be good.


I've never been to Montreal, but I've only heard good things about it, so I'd say location is also a plus for McGill.

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I would go to McGill personally because of the reputation of the school, lower cost of living, and it's also a much safer city than NYC. Montreal is definitely cold though. I'd recommend living walking distance to campus and a metro station if you do not drive and getting a Canada Goose winter coat. They're pricey but will keep you toasty warm.

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Thanks for the opinions, unfortunately I can't visit as I am living in UK and its too expensive to go there just for that. I'm relying on youtube tour videos :)

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I'm an American who will be attending UToronto come the fall for my masters. Canadian unis are fantastic and I've found the U of T, UBC, and McGill students to be of a similar calibre as students at Berkeley, Cornell, Brown, Michigan, and Carnegie Mellon. Their reputations also hold up quite well globally, and employers recognize their value in the states. With that said, is it better to go to the 2nd/3rd best Canadian uni than the 20th best American uni? I'd say probably  ;)

Edited by Buffalofan4255
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In general McGill is a very well known and respected school. Like other posters, I don't think there would be a benefit of prestige of one university over the other. I say that though not knowing anything about your program and rankings.


And for all the comments about cold, yes Montreal is cold but so is NYC. It's not like you're comparing Los Angeles to Montreal.  


Congratulations on two great offers. Very exciting! 

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A lot of students have their reading week in the 3rd week of February, and some have it this week. So some students will be on vacation or taking the week off. Hopefully you'll start to hear back from them soon. 

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I live in Montreal and I can tell you that if you have good winter boots and a warm jacket, you'll be fine. McGill has an excellent reputation and Montreal is a very welcoming city. Living here is also super cheap and tenants have a lot of rights in Quebec vs. most other places.

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I studied at NYU and continue to live in the area/collaborate with profs there so if you have any questions about student housing, the area, etc. I'm happy to answer them. I will say this, NYU is EXTREMELY safe. NYC is not a dangerous city at all when you compare it to places like Glasgow or Baltimore, etc. There are areas of the the city that are dangerous, but as long as youre not in those areas (which you likely won't be as they are nowhere near NYU) youll be safe. I'm born and raised in NYC and have never had a safety issue

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  • 3 weeks later...

I recommend McGill!! Montreal is an incredible city - it is so interesting, diverse and fun. It is FREEZING, but as long as you invest in a good parka and warm boots, it shouldn't be a determining factor. The city is still amazing in the winter (check out Igloofest) and then it comes alive in the Spring/Summer/Fall. McGill is a beautiful campus (although, like a lot of bureaucratic institutions, has a lot of flaws). 


I can't speak about NYC but as a current McGill student, I can tell you that it is amazing! 

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  • 5 months later...

Hi afg500, I'm planning to enrol for MA in Music Technology at McGill. However, the website doesn't really show me any courses other than prerequisite courses in the first semester. I'm assuming you're just about going to start school there now: Do you know what courses are mandatory?

The reason I ask is that some Music Tech courses deal more with recording and production aspects (like the one at NYU), and others delve into audio programming and signal processing. I am an Audio Engineering Grad, and want to take on the Audio Programming+Signal Processing route, but don't really have a Math or Programming background - I was hoping they would have those courses.

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  • 2 months later...

Hi afg500, 

Congrats on being accepted! I'm still pursuing my master's degree in Applied Mathematics and I'm planning to continue my PhD in Music Technology. Having PhD offers from those schools is the dream! :)

Now that I posted in here much later than your post. May I ask you which one you chose? And how do you find it so far? --edited--Oops, I just read your signature and saw that you chose NYU. Congrats! The latter question still remains though... :D 

What program was your Masters? My background is from mathematics and I'm wondering whether I have a good chance in applying for a phd in Music Tech. --edited-- Especially in NYU Steinhardt. And what are your thoughts/insights about my case?

Edited by incgnit_0
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