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21 minutes ago, adiJ said:

I'm just wondering (I know that post-interview acceptances are very high and they basically want you if you get invited) how badly did you mess up if at all? You don't have to answer this but how much did you improve in terms of presenting yourself?

I'll openly answer this. I got rejected post interview. One interview was a makeup and so they only had like 4 spots for 12 people or so. I fumbled a question there. The other school I contacted and found out why. I'm a shy person at first and I guess that translated to me not being interested in science. They weren't convinced that I would stick it out for my PhD. To me, that was a huge shock because I freaking love science. The professor who told me that later agreed with me saying my passion was quite clear once he got to know me. So, you never know. They could deduce something you don't even know you are expressing. I hope my passion for science comes through more clearly this time a round. And that I'm not such an awkward scientist. 

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35 minutes ago, adiJ said:

I'm just wondering (I know that post-interview acceptances are very high and they basically want you if you get invited) how badly did you mess up if at all? You don't have to answer this but how much did you improve in terms of presenting yourself?

Yeah, what other people said is spot on. My situation was pretty unique and not really relevant to normal PhD admissions, so I won't go into the details, but in short I was coming from a terminal MS program (low undergrad grades, womp), and one of four people competing for one spot in a very small PhD program at the same institution. Two of us got interviews and were part of the normal interview weekend, the other was accepted. 

So, yeah, weird situation. Most schools do seem to accept most of their interviewees. But, things I learned in that interview that I'm keeping in mind: really know which labs interest you and why. I fumbled answering that a bit. Also know what you hope to get from your career long-term-- why do you care about science? what do you expect to gain from a career in research? Know some current hot-topics in science-- a great question I was asked was what biomedical-related stories I'd read/heard about recently that fascinated me.

Overall: don't worry about post-interview rejection, or that a little slip will keep you out. You will make some little slip, but so will everyone else. Admission committees are humans too, they aren't going to hold it against you.

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I feel like I'm basically waiting for rejections from Emory and UNC at this point. Especially with the recent flood of Emory rejections in the survey. I just wish either way I'd get an official email soon so I could know for sure :(

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22 minutes ago, Jmoney$$ said:

CONGRATS! Here's to hoping they get back to the rest of us soon...

Thanks! according to the survey no one else has heard back so I think they'll be sending more out, so I wouldn't lose hope yet! 

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