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2016 Applicant Profiles and Admissions Results


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2 hours ago, biotechie said:

Guys... We've been over this. Schools have a schedule they send out these things, and the poor admins that are in charge of scheduling/calling/emailing have whole programs to run in addition to that. You shouldn't call them unless you have a problem with your application (like a letter writer is going to be late or you have materials missing). Calling them to nag about your application is not only rude, but it also can cause them to put negative marks on your application. The admins keep track of who calls, etc. Be patient. It will either happen or it won't. Calling will likely NOT get you the information you desire as they are only given the information on a need to know basis.

Think about the extra work this is causing for the admins, too. Say a program receives 1,000 apps. 500 don't receive invites and decide to call or email asking about their status. Estimate that it takes the admin 5 minutes to respond to each person (read email or listen to phone call, look up name, respond). That's over 40 hours of extra work for that poor admin. Granted, I don't think all 500 are actually inquiring, but for every 12 who do, that's an hour of time that can't be spent on other job duties.

So while it may seem to you as if your individual request is no big deal, all the inquiries combined become a large amount of additional work for an admin who is most likely extremely busy working with the students who are coming for interviews in addition to all their other regular job duties. 

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@biochemgirl67 Haha, the only thing that I would've understood from your response would be the boots if I was reading this 6 months ago (I still can't picturise the grey strappy part though). The only reason I know knit pants now is because now I have a girlfriend who is in love with her LL Bean knit pants, which actually look like sharp trousers but are super soft and comfy and warm. She shows up for company presentations in those and also naps in those.

And I hate her for those coz I haven't found something similar for myself :angry:

Edited by Microburritology
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10 minutes ago, Microburritology said:

@biochemgirl67 Haha, the only thing that I would've understood from your response would be the boots if I was reading this 6 months ago (I still can't picturise the grey strappy part though). The only reason I know knit pants now is because now I have a girlfriend who is in love with her LL Bean knit pants, which actually look like sharp trousers but are super soft and comfy and warm. She shows up for company presentations in those and also naps in those.

And I hate her for those coz I haven't found something similar for myself :angry:

LOL I'm sure my boyfriend can feel you.  I was packing and he asked what I was wearing... He thought I could just answer "A suit" or "some khakis" but alas womanhood is cruel.  :P  And yeah, those knit pants sound about right!  You could wear colored khakis or chinos to the same effect and not have to wear jeans.  That would be good for "casual" I think.

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52 minutes ago, peachypie said:

DO NOT CALL.  Again, this is unnecessary and inappropriate.  Please stop doing this to program admins.  Assume a rejection if that is the information you need to hear and you will only be pleasantly surprised.  Anything can happen and invites do go out later.  To some extent it is true that "no news is good news" but knowing that interviews are starting for many programs and ongoing means that it may be more like "no new is ok news but not great news".  I would suggest right now focusing on any and all interviews you have.  Not contacting schools that have not contacted you at this point and simply waiting to hear results and prepare for interviews and spend your other time focusing on school if you are still in undergrad or your job if you are working.  enjoy life for the moment.

Agreed. I have not called any of my radio-silence schools, nor do I plan to. I've gone through the survey results from past years, which gives an idea if schools send interviews out in one or two big waves, or if they do small batches throughout the season. If I was not included in schools that do big waves (CAMB, Weill) I just assume rejection. Going through past year surveys, you also see that most schools don't send rejections until later in the season, when interviews have past.

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1 hour ago, Ecogirl5 said:

Has anyone gotten an official interview offer from Standford biology? I know most of the other departments sent out offers last Friday but there isn't anything from biology department in the survey except for a post about receiving an email from a POI.

I got an email from the department shortly after an email from POI. And then another email from a professor who I had absolutely no idea who he was and didn't put him in my list of POI... awk

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35 minutes ago, peachypie said:

2.  I am a woman and I did a pant suit for interview day.  I wore my pants, heels, tucked in button down/blouse and had my suit coat with me.

Do you think I can get away with wearing booties with my pantsuit? I realize it's unconventional but I doubt I'll be very graceful on heels when my feet are cold... Also, this may seem like an odd question, but what kind of handbag did you wear to your interview? I'm not one to carry purses normally so the only appropriately sized bag I have is a Longchamp Lepilage. 

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12 minutes ago, 123hardasABC said:

Do you think I can get away with wearing booties with my pantsuit? I realize it's unconventional but I doubt I'll be very graceful on heels when my feet are cold... Also, this may seem like an odd question, but what kind of handbag did you wear to your interview? I'm not one to carry purses normally so the only appropriately sized bag I have is a Longchamp Lepilage. 

I am not entirely sure what booties are you referring to.  Are you talking about the kind that cut off at the ankle but look like a boot otherwise?  Or are you talking about actual boots.  Either way, your pants will cover over that so it shouldn't matter.  I used a tote bag for my interviews.  Something similar to this:s-l300.jpg

Which is very similar in style to Longchamp.  Mine is actually JPK which is about as close to a longchamp as you could probably get, so yours should work just fine!  I found it really nice since it was something I could use for plane carry-ons, nice to carry my stuff with me during interviews and can kind of go for a variety of events (dinners and interviews).  It was nice to have something where I can stash a water bottle and my personal belongings. 

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32 minutes ago, 123hardasABC said:

Do you think I can get away with wearing booties with my pantsuit? I realize it's unconventional but I doubt I'll be very graceful on heels when my feet are cold... Also, this may seem like an odd question, but what kind of handbag did you wear to your interview? I'm not one to carry purses normally so the only appropriately sized bag I have is a Longchamp Lepilage. 

YES.  I think booties are probably preferable to heels!  I'm wearing loafer things (see below) on interview day and flat ankle boots every other time.  And my handbag is more of a tote.  I'll show you below as well! (Although the one I found isn't the same one.  Mine is dark blue and more neutral)

UMMMM some internet monster ate my pictures.  Sorry.









Edited by biochemgirl67
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4 minutes ago, wintergreens said:

Is anyone still holding out hope for MIT biology? Do they ever send second round of interviews?

Based on the survey results you'll likely know yes or no by the end of this week. 

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1 minute ago, wintergreens said:

Have there been cases of yes in the past?

Apologies, I meant as in whether you receive an invite or a rejection. 

If you meant an invite after the first set (it seems like they send the majority of invites on the same day), I think I spotted at least one... 

Edited by miky
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5 minutes ago, peachypie said:

I am not entirely sure what booties are you referring to.  

Mine is actually JPK which is about as close to a longchamp as you could probably get, so yours should work just fine!  I found it really nice since it was something I could use for plane carry-ons, nice to carry my stuff with me during interviews and can kind of go for a variety of events (dinners and interviews). 

They're just plain, dark brown leather booties with a slight heel. These to be specific: http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/sam-edelman-petty-bootie-women/4126689?origin=category but again, in dark brown. 

And that's actually why I have a Longchamp. It's the most comfortable travel bag and nice enough that I can wear it out if I need to. Plus, it also folds up to a little square for easy storage. I recently discovered that it makes a great grocery bag if you just moved to a snowy climate but haven't moved your car yet (aka, me).


4 minutes ago, biochemgirl67 said:

YES.  I think booties are probably preferable to heels!  I'm wearing loafer things (see below) on interview day and flat ankle boots every other time.  And my handbag is more of a tote.  I'll show you below as well! (Although the one I found isn't the same one.  Mine is dark blue and more neutral)



Your attachments don't show on my computer :(

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2 minutes ago, 123hardasABC said:

They're just plain, dark brown leather booties with a slight heel. These to be specific: http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/sam-edelman-petty-bootie-women/4126689?origin=category but again, in dark brown. 

And that's actually why I have a Longchamp. It's the most comfortable travel bag and nice enough that I can wear it out if I need to. Plus, it also folds up to a little square for easy storage. I recently discovered that it makes a great grocery bag if you just moved to a snowy climate but haven't moved your car yet (aka, me).


Your attachments don't show on my computer :(

Fixed it.  I don't know why that was so hard.

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I feel like I'll stick out because I'm not much of a pants person so I opted for a nice black dress, blazer, tights and booties with a neutral colored scarf for a bit of color. I feel like that should be okay..?

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4 minutes ago, Effloresce said:

I feel like I'll stick out because I'm not much of a pants person so I opted for a nice black dress, blazer, tights and booties with a neutral colored scarf for a bit of color. I feel like that should be okay..?

Sounds legit to me! I've seen potential grad students mill around during interview weekend here and what they wear kind of runs the gamut (I once saw a dude in flip flops lol). I've seen people wear dresses, you'll be fine. 

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I think you all are overthinking what to wear ;) I got an MS at a school with a solid phd program, and have since been working in biotech for 3 years...  I've seen my fair share of interviewees and presenters and grad students. Just wear something that you feel comfortable in and use common sense as far as dressing nicely, you will be fine.

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1 hour ago, parafilm said:

Agreed. I have not called any of my radio-silence schools, nor do I plan to. I've gone through the survey results from past years, which gives an idea if schools send interviews out in one or two big waves, or if they do small batches throughout the season. If I was not included in schools that do big waves (CAMB, Weill) I just assume rejection. Going through past year surveys, you also see that most schools don't send rejections until later in the season, when interviews have past.

Also agreed. However if there's a legit concern people should not be afraid to call. I tortured myself for a few days before mustering up the courage to call about my app and it turned out they had forgotten to send me the email saying my application was completed and had reviewed me weeks ago. 

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Hey did anyone here post the Northwestern DGP rejection in the survey about them saying they had sent out all interviews? Did that mean they had emailed everyone who would get an interview and rejections would go out next week, or that all decisions have been made and those (both interviews and rejections)  will be sent out next week? Because last year a few interviews were sent out next week, and only 2 from early December are listed for this year. 

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3 hours ago, Ecogirl5 said:

Has anyone gotten an official interview offer from Standford biology? I know most of the other departments sent out offers last Friday but there isn't anything from biology department in the survey except for a post about receiving an email from a POI.

When I contacted them last week, the program admin told me that most of the invites would go out on Friday (Jan 8th) and that few very would go out early this week. So if we haven't gotten an invitation yet, I think it's pretty unlikely that one will come through at this point. 

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53 minutes ago, 123hardasABC said:

They're just plain, dark brown leather booties with a slight heel. These to be specific: http://shop.nordstrom.com/s/sam-edelman-petty-bootie-women/4126689?origin=category but again, in dark brown. 

And that's actually why I have a Longchamp. It's the most comfortable travel bag and nice enough that I can wear it out if I need to. Plus, it also folds up to a little square for easy storage. I recently discovered that it makes a great grocery bag if you just moved to a snowy climate but haven't moved your car yet (aka, me).


I think those shoes will work just fine. 

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36 minutes ago, Effloresce said:

I feel like I'll stick out because I'm not much of a pants person so I opted for a nice black dress, blazer, tights and booties with a neutral colored scarf for a bit of color. I feel like that should be okay..?

That should be fine just might be a bit cold for some of those interviews.  Tights help but they don't protect you much from cold, wind, and snow.

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9 minutes ago, peachypie said:

That should be fine just might be a bit cold for some of those interviews.  Tights help but they don't protect you much from cold, wind, and snow.

yeah, i'm kinda crazy in the sense that i'm a dress and leggings person in the winter so i'm prepared for the cold!

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