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Cultural Anthropology PhD // Fall 2016


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Nothing yet. I'm biding my time, but it's hard living with my parents and waiting to see if my life will be able to move forward or not. I'm 25, I got back in July from living in China for two straight years with the U.S. Peace Corps, I'm fluent in Mandarin Chinese, and I am applying for PhD in cultural anthropology to the schools listed in my signature with a focus on China.

I am a full-time server and a part-time Chinese translator for a local loan consultation company here in east coast Florida. I'm so nervous, because I'm not sure what I would do next if I didn't get in to one of my desired schools... 

Anyone care to join me in whining and waiting?





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Just received an e-mail from Emory saying that interview invitations will be sent out after February 8th to be held in March, and that you're only invited if you receive the e-mail...otherwise, it'll be nothing.

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13 minutes ago, intellect954 said:

Just received an e-mail from Emory saying that interview invitations will be sent out after February 8th to be held in March, and that you're only invited if you receive the e-mail...otherwise, it'll be nothing.

I always found this odd. I guess it's because those emails are just too expensive to send out? ;) 

They do require a measure of time.

If memory serves, aren't Anthropology departments fairly competitive?

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Haven't heard anything from the schools I've applied to, either. The only notification I've gotten was from Notre Dame, who said we would be updated by January 20... but I haven't heard a peep :D My impatience has ramped up this week. Anyone remember that meme from "The Help" going around that was a picture of the toddler pounding on the window and crying? I feel a bit like that, as I'm saying "Accept meeeeee!!" I'm coping by eating a lot of cheese and working out a ridiculous number of hours each week, hoping each time I check my phone post-workout I'll see an acceptance email.

Here's to hoping everyone gets into their dream department with their dream advisor/committee!!!!

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Ah, so this is corner of Grad Cafe where the cultural anthropology consortium gathers. I may as well toss my hat into the pool too. I only have one school in common with both of you: Duke. Looking at the results of years past, I'm a bit disconcerted that I've yet to hear anything as far as interviews for that school; however, I'll take the lack of any confirmed results thus far as a glimmer of hope.

But I agree with the above: Cultural Anth admission statistics are insane. But I was told that if you take out the applicants who aren't qualified in the slightest, that number becomes somewhat less drastic. Hopefully I'm on the right side of that divide!

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9 minutes ago, notanarcissist said:

But I agree with the above: Cultural Anth admission statistics are insane. But I was told that if you take out the applicants who aren't qualified in the slightest, that number becomes somewhat less drastic. Hopefully I'm on the right side of that divide!

My understanding is that this is pretty common within all disciplines.

For example, philosophy undergrad with no technical experience applying for an engineering program. Weird stuff like that. I've heard it's pretty easy to dismiss a considerable chunk of applicants almost immediately.

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I applied to Berkeley sociocultural! Which is so, so, so competitive. But I think this might be me anyway down there v ;)

5 minutes ago, notanarcissist said:

But I agree with the above: Cultural Anth admission statistics are insane. But I was told that if you take out the applicants who aren't qualified in the slightest, that number becomes somewhat less drastic. Hopefully I'm on the right side of that divide!

This isn't just a pity party I'm throwing for myself: I think I have as good a shot as anybody—however slim that might still be—at some of the non-social programs I applied to. But given how absurdly competitive Berkeley is and that sociocultural was a bit of a reach for me anyway....yeah, I think I might be the applicant described in red! haha

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Woo. I'm not alone anymore. And, probably not, I'm in Florida, so I haven't attended anything. ;/

1 hour ago, Lexie16 said:

PhD, baby!! Just so I can sign the next 7-9 years of my life away becoming an expert on something :D Maybe we will see each other! Did you go to one of the Rutgers Departmental Open Houses, by chance? We might have already met!


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16 hours ago, notanarcissist said:

Ah, so this is corner of Grad Cafe where the cultural anthropology consortium gathers.

Hahahaha, apparently!!! We have finally all found each other to commiserate.

15 hours ago, intellect954 said:

Woo. I'm not alone anymore. And, probably not, I'm in Florida, so I haven't attended anything. ;/


Ok, bummer. I was hoping we'd have already met!! Still, small world it is if we end up attending the same university B)

Anyone have any great coping mechanisms for impatience? I keep trying to read literature for my area of interest and work out a lot, but other than that I'm just impatiently checking my email!!!

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I can't bring myself to do any academic reading until I know I've gotten in. I work full-time with two jobs, do yoga, walk, and hang out with my boyfriend. And eat. And obsessively check my e-mail, too. ;P

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Now that the X-Files has returned to television, I find myself drawn to once again exploring government conspiracy theories :rolleyes: At least it takes up time, right?? 

What I find funny is that waiting for results is really showing me which school is my top choice by a long stretch. It's the only one I'm really anxious to hear from, and I'm laughing because this will make any decision extremely easy, if I'm given a choice :P I never realized that waiting for admissions results could bring those subconscious leanings to the surface so easily!!!

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6 minutes ago, anthroappetence said:

Hi All! Long time lurker, first time poster to the anth/cultural anth threads. I applied to UC Irvine, UC Davis, UCLA, Stanford, Penn, Rutgers, and UMass Amherst. Does any one know if Davis has contacted socio-cultural or physical students? I have seen a few acceptances on the results page, but no mention of which wing is making decisions already. I have only heard back from 1 program which I am interviewing at in a few days. Super nervous! Anxiously checking this forum, the results page, and my email hourly when I should be writing my thesis. 

Nope, no idea... It's possible the acceptances are informal and therefore from a few different subdisciplines, so the decision-making process hasn't really ended yet. Someone apparently heard from UNC-Chapel Hill informally, so my assumption is that they're beginning to make decisions but haven't finished.

This is how I'm picturing the admissions process: everyone in the same rowboat, which has been lit on fire, in the middle of the ocean, without life vests... and it's like survivor, but with how long you can stand the anxiety of not knowing hahaha.

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Got off a Skype interview with faculty... I couldn't really answer any question because I don't know anything. I didn't prepare anything since I didn't expect it. Just regret saying everything....... Literally whining...................

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Hi all!  Glad to see I am not alone in my obsessive email checking.  Looks like folks have received interviews for Berkeley and Duke whom I applied to along with UChicago, BostonU, and UCSD.  Is it the kind of thing where one holds out hope until decisions are final?  Anyone have any insight?

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Hey Everyone!

Yeah I also was fine until up to 2 days ago. Anxiety is kicking in full gear and like you @intellect954 I'm freaked about not getting in this year because otherwise what in God's world will I do with my life??!! I don't know if I can handle another round of applications for fall 2017. The applying is fine. The waiting, a killer. 


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Hello, Cultural Anthropology hopefuls! I'm in the waiting process too. I have the grad cafe results page and my email permanently tabbed on my computer. I check it even at impossible hours like one in the morning. It's a problem.

A lot of people are getting responses now but so far none of the schools I've applied to. I'm applying to the University of North Carolina, Emory, Cornell, University of Mass, Johns Hopkins, the University of Michigan, and the University of Oklahoma. Very anxious to hear something, at least! What is everyone doing while they wait? I'm doing yoga, working, running, and drinking too much caffeine. I haven't been able to focus on studying, though, and I'm worried I'll be contacted for an interview and be completely out of practice. Does anyone know which schools do interviews? I know Emory and JHU for sure, but I don't know about the rest. 

Thanks and good luck!

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@coffeecupinhand Hey there! I also applied to University of North Carolina. I believe that if you contacted POIs before applying or if you have a project that fits in extremely well with faculty interests, you may not be contacted for an interview and be accepted. However, I think they use the interview portion of the application to ask any questions they may have, to meet you if you named them in your SOP, or if a faculty member you didn't mention read your application and said "I'd like to know more!" I believe someone was contacted a few days ago by their POI at UNC with an unofficial acceptance. So that means they're getting closer! Not sure about any of your other schools, but it's entirely possible any of them could do interviews if they want more information or want to meet you.

I was accepted to University of Florida- if you want to read about my project, interests, and background, I posted it in the "Fall 2016 Applicants" thread in the Anthropology forum.

I feel you about the possibility of being out of practice. It's nervewracking to talk about something that means so much to you! And have to say it eloquently. Thank you :)

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4 hours ago, batata said:

Hey Everyone!

Yeah I also was fine until up to 2 days ago. Anxiety is kicking in full gear and like you @intellect954 I'm freaked about not getting in this year because otherwise what in God's world will I do with my life??!! I don't know if I can handle another round of applications for fall 2017. The applying is fine. The waiting, a killer. 


I feel the same way. What would I do with my life?! How old are you? What are your interests? GRE scores?

I feel like these questions are so personal. ;P

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