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Fall 2016 Genetic Counseling Applicants


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@SuitCase It was an MMI, 2 hours 30 minutes long, 4 interviewers and one break, with a tour and lunch provided. The only thing that tripped me up a little was the scenario questions, but they gave you time to think so it wasn't too big of a deal. 30 minutes passes by very quickly though, and I never ran out of things to talk about!

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@SuitCase I'm already flying out to California for UC Irvine, I don't know if I can afford to/want to fly out again for another interview! Especially because I already have 5 interviews, but I'm never sure about whether that will be enough! In reality all I'm doing is getting more nervous just thinking about logistics and getting in to a school, I don't know how I'm going to be able to handle the weeks leading up to Match Day this year.

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@SuitCase Definitely not! I'm just in the camp of always thinking that they invited me to interviews by mistake or something. I've stopped reading the grad student profiles on the program websites, because it's always like "They were a research assistant at XYZ where they published 5 papers, and they worked at a homeless shelter and a suicide hotline, and they started a non-profit where they knit tiny scarves and hats for abandoned kittens." or something like that. 

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