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NYU - Fall 2016


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On 3/15/2016 at 10:47 PM, alyssak112 said:

Hey! I was accepted into NYU silver, 2 year full time  in January and they offered me $7,000. Its not much but my undergrad gpa is from Rutgers and only a 3.12, but I have a lot of experience. I worked as a teaching assistant to kids with severe Autism, was a behavior assistant in a school, and interned at a child therapeutic program where I worked with kids that have suffered from trauma and abuse so I honestly think thats why they offered me anything. I spoke to the financial advisor and he said I can appeal for more money so I wrote a long letter explaining why I would need more money and how involved I would be. He told me they're going to be looking at the appeals mid march so I was assume right now they are going through them. My housemates sister goes to NYU silver and her undergrad was basically a 4.0 and she was offered around 15 or 20k  a year I cant remember which, but way more than me so I do think it has a lot to do with gpa. Hope this helps!

Thank you! I heard of someone who got 15k with a 4.00 GPA but no field experience so I was wondering what they factor in when the award the merit scholarship. I guess the merit scholarship is dependent solely on the undergraduate GPA. I wonder why they only factor that in instead of other variables such as work or research experience. Does anyone know?

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@SW2016 Hey there! I was accepted into the advanced standing program and was offered $12,000 for the year. I appealed and they said I would hear back tomorrow, actually, so I'll update then if they offer me more. My undergrad GPA was a 3.5 and I'm fresh out of undergrad. I'm 22 and have very little experience yet a lot of experience for my age. I've presented my own work at a few national research conferences, taught English to refugees, completed a one year internship with an LGBTQ advocacy organization, and currently work with a foster care agency. I don't have much experience overall, but I think I have quite a bit for my age. I would say they look at your GPA and the overall strength of your application. I don't see why GPA would = more money. I think each part of the application holds weight. 

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Hi there! I was accepted to 2-year MSW program, It's so nice of you all to share useful information with other applicants!

I submitted their financial aid online form to ask for more money about 3 weeks ago and don't receive any reply.

Three days ago, I just received a NYU Financial Aid Award Information email in my nyu.edu mail. I checked my scholarship on albert and found that the amount of money was still the same as before.:unsure:


Does anyone also appeal for more scholarships? Do they reply your email or give you more scholarship?




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8 hours ago, qwrncjd said:

Hi there! I was accepted to 2-year MSW program, It's so nice of you all to share useful information with other applicants!

I submitted their financial aid online form to ask for more money about 3 weeks ago and don't receive any reply.

Three days ago, I just received a NYU Financial Aid Award Information email in my nyu.edu mail. I checked my scholarship on albert and found that the amount of money was still the same as before.:unsure:


Does anyone also appeal for more scholarships? Do they reply your email or give you more scholarship?




I'm in the same position. I called about the appeal on Friday and they said the appeals haven't been sent out yet, that we could expect them this week. :) Byron, the guy who's over it, said he's hoping to get them out early this week. 

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I just got a status update on the NYU Albert page, with a scholarship of $8,000 and work study of $3,000. I haven't received any emails yet about looking over my appeal, or getting an email about my financial aid status, so I'm trusting that Brendon is right and that we'll hear back about appeals this week. :)

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1 hour ago, BrendonSW said:

I haven't heard back regarding my appeal yet. Have you guys? 

I called the social work office and spoke with Byron. He said the appeals are going out slowly but most of them are done. He also told me my appeal amount and said it would post to my account in a couple of weeks. Just call him if you haven't heard back yet. Byron Cortes is his name. 

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11 hours ago, BrendonSW said:

I called the social work office and spoke with Byron. He said the appeals are going out slowly but most of them are done. He also told me my appeal amount and said it would post to my account in a couple of weeks. Just call him if you haven't heard back yet. Byron Cortes is his name. 

Brendon, have you made up your mind on where you are headed?

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19 minutes ago, Opt4theBest said:

Brendon, have you made up your mind on where you are headed?

No, not yet. It's between NYU and U of Michigan. I just can't decide. I'm stuck. Have you decided yet? 

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I will be declining NYU today or tomorrow. I've decided to commit to the University of Michigan. I truly hope one of you gets my spot and I wish you all the very best. I'll still linger around on this thread because you all have been very supportive and kind during this process. :)

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3 hours ago, BrendonSW said:

I will be declining NYU today or tomorrow. I've decided to commit to the University of Michigan. I truly hope one of you gets my spot and I wish you all the very best. I'll still linger around on this thread because you all have been very supportive and kind during this process. :)

Me too. I will decline my NYU offer early this week as well. Hope those who are currently on the waiting list will be accepted soon.

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On 2016/4/4 at 3:47 AM, tudor3x8 said:

Has anyone heard back about receiving an appeal for scholarships? I just got an increase in funding to $9000. It's not much, but any little bit helps :)

I go an increase in funding to &9000, too. That financial aid coordinator seems not very nice haha.

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12 hours ago, qwrncjd said:

I go an increase in funding to &9000, too. That financial aid coordinator seems not very nice haha.

I got an increase from $12,000 to $15,000. I'm wondering if the higher you were originally awarded, the more they give? 

I would do a second appeal. It isn't unheard of. I declined my offer this past week, so that opens up $15,000. Maybe if you appeal again, it would increase to at least $10,000, if not more. Good luck! 

Also, did any other schools offer you all more money? I've heard of NYU matching. You could always submit the appeal form and email Byron Cortes with the other schools offer. He's the main guy this process goes through. 

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