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Schools that do NOT require interviews

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Hey all, 

I know this time of the year is when everyone is freaking out about receiving interviews and waiting to hear back from schools. Good luck to all the applicants that applied for this coming fall. I'm a prospective applicant for the fall 2017 cycle and I'm currently in a post bacc program. I'm already freaking out about future interviews! I'm terrible at them and just the thought of them makes me pretty nervous. I've heard of a few schools that don't include interviews as part of their decision process and I feel like it would be strategic to apply to a few of those as I feel like my academics are a lot stronger than my interview abilities. 

On that note.. does anyone know which schools (one's in California would be great but open to those out of CA too!) don't require an interview? So far I only know of:





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There are tons of schools that don't require interviews. Check out ASHA's EdFind and you can find out. All the schools in my signature don't require interviews except ODU, but they're all East Coast schools.

Good luck!

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If you have time to maybe take a class on interviewing comfort or skills that might be beneficial to your application process!  In my personal experience practice really helps lower the anxiety.  

I'm not in your shoes though so if an interview is not going to work for you, there are a lot of schools in CA that do not interview.  That being said they are WAY more competitive in their selection process so just keep that in mind.  

Fullerton for instance needs a ridiculously high GPA to get in their review pile (which might be to your benefit) and I have heard a rumor that depending on the committee they may just arbitrarily pick from the stack.  I would personally take the personalization of an interview over that potential situation...They also don't require the GRE so a much more competitive school to get into based on those factors.  

Good luck in the process though!  Definitely apply out of state if you are open to it, I got accepted there earlier and they have a lot of advantages that schools in CA do not offer.  I keep telling myself it is only 2 years I can survive the weather haha.  

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7 hours ago, imunster said:

Hey all, 

I know this time of the year is when everyone is freaking out about receiving interviews and waiting to hear back from schools. Good luck to all the applicants that applied for this coming fall. I'm a prospective applicant for the fall 2017 cycle and I'm currently in a post bacc program. I'm already freaking out about future interviews! I'm terrible at them and just the thought of them makes me pretty nervous. I've heard of a few schools that don't include interviews as part of their decision process and I feel like it would be strategic to apply to a few of those as I feel like my academics are a lot stronger than my interview abilities. 

On that note.. does anyone know which schools (one's in California would be great but open to those out of CA too!) don't require an interview? So far I only know of:





EdFind would be a good place to look. Also, of the schools in my signature only UNM has required an interview so far. 

Since you have time before the next cycle, why not try practicing a bit? Start off by video recording yourself answering questions - you don't even have to watch them. Then maybe see if your university career center has mock interviews? Or maybe explain the situation to a SHS professor and see if they'd practice a few times with you. It seems like if you've got the time, it would be worth it to conquer the fear! You can do anything you set your mind to! 

Good luck! 

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Most do not require interviews. Of the ones I applied to those include univ of Virginia, Missouri, Michigan state, northern Illinois, st Xavier, Purdue, Iowa, Utah, Maryland, northwestern, Indiana state. 

Keep in mind many externships especially medical will require externships and then of course jobs. So it'll happen eventually. Even if your interview isn't great that isn't the end all be all. My cohort was talking the other day and several of us agree we kinda sucked at our interviews and still got in, even after being wait listed. 

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8 hours ago, CBG321 said:

If you have time to maybe take a class on interviewing comfort or skills that might be beneficial to your application process!  In my personal experience practice really helps lower the anxiety.  

I'm not in your shoes though so if an interview is not going to work for you, there are a lot of schools in CA that do not interview.  That being said they are WAY more competitive in their selection process so just keep that in mind.  

Fullerton for instance needs a ridiculously high GPA to get in their review pile (which might be to your benefit) and I have heard a rumor that depending on the committee they may just arbitrarily pick from the stack.  I would personally take the personalization of an interview over that potential situation...They also don't require the GRE so a much more competitive school to get into based on those factors.  

Good luck in the process though!  Definitely apply out of state if you are open to it, I got accepted there earlier and they have a lot of advantages that schools in CA do not offer.  I keep telling myself it is only 2 years I can survive the weather haha.  

Hey CBG321, 

Thanks for the input! I am keeping an open mind and will consider out of states but my heart wants to stay in California and possibly SoCal so I can live at home. Which out of state did you get accepted to? I don't think you mentioned and congrats!

4 hours ago, mcamp said:

EdFind would be a good place to look. Also, of the schools in my signature only UNM has required an interview so far. 

Since you have time before the next cycle, why not try practicing a bit? Start off by video recording yourself answering questions - you don't even have to watch them. Then maybe see if your university career center has mock interviews? Or maybe explain the situation to a SHS professor and see if they'd practice a few times with you. It seems like if you've got the time, it would be worth it to conquer the fear! You can do anything you set your mind to! 

Good luck! 

Hey mcamp,

I started looking into EdFind and found 3-4 schools in CA that didn't have "personal interview" listed in their admission requirements. And yeah you make a good point about starting to practice. Interviews will definitely hit me in the future no matter where I'm headed in life. I just feel like avoiding it for as long as I can. HAHA!


ON ANOTHER TANGENT. Can someone give me some insight on how GPA is calculated? I have my BA and I'm working on my postbacc right now. Will my GPA just be my postbacc GPA (only 36 units for the actual communication disorder classes and 9 for some extra classes I'm taking to fulfill ASHA requirements)? Or will schools count my last 60 units (postbacc + remaining units that add up to 60 from my BA)? Or are all schools different?

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imunster- all schools are different! You would have to e-mail the individual school to see which GPA they place more weight on- CSD coursework, last 60 units, or cumulative. Unless your cumulative GPA is quite low, I (personally) would not put forth effort emailing programs about GPA. If your cumulative is low, then definitely put in the energy finding programs that focus on last 60 and CSD! 

I am also a Fall 2017 CA applicant!  It's really interesting to see the perspective of the peers in my undergrad program (many seniors applied to about five only CA programs), vs GradCafe. I am also looking at CA schools, but Bay Area centered, as well as out of state. 

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1 hour ago, jmk said:

imunster- all schools are different! You would have to e-mail the individual school to see which GPA they place more weight on- CSD coursework, last 60 units, or cumulative. Unless your cumulative GPA is quite low, I (personally) would not put forth effort emailing programs about GPA. If your cumulative is low, then definitely put in the energy finding programs that focus on last 60 and CSD! 

I am also a Fall 2017 CA applicant!  It's really interesting to see the perspective of the peers in my undergrad program (many seniors applied to about five only CA programs), vs GradCafe. I am also looking at CA schools, but Bay Area centered, as well as out of state. 

It gets complicated as I transferred from a community college (CC GPA) and then I have my Bachelors (BA GPA) and then now I'm working on my post bacc (post bacc GPA). Don't even know how they will look at it :X

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@imunster  Hey I totally understand before I started this application process I really had no desire to leave this state, and even now thinking of it makes me a bit nervous BUT one of the school's I got accepted to UTD has direct flights home and I feel that if I attend there I will actually have more free time to A) spend time with family and friends and B ) not be super crazy stressed out for 2 years which is the M.O of speech programs in southern california for some reason haahaa.  

I was also accepted to NAU :) meanwhile I am waitlisted at 2 programs in California so I feel content with my options.  I will say absolutely apply out of state even if you don't plan on moving, because it is better to have that option than being forced to wait another year only to end up out of state anyway.  

I did a lot of research on schools so if you have any questions about specific schools feel free to PM me.  Good luck when the time comes, you're ahead of the game by thinking about it now :) 

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Out of the schools in my signature, NYU and UNM have interviews (though I didn't get invited to one :(), and the rest do not: SDSU, UW, PSU, Boulder.

If you search "speech [insert school name or keyword or abbreviation]" in the results page on Grad Cafe, you might see if there were any interviews in recent years.  For example, for San Diego, I typed "speech sdsu" and "speech san diego" and sorted results by date.  EdFind can have missing or outdated info, so it's good to take a look at the program's website and Grad Cafe as well.  Some of the schools I was looking at had changed their admissions process in the past two years, and it wasn't noted in EdFind.

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8 hours ago, talkingcake said:

Out of the schools in my signature, NYU and UNM have interviews (though I didn't get invited to one :(), and the rest do not: SDSU, UW, PSU, Boulder.

Whoops- I just got an acceptance from NYU earlier today.  For some reason I thought that they required interviews, but looking back at my notes I see that they do not.

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