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Deadline is Friday, no response from professor.


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Just got off the phone with him. He said he apologizes for not responding and that he felt that it was more urgent that he work on the letters than to respond. But he will be submitting them all today. I was very nervous talking to him on the phone that I wrote out a script of what I was going to say. I will update you guys when or if it gets submitted.

No more stomach infections and liver implications for me if it is submitted!!

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Yep. I am in the same boat. I gave my prof TWO months to do this. I keep updating her on it every time I see you. As of now, the applications that are due today does not have a letter. Luckily the rest of my letters are due in Jan, but these two programs are the best. She decided not to be in her office anymore during exam week. I emailed her today and she did not email me back.

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My LOR never got submitted either. Luckily one of the schools allowed me to put 4 names in, and 3/4 submitted a letter so at least I have the minimum 3. The other school though (my top choice) didn't so I am still below the minimum 3 letters.

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On the plus side, I guess, for another school, I finally contacted the missing LOR (different person - this prof has been totally on the ball with every other application) just to check in that she received the automated notice and she said she hadn't. So good thing I followed up!!

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It is and after being told that he would be submitting it yesterday.

Joro, dont despair yet. Sometimes it may take the system a while to update the submission status of your letters. Also, I have a feeling that the admissions will be flexible with late letter submissions. I just got an email from the school today saying that the "hard deadline" for letters of recommendation is almost 3 weeks from the application deadline. This is the same school that told me that all documents have to be submitted by the deadline in order for applications to be reviewed.

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Joro, dont despair yet. Sometimes it may take the system a while to update the submission status of your letters. Also, I have a feeling that the admissions will be flexible with late letter submissions. I just got an email from the school today saying that the "hard deadline" for letters of recommendation is almost 3 weeks from the application deadline. This is the same school that told me that all documents have to be submitted by the deadline in order for applications to be reviewed.

This is true - some of my rec's submissions took a day or two to process (and maybe if they have a lot since it was the due date, it's taking longer??). I don't know perhaps we're grasping at straws... I am just hoping there is some good reason for this!

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I woke up this morning hoping that I would wake up to a bunch of emails saying that a letter has been submitted and guess what!! Nothing!!

AHHHH same here! I am checking my email hoping that the prof will update her letters. But NOPE!

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I'm actually relieved to see this thread. I'm in exactly this situation, and I never expected it. I know that the schools will take the letters late, but this professor is writing the most important one. She's also been incredibly supportive both on the the phone and by e-mail about my application and agreed in July to write them. December 15th was the deadline for a program I'm really interested in attending. That deadline has now sailed right on past. I don't want to send any more e-mails, because I was starting to feel like a really chipper stalker. So now I'm scrambling for a replacement for my remaining apps. and hoping that she at least sends the LOR, even late, to the other program. Yuck.

Good luck to everyone waiting on letters!

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I really wish you had some course of action against this professor. As I said before, it's one thing if he doesn't want to write the LOR for you...it's another when he potentially sabotages your chances with this behavior.

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joro, I'm so sorry to hear about your MIA LOR writer.

Have you graduated from the institution where your LOR writer is located? If not, perhaps you could talk to someone in the admin confidentially about this issue. I know that at my last school, certain profs were designated to hear student complaints in confidence, and help resolve this issue. Or perhaps you could speak to the Academic Dean or someone else at the institution?

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