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We've wined, we've waited, now it's time to celebrate 2016


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@Need Coffee in an IV no way! Seahawks fan here too :P Nice job on remembering the bones!

I'm completely nerding out right now because I have a research symposium all day tomorrow with the medical school & I looked at the talks and ALL of them are exciting and interesting. I'm so excited and I really need to calm down so I can sleep. It feels like my Christmas present has come a little late. Plus my advisor wants me to talk with one of the presenters because he thinks he'd be a good collaborator. Eeeeeeee orthopedics really is my passion and I get to dedicate a whole day listening to interesting things :D YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY

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@hippyscientist OMG THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY YOU ARE A SEAHAWKS FAN. I was born in Seattle and lived in Tacoma until I was about 6. And thanks! I felt super proud. Now I just need to practice more so I can identify them easier/in the field. Thats great that you are going to have a fun day tomorrow!

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@Need Coffee in an IV yeah I just followed my gut in picking a team a few years ago & it had to be the Seahawks. Everyone round here gives me shit for it - move to PA and pick neither the Eagles nor the Steelers to support haha. I'm sure identifying bones & things like that becomes easier the more exposure you have, the more experience you have and the more practice you have. 

We also had a spectacular fail in the lab making the ultrasound case. We were heating up thermoplastic to try and mould it to the probe and it kinda failed & stuck to the probe but wouldn't come off so there was a lot of scratching and picking and everything. Then we realized we forgot to turn the heat gun off. Whoops. We only singed a little bit of the wooden table....

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@hippyscientist Lol tbh a lot of people randomly pick teams. At least you have one, i don't mess with people who claim to have two or more teams they are fans of. Get out of here with that disloyalty crap lol. Honestly, i think so. Plus where i did my undergrad, we don't have that many fossils in regards to triassic reptiles, we mostly had clams, snails, etc.

Lol oh trust me i completely understand technician fails. At one of the museums I was an intern at, we had to mount a cast that we created. But we had to weld the base and the rods....lets just say that if we were on project runway, we would not have finished in time :-P

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7 hours ago, spectastic said:

just found out that i might be getting funding for summer/onward! no more TA?? hooray!

That's exciting! Fingers crossed for you.

So today I had my conference/research symposium and I'm just on cloud 9. I have 2 surgeons who leapt at the chance to collaborate, have invited me to sit in on a surgery so I can better understand the procedure, there's an untapped source of orthopedic funding for collaborations who could fund this research and we're talking about starting as soon as the summer, putting together an IRB as soon as the details are worked out on the new method me and my advisor are creating. I'm so excited! And there might be an another collaboration with another surgeon but this one looking at a different lower limb joint, and slightly different concepts. Today was the first time I felt like I might actually be becoming an expert in my field - I could keep up with the surgeons and researchers, had interesting things to contribute, we had some stimulating discussion and my anatomy isn't as shocking as I thought. Oh and my advisor and I had an amazing "nerd" conversation!! I'm so freaking happy right now :D Then to top it off, I went to yoga class and it was better than medicine and I am SO HAPPY with my studio. I can't stop smiling!!

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7 minutes ago, hippyscientist said:

That's exciting! Fingers crossed for you.

So today I had my conference/research symposium and I'm just on cloud 9. I have 2 surgeons who leapt at the chance to collaborate, have invited me to sit in on a surgery so I can better understand the procedure, there's an untapped source of orthopedic funding for collaborations who could fund this research and we're talking about starting as soon as the summer, putting together an IRB as soon as the details are worked out on the new method me and my advisor are creating. I'm so excited! And there might be an another collaboration with another surgeon but this one looking at a different lower limb joint, and slightly different concepts. Today was the first time I felt like I might actually be becoming an expert in my field - I could keep up with the surgeons and researchers, had interesting things to contribute, we had some stimulating discussion and my anatomy isn't as shocking as I thought. Oh and my advisor and I had an amazing "nerd" conversation!! I'm so freaking happy right now :D Then to top it off, I went to yoga class and it was better than medicine and I am SO HAPPY with my studio. I can't stop smiling!!

oh i've been wanting to do yoga, but never really got into it. it's like a combo between meditation and core exercises, which I need for cycling. right now, I'm just starting to get more into my core workouts. do you yoga independently or pay for classes?

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43 minutes ago, spectastic said:

oh i've been wanting to do yoga, but never really got into it. it's like a combo between meditation and core exercises, which I need for cycling. right now, I'm just starting to get more into my core workouts. do you yoga independently or pay for classes?

So, essentially, both. I'm doing the 30 days of yoga/yoga revolution through online youtube videos (Yoga with Adriene). This is good, but I don't get nearly enough out of it compared with studio sessions. That's not to say you can't get by just with YWA but I do find the alignment corrections, the community feel and the guidance of skilled and knowledgeable yogi teachers means I get more from the practice. But I definitely do yoga more for the spiritual/mental health goodness! It's a good supplementary workout, depending on what style you practice. YWA is hatha yoga, whereas my studio does all sorts and so I mix it up. Yoga can be core focused, spiritually focused, hip-opening, shoulder-opening, powerful (something like power yoga, or vinyasa will give you a workout!), challenging (for me any inversion class), peaceful & restful (restorative & yin...although be aware yin can be very much a mental battle). YOu get the picture. IF you can, most studios have a free trial class (sometimes week), and I'd suggest going so the teacher can show you correct positions and alignment. I find sometimes youtube videos would go too fast if i was trying to figure out what position they were trying to get me in. E.g. I know what downward dog is but maybe I get confused about lotus or fallen side angle or if they call the asanas by their sanskrit names. Sorry I think i've gone on a massive rambling here - I'm passionate about my practice! Hope something is useful in that mass of text!!

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Honestly I love yoga but I'm not at all committed. I used to do it everyday at home but now I'm doing it only once in awhile. Texas is really draining health wise for me. But that all sounds exciting! I just filled out my planner and I'm going to be soooo busy

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9 hours ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

@Need Coffee in an IV Do you suppose it is a seasonal thing? The heat? I'm quite curious.

Ever since I moved from Illinois, I feel re-energized. It turns out that living in rural Illinois (known for its soybean fields) isn't great healthwise if you're allergic to soy!

I've been here since the summer so idk if its seasonal but i think its more likely climate. I do get heat exhaustion but theres also a lot of different spores in the air around here that seem to affect me. My body seems to react best to mountain regions/topography. Plus theres nothing bf and I enjoy around here. We are mostly walkers around parks and neighborhoods. But we can't do that here :/. Also we are on a tight budget so its not like we can just randomly visit state/national parks all the time. We have already been to the closest one around here. Sorry for complaining!

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1 hour ago, Need Coffee in an IV said:

I've been here since the summer so idk if its seasonal but i think its more likely climate. I do get heat exhaustion but theres also a lot of different spores in the air around here that seem to affect me. My body seems to react best to mountain regions/topography. Plus theres nothing bf and I enjoy around here. We are mostly walkers around parks and neighborhoods. But we can't do that here :/. Also we are on a tight budget so its not like we can just randomly visit state/national parks all the time. We have already been to the closest one around here. Sorry for complaining!

Re: air spores - is it perhaps allergies, or something else? Why can't you walk around parks/neighborhoods? Safety? Heat? 


Also, that's not complaining -  we're here to support each other through the good and the bad and I've found that venting on an anonymous online forum helps.

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6 hours ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

Re: air spores - is it perhaps allergies, or something else? Why can't you walk around parks/neighborhoods? Safety? Heat? 


Also, that's not complaining -  we're here to support each other through the good and the bad and I've found that venting on an anonymous online forum helps.

Its allergies, I'm already taking medicine for it but some days are worst than others. For walking around, there aren't really parks we like and its very hot most of the time

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2 hours ago, Need Coffee in an IV said:

Its allergies, I'm already taking medicine for it but some days are worst than others. For walking around, there aren't really parks we like and its very hot most of the time

Sounds like you need to contract a good old case of hookworm !

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Randomly and anecdotally, there probably isn't enough drastic weather patterns to kick the allergens out of the air. Oklahoma is similar. Our rain is either monsoon or nothing, and it's always windy, so there's always something irritating in the air. 

I get allergies in the dead of winter here in Oklahoma.

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Man I'm sorry to hear how crappy Texas makes you feel. In my family we used to joke, because I traveled a lot, that I was allergic to England, but I actually think it's true. From about February/March thru to mid-July if forgot to take medicine and went outside my throat would constrict, my face would swell and I'd look like a million bees stung my face. Very curious to see if I react the same way in central PA because right now, I feel the healthiest & 'cleanest' (best way I can put it, like free of all the crappy sludgy feelings) I've felt in a long time and put it down to being surrounded by hills and mini-mountains! 

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19 minutes ago, hippyscientist said:

@Pink Fuzzy Bunny yeah I cant have cats, I'm deadly allergic. We found that out the hard way at my aunts house! Dogs fine. Cats nope, I'm swelling up. It's amazing how good nature can make you feel though :)

Wow, I think you're the first person I've met who is deathly allergic to cats! That's horrible though - I know a lot of people just come to school with cat hair all over their clothing and that has to be miserable for you.

I feel ya though, but peanuts here. And they're not very cuddly so it's okay.

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@Pink Fuzzy Bunny yeah it's manageable though, it's with skin contact or really close contact, and I'm not a hugger partially because of that reason. Peanuts has to suck though! Ugh I'm so exhausted right now, this semester since we started back has been amazing but totally kicking my butt. I've been leaving the house 7.30am and not getting back til 8 earliest daily. I don't even know where the time is going?! I'm not on campus all the time but I have no idea where the time goes. 

Also tomorrow is AUSTRALIA DAY! we spent the evening cooking australian food - fairy bread, lamingtons and sausage rolls - for our lab to try tomorrow. 

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Omg bugs inside me are one of my nightmares, like I can't watch the mummy because of that. @hippyscientist Omg I have a story. Back in middle school, an Australian basketball team visit our middle school. Can't remember why. Guess what my ignorant school officials did?! THEY TOOK THEM TO OUTBACK

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1 hour ago, Need Coffee in an IV said:

Omg bugs inside me are one of my nightmares, like I can't watch the mummy because of that. @hippyscientist Omg I have a story. Back in middle school, an Australian basketball team visit our middle school. Can't remember why. Guess what my ignorant school officials did?! THEY TOOK THEM TO OUTBACK

In all fairness I do like Outback. I'm sure they enjoyed it too!! 

My mom just got a new car today and she's named it Zulu Warrior because of the license plate - ZLU. I'm so proud of her :)

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