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2 hours ago, Need Coffee in an IV said:

Omg bugs inside me are one of my nightmares, like I can't watch the mummy because of that. @hippyscientist Omg I have a story. Back in middle school, an Australian basketball team visit our middle school. Can't remember why. Guess what my ignorant school officials did?! THEY TOOK THEM TO OUTBACK

This is actually really funny, lol

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@Pink Fuzzy Bunny I'm sorry! Treat yourself this weekend. This too shall pass.

I know this isn't the venting thread but I kinda know you guys. i really hate everything trump is doing. everything. its also for very selfish reasons. Hes making it impossible for my bf to find a federal job. All the jobs he has been referred to and waiting for an interview have been frozen. now we are trying to come up with a plan b. it makes me so angry that this dumb jerkoff froze agencies that don't even make up 10% of our federal budget. Also his plans or the puppet masters just shoving things in front of him are going to make it very hard for me to find a job when i graduate.  But ooooh no, don't worry we are going to spend billions on a useless ignorant wall. You know what we can do with that money?! We could cover every birth and birth care for every woman for 5 months. Do those "pro-life" people care?! Naw, they are just focused on taking away options from others.

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On 1/26/2017 at 7:01 PM, Need Coffee in an IV said:

Omg bugs inside me are one of my nightmares, like I can't watch the mummy because of that. @hippyscientist Omg I have a story. Back in middle school, an Australian basketball team visit our middle school. Can't remember why. Guess what my ignorant school officials did?! THEY TOOK THEM TO OUTBACK

The really funny part is Outback Steakhouse doesn't serve any Australian cuisine.  That bugs me so much.  This could be a cultural opportunity and no one is using it.

18 hours ago, Pink Fuzzy Bunny said:

Wow that prelim exam was a trainwreck. At one point, the professor giving the exam (it was an oral exam) put his head on the desk and said "OH MY GOD". So that's cool.

Fortunately it was divided into two halves - and there's a chance I passed the other half.

Well what kind of preparation were you given?  And what are the next steps since you didn't pass either half?

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@MarineBluePsy You should listen to their voicemail sometime....they really commit to this act lol. What exactly is Australian food? I'm very uncultured when it comes to food lol. I've always wanted to try Greek, Mediterranean, and others but never get the chance

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14 minutes ago, Need Coffee in an IV said:

@MarineBluePsy You should listen to their voicemail sometime....they really commit to this act lol. What exactly is Australian food? I'm very uncultured when it comes to food lol. I've always wanted to try Greek, Mediterranean, and others but never get the chance

Souvlaki is one of my favorites! Also long romano peppers stuffed with feta & chicken & drizzled in balsamic is amazing. Stuffed peppers. Mmmm (I used to live in Greece - Rhodes to be exact so we had a lot of delicious food!). So we made some australian food for the lab the other day - fairy bread, lamingtons and sausage rolls. All are so yummy! Fairy bread is literally just colored sprinkles on buttered bread, lamingtons are essentially a vanilla sponge coated in chocolate and coconut while sausage rolls are sausage meat in puff pastry. Aussie food traditionally is BBQ (but not southern bbq, like aussie bbq), 'surf & turf', kangaroo is delicious, lots of multicultural stuff too. Got a bit carried away there - love my food!

Also @Pink Fuzzy Bunny I'm sorry to hear about the prelims, what are your next steps? And don't get me started on politics, I just had a long ass conversation with my parents about it - they're worried about funding and whether I'll still have it while I finish my PhD. I tried to reassure them but honestly, I can't be sure, none of us can. The world is entering a period of uncertainty and change, I hope we're around to see the other side.

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3 minutes ago, hippyscientist said:

Souvlaki is one of my favorites! Also long romano peppers stuffed with feta & chicken & drizzled in balsamic is amazing. Stuffed peppers. Mmmm (I used to live in Greece - Rhodes to be exact so we had a lot of delicious food!). So we made some australian food for the lab the other day - fairy bread, lamingtons and sausage rolls. All are so yummy! Fairy bread is literally just colored sprinkles on buttered bread, lamingtons are essentially a vanilla sponge coated in chocolate and coconut while sausage rolls are sausage meat in puff pastry. Aussie food traditionally is BBQ (but not southern bbq, like aussie bbq), 'surf & turf', kangaroo is delicious, lots of multicultural stuff too. Got a bit carried away there - love my food!

Also @Pink Fuzzy Bunny I'm sorry to hear about the prelims, what are your next steps? And don't get me started on politics, I just had a long ass conversation with my parents about it - they're worried about funding and whether I'll still have it while I finish my PhD. I tried to reassure them but honestly, I can't be sure, none of us can. The world is entering a period of uncertainty and change, I hope we're around to see the other side.

Ah ok, thanks for enlightening me! That does sound super good. I just saw a a library job open up and the salary/benefits are super attractive....man I wish I was already done with school ha.

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1 hour ago, Need Coffee in an IV said:

@MarineBluePsy You should listen to their voicemail sometime....they really commit to this act lol. What exactly is Australian food? I'm very uncultured when it comes to food lol. I've always wanted to try Greek, Mediterranean, and others but never get the chance

Yes what is Australian food is precisely my point.  We'd all know if that stupid restaurant would serve it!  I always ask this when I meet people who have traveled to Australia and they're always like "ummm meat" which is seriously no answer and annoys me further.  The only thing that would make it worse is if I met an authentic Australian that couldn't tell me about their own food.  I mean honestly.  How are you natively from a part of the world, live there for a huge chunk of your life, and literally not know what the cuisine is?!  I've run into this with far to many people.

I am a huge fan of Greek and Mediterranean food and I personally find it a safe bet regardless of where I am in the US because it is really hard to screw up.  It's basically lean meat, veggies, yogurt, and spices/herbs.  I've never found either to be expensive or swimming in grease which is nice.

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@MarineBluePsy That does sound really good! And I wonder if its because Austrlia is such a big region that there isn't just one majority diet/dish and thats why theres confusion? I feel like it would be similar asking an American what American food is. You might get different answers depending on the region.

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21 hours ago, Need Coffee in an IV said:

@MarineBluePsy That does sound really good! And I wonder if its because Austrlia is such a big region that there isn't just one majority diet/dish and thats why theres confusion? I feel like it would be similar asking an American what American food is. You might get different answers depending on the region.

But every American could explain that, so we do know what our cuisine is.  All of us could talk about differences seen on the West Coast, in the South, the Midwest, or the East Coast.  And also when it comes major holidays (Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, etc) there tend to be key staples everyone understands regardless of region.  So while yes there isn't a one sized fits all answer, we could certainly provide helpful information to a curious outsider.

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1 hour ago, MarineBluePsy said:

But every American could explain that, so we do know what our cuisine is.  All of us could talk about differences seen on the West Coast, in the South, the Midwest, or the East Coast.  And also when it comes major holidays (Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, etc) there tend to be key staples everyone understands regardless of region.  So while yes there isn't a one sized fits all answer, we could certainly provide helpful information to a curious outsider.

And I know you seem to not accept that meat/veggies/BBQ is sufficient, but ask any australian - for events & occasions BBQs will always be there. Christmas dinner is often similar to the UK, but from my experience AUS really is like many US multicultural cities - immigrants bring their food with them. E.g. Melbourne has the highest greek population outside of greece, so there will be a strong mediterranean influence there, whereas Sydney will have a larger Asian influence. Obviously seafood is popular around the coast & there are many cattle farms so beef is ubiquitous! BBQ is a staple. So is a bunch of other Aussie foods - meat pies are pretty standard Aussie fair, while they're consumed around the world they are very Aussie! I'd maybe compare it to bagels and new york. Of course they're eaten everywhere but you get the best in NY. Same with meat pies. 

Edited by hippyscientist
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I guess some people are just oblivious towards things that are common in their daily lives. But I think a cat has adopted me. He/She has been coming to the house everyday. The cat rubs against me, lets me pet he/she and is super friendly. I've been feeding it so hopefully it stays around long enough for me to officially adopt

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@hippyscientist  I think a vague answer like "meat" annoys me because I know they don't literally mean they eat plain meat.  What kind of meat, how's it cooked, how's it seasoned, etc are all things that are unique to places.

@Need Coffee in an IV  Seems like a good sign if the cat has been hanging around so far.  Unless of course he tells all his homeless cat buddies and they all start hanging around.

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all your food posts are making me hungry


we have our recruitment event soon and it's so weird t think that i was in that just a year ago. Also, the new recruits that are interested in our lab are so impressively competent that now i feel like an idiot. Why did my advisor choose me? I feel like I haven't done anything

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7 hours ago, rhombusbombus said:

all your food posts are making me hungry


we have our recruitment event soon and it's so weird t think that i was in that just a year ago. Also, the new recruits that are interested in our lab are so impressively competent that now i feel like an idiot. Why did my advisor choose me? I feel like I haven't done anything

Feeling that way here, too. Hearing about the accomplishments of new recruits makes me think I got in by accident! :P

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I will readily admit that I haven't been keeping up with this thread. I apologize But...

Oh, my! This semester has kicked into high gear. I don't have as much course work this semester, but there's a ton of other things that I'm part of and am struggling to keep up with.

Also, speaking of food, my vegetarian diet is going well. I eat a lot of salads, and I love salads. Mmm. Green stuff.

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19 hours ago, rhombusbombus said:

all your food posts are making me hungry


we have our recruitment event soon and it's so weird t think that i was in that just a year ago. Also, the new recruits that are interested in our lab are so impressively competent that now i feel like an idiot. Why did my advisor choose me? I feel like I haven't done anything

Oh do I feel this! We should try and grab a coffee at some point this semester if you have a free minute!! I cannot believe a year ago I still had no idea if I was going to be going to grad school in the US. It's amazing how much things can change in a year. 

@Pink Fuzzy Bunny going back to your earlier post about the bans, I am so grateful for my department right now. Today 3 separate professors came up to me and said regardless of what goes on politically they have our backs. It actually brought me to tears and I don't cry very often. Feeling like I made the right choice ending up where I did.

@Neist I feel that too. My advisor is trying to push out two papers from the work I'm doing right now and I have a very nearing deadline. But on the positive side we're making progress at lightening speed so hopefully we'll make the deadline.

So, I have a little bit of a dilemma and I want to ask you guys' opinion on "labcest" (aka dating someone in your program who you work closely with). Do you think it's okay or to be avoided? 


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@hippyscientist Not in grad school but bf and I were in the same department for undergrad. It worked out wonderfully for me and we have been dating for over 3 years now. But I guess in my opinion is that love is one of the few things that makes life worth living. I've always had this trick where I flip a coin to decide. However, if I'm disappointed by the result then I have my answer. Plus gravity is one of the things you can always count on :-P

@MarineBluePsy Its been day 4 and the cat has been coming back everyday for love and the meow mix! She sleeps on our porch now.

My semester has been okay, not too busy or slow.

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@hippyscientist I think it's okay, but it might end a little messy. But if it works out, it was worth it, right?

Then again, I'm pretty shameless, so if it was me and things did go bad, I could pretty easily adapt back to the way things were before; I'm not really a person who avoids awkward situations.

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I got some really good news today but I'm contractually obligated to not disclose it and I realy want to yell it out because I'm so proud but I'm not able to! Agh!!!!! 

Also, I'm in this complicated mess of relationships and I'm trying to extract myself without it becoming difficult and it's not going so well! And my advisor has trusted me to be a host to his invited guest while he's out of town so I have to go to lunch with the guy and introduce him at a presentation - and pay him (I have the check). I'm so proud that my advisor trusts me with this.

One more thing, I know a few things I shouldn't know regarding my cohort and professors and it's preying on my mind.

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@Pink Fuzzy Bunny Awe I'm sorry, I hope it gets better! I know this may not be what you want to hear but you could always leave with a masters

@hippyscientist secrets can be the worst ha. but bf and I are going to colorado this weekend, yay!

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