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History 2010


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Wait, you applied to both Michigan and Ohio State? Doesn't that violate some sort of universal law?

I'm surprised a gravitational singularity hasn't opened beneath your feet.

LOL! You might really feel that way if you knew the subject of my masters thesis research and how it impacts both institutions. I suppose if Yale accepts--I've been crossing my fingers so much that they have taken up a new form--me then I can be saved from the inevitablility of being swallowed by a black hole.

Edited by Kai210
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Got my Umichigan rejection today. Bummed me out until I remembered StrangeLight's story about not being able to enjoy her acceptance offer because of worry about outstanding applications. It rang my bell and woke me up. Thanks! Good luck and godspeed everyone!

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I prefer extraordinarily cheap champagne.

Dude you and I are on the same wavelength! Cheap champagne is joy in a bottle. Ever had Andre Blush? that stuff is my poison of choice. But I wouldn't object to a six pack of Sam Adams (Winter Lager, Oktoberfest, or Boston Lager).

Must be our shared birthday that gives us similar taste in alcohol. :)

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FUNNY STORY (for those who have a dark sense of humor, and I suspect most of us do right now)

Way back when I was waiting for Yale admission emails to go out (seems like years ago, doesn't it), I received a high-importance email from an unfamiliar source.

I got all excited, then found out that I was a bone marrow match for a young girl with leukemia (I had registered years ago).

So it was all so very cosmic, me being focused on myself, being asked to do something so important for someone else. It could not have come at a worse time, but you can't say no to something like that. I also thought it could not help to have a little good karma on my side!

Well, cut to today. To my "delight," I only received two rejections instead of three. However, I was greatly relieved to find out that they will NOT need my bone marrow right now because there was a closer match.

I got all excited....I'm like, well, at least that's good news....won't have to subject myself to unnecessary and painful surgery during such a hard time in my life.

Then it just dawned on me. The words. THOSE words "We will not be requiring your services as a donor because we have found a better match."

It was another rejection letter! Even my DNA has been tossed out of the applicant pool!

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FUNNY STORY (for those who have a dark sense of humor, and I suspect most of us do right now)

Way back when I was waiting for Yale admission emails to go out (seems like years ago, doesn't it), I received a high-importance email from an unfamiliar source.

I got all excited, then found out that I was a bone marrow match for a young girl with leukemia (I had registered years ago).

So it was all so very cosmic, me being focused on myself, being asked to do something so important for someone else. It could not have come at a worse time, but you can't say no to something like that. I also thought it could not help to have a little good karma on my side!

Well, cut to today. To my "delight," I only received two rejections instead of three. However, I was greatly relieved to find out that they will NOT need my bone marrow right now because there was a closer match.

I got all excited....I'm like, well, at least that's good news....won't have to subject myself to unnecessary and painful surgery during such a hard time in my life.

Then it just dawned on me. The words. THOSE words "We will not be requiring your services as a donor because we have found a better match."

It was another rejection letter! Even my DNA has been tossed out of the applicant pool!

HAHAHAHA this would be the point at which I'd instruct you to go down to the store and get yourself a six-pack. Last year, immediately after reading a bad-news-bears e-mail from a school, my laptop froze and died. Turns out my video card was shot, but for the longest time, I swore the bastards sent me a virus just to really drive the point home and crush my spirits.

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Got my Harvard rejection in the mail today. I've been staring at my phone ever since I got out of class at 12:30 PM today and I still haven't had a call from Notre Dame. They said they'd send out acceptances today, so I guess this means I am rejected/waitlisted. Sigh.

The Notre Dame thing was just incredibly hard to deal with. They dangled this immensely enticing carrot in front of my nose all the time I was there while keeping me intensely aware that the great, fat stick that could very well fall to my lot instead.

Edited by Alea Iacta Est
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Hey guys, if any of you received the email from Indiana a few weeks ago about not being able to offer you admission because of funds, there is hope. They just offered me a 5 year fellowship package, so hold out hope and contact people. :)

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"Dude you and I are on the same wavelength! Cheap champagne is joy in a bottle. Ever had Andre Blush? that stuff is my poison of choice."

OK this is getting weird. Not only do we have the same exact birthday, but we drink the same variation of the same cheap champagne?! I cannot tell you how many bottles of Blush I go through a week. My friends always try to get Andre Spumante, but I absolutely insist on Blush.

The apartment I share with my friend is decorated with empty bottles of Blush. It's divine/depressing.

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"Dude you and I are on the same wavelength! Cheap champagne is joy in a bottle. Ever had Andre Blush? that stuff is my poison of choice."

OK this is getting weird. Not only do we have the same exact birthday, but we drink the same variation of the same cheap champagne?! I cannot tell you how many bottles of Blush I go through a week. My friends always try to get Andre Spumante, but I absolutely insist on Blush.

The apartment I share with my friend is decorated with empty bottles of Blush. It's divine/depressing.

In another life I was a winemaker/ sommelier, and if either one of you were here (or I was there) right now, the mocking would be really severe . Like, those poor grapes get abused and thrown around like sacks of onions. Try some rose cava from Spain, a lot more love goes in that bottle for basically the same price.

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Hey guys, if any of you received the email from Indiana a few weeks ago about not being able to offer you admission because of funds, there is hope. They just offered me a 5 year fellowship package, so hold out hope and contact people. :)

Wow, a lot of second-round great news today. Congratulations!

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Has ANYONE heard ANYTHING from NYU yet? There was one acceptance posted but no one claimed it and there's not been a peep since. It's driving me crazy!!!

Nothing, as far as I know. NYU is notoriously late in getting decisions out.

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Sorry I don't have $20 to spend on a bottle of wine.

Different strokes for different folks.

Dflanagan and I know what's up.

I'm ready to crawl into a bottle of just about anything right now!

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Hey guys, if any of you received the email from Indiana a few weeks ago about not being able to offer you admission because of funds, there is hope. They just offered me a 5 year fellowship package, so hold out hope and contact people. :)

Congrats! I am now terrified beyond capacity for rational thought, as getting pulled off the Indiana wait list is probably the only chance I have left.

On the subject of wine/champagne, I must say that living in the middle of a winery trail has been... fortuitous during this time of my life.

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On the subject of wine/champagne, I must say that living in the middle of a winery trail has been... fortuitous during this time of my life.

Haha, If I was there, I think the ability to construct cogent sentence structures would be lost to me by now

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I think that NYU result was a fake. Those outlier ones are always a bit suspicious, though I have no idea what jollies someone could possibly get by putting up a straightforward admission result to a school they haven't applied to/heard from.

Folks is crazy...

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I think that NYU result was a fake. Those outlier ones are always a bit suspicious, though I have no idea what jollies someone could possibly get by putting up a straightforward admission result to a school they haven't applied to/heard from.

Folks is crazy...

I find that I don't mind it so much when the trolls are creative. Like the one who was accepted to the University of Zamunda, for example.

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Thanks for the congrats, Nytusse and VampireLincoln. I was fortunate enough to have a potential adviser there who apparently wanted to work with me and who went searching for funds, which were fortunately found. Contact your potential adviser there, Vampire. See what he or she can do. My undergrad adviser told me to do the same last week. By the way, I watched 'The Transient' yesterday. Impressive. The quality of the movie reminded me of 'Townies' (the movie). Good luck!

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