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MS student applying to PhD in another field



I didn't know where to post to get advice, I'm hoping at least this is a good place to start. Yes I do realize this is quite late in the application season.

Background: Originally after my B.A degree in biology, I took a year to volunteer at OMSI in Portland while applying for research tech. jobs in neuroscience. I was hired for a neuroscience lab at MIT where i worked for 2 years and had a middle-author publication.  I then tried applying to Ph.D programs in the fall of 2014, no interviews and no admissions. I then applied for MS programs and then was accepted for a Bioinformatics MS degree at Georgia Tech. I'm finishing a 3-semester professional development degree with no thesis but with research work in a neuroscience & genetics lab - no chance for publications.

Question: What is the best way to describe my meager research experience to a Ph.D program in neuroscience? I am concerned that my lack of publications and accomplishments in 5 years since my BA will hurt me and that my MS degree will be disregarded. Should I try a different field? bioinformatics,  biology or psychology? I am having alot of issues trying to fit my skills and accomplishments where none seem to exist or are relevant. I feel rather stupid for trying.

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