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Hi everyone,

I was wondering if most people submitted their applications with their PRE-FALL grades? I submitted all of my applications by early October, so of course these did not include my Fall grades. Does anyone know what schools prefer/if you can just mail in your post-fall grades if apps have already been locked and submitted?


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I've spoken to CSDCAS representatives over the phone to ask about this (because my fall grades will boost up my GPA). They *BOTH* said (I called twice to make sure I was hearing the correct information) that you can submit it, and update your transcripts later on even after submission. One of my deadlines is 12/15/2016 and my fall grades won't be inputted until possibly, a week after that... so hopefully what they said is correct, because I'd like this fall transcript on my application.

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I heard the same thing, in regards to CSDCAS. I am more worried about the schools that required you to upload and submit your own transcripts. I just found out that you are unable to upload anything new, once you submitted these apps. I'm hoping you can email/mail them directly to your program. I'll call tomorrow!

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One of my schools (I think it was IU) said they didn't mind if I uploaded my unofficial transcript without my fall grades, they would just ask me for an official transcript with them on there if I got admitted. So for all my schools that accepted unofficial transcripts, that's what I've done because I'd rather not wait until the end of Dec. to do so much uploading. For all my schools that only want official transcripts, when I ordered from my university, they give the option to have them sent after fall grades are posted, so that's what I did. Once the end of December hits I will be making sure those transcripts all arrived. The only one I'm worried about is Marquette because the deadline is Dec. 15th but I'm not sure if I knew that when I ordered my transcripts!

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You can submit without fall grades and update them on CSDCAS via academic update. This is a really important process to know about because with so many deadlines on Jan 1, most people don't have fall grades in yet when they submit their apps - you don't want to miss your deadline waiting for them! You can read the instructions for Academic Update here: https://portal.csdcas.org/csdcasHelpPages/instructions-and-faq/e-submission-payment/updating-the-applicationacademic-update/index.html

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