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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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Seems like a lot of Theory folks accepted at Northwestern, maybe the Americanists are tomorrow :D...C'mon Ben Page!

I got a friend that applied to Northwestern for comparative, and when he did not get an acceptance e-mail, he called and learned he is rejected. So I'm guessing its not field by field, all that did not get an e-mail is most probably rejected.

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To an extent, yes. But I was hoping to end up somewhere on the East coast (for personal reasons). So while I am thrilled about Stanford, smile.gif I am secretly hoping for another offer from Yale, Princeton, Columbia or Harvard.

I absolutely don't want to sound like I'm preaching (I wanted East Coast when I applied as well -- didn't get it), but there is a rampant saying where I grew up (South West) that may help rest your soul: "If you're smart enough to get into Stanford you're not dumb enough to turn them down." While this doesn't mean you would be dumb for turning them down if you get into H/Y/P/C, take solace. If Stanford is your only choice, you'll be fine. :D

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I absolutely don't want to sound like I'm preaching (I wanted East Coast when I applied as well -- didn't get it), but there is a rampant saying where I grew up (South West) that may help rest your soul: "If you're smart enough to get into Stanford you're not dumb enough to turn them down." While this doesn't mean you would be dumb for turning them down if you get into H/Y/P/C, take solace. If Stanford is your only choice, you'll be fine. biggrin.gif

Haha... that sounds comforting! smile.gif Well I am certainly not complaining about my offer from Stanford; I am actually really excited about it. It's just one of those places where I find it hard to imagine myself, and since I have never been (I am European) it feels much more distant than some of the other places I applied to, which I have visited before.

But I am definitely going to their Admit Weekend... and who knows, maybe I will fall in love with it!

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There is a post on the main results page saying that Duke will be sending out more acceptances next week. Does anyone have anymore information about this?

(This posting won't appear if you are just looking under political science on the results because political science is misspelled).

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There is a post on the main results page saying that Duke will be sending out more acceptances next week. Does anyone have anymore information about this?

(This posting won't appear if you are just looking under political science on the results because political science is misspelled).

Any news from Yale?

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Haha... that sounds comforting! smile.gif Well I am certainly not complaining about my offer from Stanford; I am actually really excited about it. It's just one of those places where I find it hard to imagine myself, and since I have never been (I am European) it feels much more distant than some of the other places I applied to, which I have visited before.

But I am definitely going to their Admit Weekend... and who knows, maybe I will fall in love with it!

You WILL fall in love with it. I promise :)

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In at Rochester! Pretty excited, wasn't sure if I had enough math background for them.

Congrats to all the UNC people.

Here's hoping Yale ends the week with a bunch of acceptances.

Wow, fantastic. You might ace your applicaitons actually :)

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I received an email from Harvard asking me to fill out the financial aid form (for the Political Economy program). Has anyone filled this out or been requested to? I didn't think schools made you do this if you were applying as a doctoral candidate...

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Hey Rory - looks like we have almost the exact same list of schools (except Toronto and Georgetown,, was going to apply to Gtown but changed my mind last minute) What's your subfield?

IR - you?

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In at Rochester as well with a departmental fellowship (SO GENEROUS)

Congratulations! Very well done! Out of curiosity, would you mind sharing what kind of funding you got? ie what is a very generous offer? I am just asking this because I am an international student and not that familiar with the financial aspects of the American system.I got a 5 year fellowship offered by stanford, but I don't really know if their offer is 'generous' for American standards.

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In at Rochester as well with a departmental fellowship (SO GENEROUS)

Congratulations! Very well done! Out of curiosity, would you mind sharing what kind of funding you got? ie what is a very generous offer? I am just asking this because I am an international student and not that familiar with the financial aspects of the American system.I got a 5 year fellowship offered by stanford, but I don't really know if their offer is 'generous' for American standards.

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