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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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Can anyone claiming the NYU acceptance for the international applicant on the result page ? Seeing international applicant gets notification as well at the same time makes me think I might be rejected......:( ( thought I would be a good fit though)

That would be me, I think. Still not really believing it, though... Maybe I should answer to their e-mail to check if they didn't send it to the wrong person, especially as I felt that I was not a very good fit. I have no idea if they have sent out all the admissions. But I will have to reply to their e-mail soon anyway, so I can ask, if that would help you in any way.

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Can anyone claiming the NYU acceptance for the international applicant on the result page ? Seeing international applicant gets notification as well at the same time makes me think I might be rejected......:( ( thought I would be a good fit though)

Got a reply to the e-mail I sent to NYU. I asked: "An acquaintance of mine has also applied to NYU and wanted to know if the fact that he hasn't received an acceptance e-mail means that he has been rejected (he is also an international applicant)?" Answer was: "I cannot comment on the admission status of any other application except to say that our process is ongoing and all applicants will be notified when it is complete."

So I think there might still be hope. I keep my fingers crossed for you and everyone else who has applied to NYU.

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Got a reply to the e-mail I sent to NYU. I asked: "An acquaintance of mine has also applied to NYU and wanted to know if the fact that he hasn't received an acceptance e-mail means that he has been rejected (he is also an international applicant)?" Answer was: "I cannot comment on the admission status of any other application except to say that our process is ongoing and all applicants will be notified when it is complete."

So I think there might still be hope. I keep my fingers crossed for you and everyone else who has applied to NYU.

Wow:) I really appreciate your help!!! Thanks. This gives me hope to hang on a little longer..... ( It's such a long week, I check my email box every ten minute......compulsive to do so.....)

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Hey all,

New here and nothing particularly constructive to add right now, but thought I'd return the same courtesy you have all shown by putting my app details below in my sig.

Given the number of releases yesterday, I'm pretty worried about Berkeley (my top choice), but hoping I might hear something today.

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The snow is primarily in the mid-Atlantic, though there is a storm coming in today in the northeast. However, the northeast is much better equipped to deal with the snow, so I don't think there will be much of a delay, since the Ivies are basically all in the northeast.

Princeton and Penn are closed with Columbia, Harvard and Yale open.

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Snow on the east coast! Is it going to delay our decisions from the Ivies?

UPenn is closed today, and I imagine Princeton is as well. I think that we could still hear from Yale though, since the storm is centered more around Philadelphia.

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I'm also waiting on Toronto...

Me too...though I suspect with the late deadline and then the fact that they extended it by a week that we will be waiting quite some time on that one. I expect that to be the last school I hear from.

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Me too...though I suspect with the late deadline and then the fact that they extended it by a week that we will be waiting quite some time on that one. I expect that to be the last school I hear from.

Toronto sent out acceptances in mid-March last year and rejections in mid-April (!)

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Philly? Maybe you're talking about a separate storm because there's definitely a center of a storm here in DC. On top of the 20+ inches we had as of yesterday, we're piling on at least 6 more, which are accompanied by 50 mph wind gusts.

We had only 7 inches yesterday, but we're expecting another foot today.

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Did Toronto actually extend the deadline or was it a mistake? Because what happened to me was the deadline on the department site said one thing, the application said another, and then the online system said something else.

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