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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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thanks. It does seem like Chicago are still in the process of admit/reject though, doesn't it?

I'm assuming that we didn't get in, considering Chicago already sent out wait-list notifications, but there might be a slim chance they'll send out admits later.

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Hey guys. Any word on Pittsburgh?


Pittsburgh made their decisions like 2 weeks ago. If you haven't gotten a letter in the mail you should call the department. (I know this because I am an undergrad there and my advisor was chair of adcomm)

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Emailed Berkeley, they accept about 25 PhD students a year (the results are less than 10 I think) and I don't know - has anyone in comparatives heard yet or in public policy? Those are the two I indicated (I do health care policy and comparative political analysis of health insurance). They say they will notify by the end of NEXT week.

I'm in comparative and I was accepted at Berkeley this past Tuesday morning. Hopefully there will be more good news for others from them soon.

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Hey anyone who has been accepted (or rejected) from Michigan: How did you find out? official email? email from prof in subfield? website? regular mail? I haven't heard anything and it seems as though other people have. I also can't find anything on the application status page that offers a decision or anything? Thanks...

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Last year, funding came in the last week of February. If you are interested in knowing what the financial packages look like, let me know via PM and I'll give you more details.

I saw your post and tried to PM you for more info, but was told "The member cannot receive any new messages" for some reason. If you could send me what you know, I'd appreciate it. I'd like to know more about potential funding before I commit to flying all the way out to California. Thanks.

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I saw your post and tried to PM you for more info, but was told "The member cannot receive any new messages" for some reason. If you could send me what you know, I'd appreciate it. I'd like to know more about potential funding before I commit to flying all the way out to California. Thanks.

Could you also PM me with the funding details? I'm really interested to know. Thanks!

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Hey anyone who has been accepted (or rejected) from Michigan: How did you find out? official email? email from prof in subfield? website? regular mail? I haven't heard anything and it seems as though other people have. I also can't find anything on the application status page that offers a decision or anything? Thanks...

Acceptances and some rejections did go out at Michigan. I haven't heard either way as well. As I posted on here a while back, I emailed them on Tuesday and their reply was:

We are not quite done with admissions decisions. We hope to have them completed within the next week.

Just have to hold tight on this one...

Edited by sunseeker
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Has anyone heard anything about Berkeley cutting cohort size because of California's state budget problems? Last year 13 people posted acceptances and only 7 have this year . I'm guessing that a higher percentage of applicants find out about this website each year, so either they are taking a smaller cohort or they aren't done admitting.

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Has anyone heard anything about Berkeley cutting cohort size because of California's state budget problems? Last year 13 people posted acceptances and only 7 have this year . I'm guessing that a higher percentage of applicants find out about this website each year, so either they are taking a smaller cohort or they aren't done admitting.

They probably are. I know that is what some other UCs are doing.

Edited by qazwerty
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There is a post somewhere in the depths of this thread that mentions the stipend for Berkeley this year was $21,000 instead of the $25,000 offered last year. It has been suggested that this is another method they might be using to counteract budget cuts.

That said, a cut in cohort is likely. The New York Times reported that even Yale was cutting graduate admissions by 10 or 15% (it didn't specify programs or departments). If the school with the second largest endowment in the world is cutting, I imagine the states are :(

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Pure speculation now, but given the huge increases in UC undergraduate tuition (is it 35% they are talking about now? - something like $10k total tuition for in-staters), it's possible there might be some offsetting of graduate budget cuts.

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Pure speculation now, but given the huge increases in UC undergraduate tuition (is it 35% they are talking about now? - something like $10k total tuition for in-staters), it's possible there might be some offsetting of graduate budget cuts.

I don't think so. Even with fee increases and whatnot, the UC system is still in the red (I think).

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Well, this has been quite a crazy week with respect to admissions. I guess I have a somewhat clearer idea at this point of what to expect. Main thing is that I will have to hear from Minnesota. One of my LOR writers was nice enough to e-mail some of his old professors from Rochester and went to bat for me. Just continuing to wait and see. I'll look forward to when we can all make a new thread and talk about where we've decided to accept offers.

I'm definitely keeping various people on this board in my prayers as some of the schools they're looking at get ready to make decisions. I know it will all work out for everyone in the end.

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Well, this has been quite a crazy week with respect to admissions. I guess I have a somewhat clearer idea at this point of what to expect. Main thing is that I will have to hear from Minnesota. One of my LOR writers was nice enough to e-mail some of his old professors from Rochester and went to bat for me. Just continuing to wait and see. I'll look forward to when we can all make a new thread and talk about where we've decided to accept offers.

I'm definitely keeping various people on this board in my prayers as some of the schools they're looking at get ready to make decisions. I know it will all work out for everyone in the end.

Best of luck to you! You have some choices at least, but I hope Rochester works out for you.

Another week of no news on my end. I literally am going crazy over here. Thank god we decided the Princeton posts were fake, otherwise I would really be pulling my hair out!

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