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Fall 2010 Admission Results

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Re: Princeton. Come ON guys! You think that just because they said they are sending out "letters" that this means snail mail rejections by paper?! That could just as well mean an attached "letter" that you open electronically. There is absolutely NO way Princeton would go from sending out electronic notifications to paper ones, reverting backwards...

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I was cool with my first acceptance (especially since I already live nearby), but this unexpected one is throwing me. You mean I get to/have to make a decision? In the end, I may label a couple of Dentabones and let my dog decide. (I'm not diminishing this--I really have a hard time with decisions, even obvious ones.)

Don't worry. The group mind of this forum will help you make this decision - by providing completely contradictory advice :D.

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I'm glad to have gotten my first acceptance after 4 rejections. I'm in at UMass-Amherst with 14,000 stipend for 20hrs/wk RA or TA position for my first 3 years.

Congrats! I'm still waiting to hear from them... guessing it's probably not good news. I see two people were accepted today. Was this them responding to an email you sent or they just sent you an email to notify you?

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Re: Princeton. Come ON guys! You think that just because they said they are sending out "letters" that this means snail mail rejections by paper?! That could just as well mean an attached "letter" that you open electronically. There is absolutely NO way Princeton would go from sending out electronic notifications to paper ones, reverting backwards...

Actually I spoke with the graduate administrator the first day acceptances were sent out (via email) and she told me that the letters were being sent out that day and that the DGS would be giving 'heads-up emails/calls.' While this is rather ambiguous I got the distinct impression that letters were in fact going out in the regular mail. Also, if she did mean that email attachment letters were being sent out that day then why have so many people not received them? It is now 2-3 days later after the initial acceptances were emailed so it seems as though the snail mail route may be true.

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Actually I spoke with the graduate administrator the first day acceptances were sent out (via email) and she told me that the letters were being sent out that day and that the DGS would be giving 'heads-up emails/calls.' While this is rather ambiguous I got the distinct impression that letters were in fact going out in the regular mail. Also, if she did mean that email attachment letters were being sent out that day then why have so many people not received them? It is now 2-3 days later after the initial acceptances were emailed so it seems as though the snail mail route may be true.

The acceptance emails also mentioned letters, so maybe they only notified acceptances with emails, but everyone gets a letter.

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Congrats! Did you find out this morning and was it via email from a professor? Thanks.

Claiming the Yale acceptance. To those who are still awaiting responses, my sincere advice is to stop checking the results tab. I have come to the realization that this entire "notifications" process is so arbitrary (with some people hearing early and others later) that following results online can only lead to one possible outcome: more anxiety for you! Seriously, guys, been there, done that, and I'm so over it. I am making a vow to not look at the results page until I hear back from all the schools I applied to. Best of luck to everybody!!

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anyone have any idea what the deal is with Yale acceptances trickling out?

I received an email from a prof in my subfield yesterday. This afternoon I received a form email saying a decision had been posted on the Yale application site, which then led to an official acceptance letter.

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Polisciftw: the same question could be asked about snail mail. Why aren't they here yet? It doesn't take 3 days for a letter to get from NJ to anywhere in the east coast.

Eh, I have no idea. I'm still wondering why it takes Berkeley over a week (and waiting) to send out rejection emails :)

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Have *any* of the Princeton admits received the glorious 'heads up' phone call from the DGS?

I received a mysterious blocked number call last night. I wasn't able to get to it in time, and there was no voicemail.

So I'd be interested to know if/when anyone else got a call.. :huh:

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Have *any* of the Princeton admits received the glorious 'heads up' phone call from the DGS?

I received a mysterious blocked number call last night. I wasn't able to get to it in time, and there was no voicemail.

So I'd be interested to know if/when anyone else got a call.. :huh:

I haven't heard anything. But then I'm an international student so they might be more reluctant to call me due to higher rates biggrin.gif

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I haven't heard anything. But then I'm an international student so they might be more reluctant to call me due to higher rates biggrin.gif

Thanks. Yeah I am an international student too. Well.. 'international'. I'm Canadian so I suppose it's slightly less number-punching to call me. lol.

Oh well. One can hope. ;)

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Have *any* of the Princeton admits received the glorious 'heads up' phone call from the DGS?

I received a mysterious blocked number call last night. I wasn't able to get to it in time, and there was no voicemail.

So I'd be interested to know if/when anyone else got a call.. :huh:

I am also an international student - didn't get a call from Princeton, but got a very kind email from a professor from my subfield!

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OK, my fellow nail-biting applicants. I feel really badly doing this to poor Ms. Chris Reynolds at UNC-Chapel Hill, because she is a super-nice lady. At the same time, however, I decided I'd feel worse about making all the other UNC applicants on this board continue to suffer (for those that are eager to hear at least...) than making Ms. Reynolds field a few more calls than she might like.

So anyways, called her direct line at the political science department, asked if she'd look up my status (she said I would definitely be wait listed or rejected because, as mentioned before, admits have all been notified weeks ago), and she did. I'm rejected, but that's probably the least surprising piece of news I've gotten throughout this process. So yeah, if you use your nice, pretty please voice, you might be able to find out whether you're in UNC purgatory who just outright rejected.

Now, let me ask you this, APGradApplicant: do you feel better in your skin now that you have this knowledge, or do you wish you were still in the dark, with hope flickering across the nighttime sky.

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Now, let me ask you this, APGradApplicant: do you feel better in your skin now that you have this knowledge, or do you wish you were still in the dark, with hope flickering across the nighttime sky.

Definitely glad I know for sure that I'm rejected. No point in false hope. I just want my options in front of me as soon as possible.

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I just got an email rejection from Berkeley. I'm heartbroken :(

Me too - finally got the not at all unexpected rejection email. I am mostly happy to know, and it wasn't a top choice, so I am not as crushed as I will be when I finally get the rejection from Michigan that HAS to be coming soon, you'd think. I can't believe I haven't heard from them yet.

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Me too - finally got the not at all unexpected rejection email. I am mostly happy to know, and it wasn't a top choice, so I am as crushed as I will be when I finally get the rejection from Michigan that HAS to be coming soon, you'd think. I can't believe I haven't heard from them yet.

Hmm, I assumed I didn't get in but I haven't gotten an email yet. I'd really rather know for sure than have to continue waiting. This is killing me.

EDIT: I spoke too soon. Just got my rejection. Oh well, it wasn't the best fit anyway.

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I was also expectedly rejected from UC Berkeley. Two more to go! I'm now more or less convinced my UCSD acceptance was a fluke. I've been frequently told that acceptance comes down in the end to a crap shoot, and I feel very lucky and grateful.

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