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GPA Question

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14 minutes ago, Pezpoet said:

I hear ya. Did you have any that limited it to 300-500 words? The. worst.

Ugh. I had a couple that were "no more than 2000 characters, including spaces." That's what, 400 words? I thought for sure my 500-word SOP with no introduction and little elaboration on fit (and also my WS, which I MESSED UP MY WORKS CITED PAGE ON. So badly. It was terrible) would shut me out of Madison, but they must take into account the lack of space or something. Anyway, I know my longer SOPs are much stronger, so I'm much more confident on those, but that's what...only half of the programs?

The thing that worries me most about my Santa Barbara application is my Writing Sample. They required 10 pages max, but my WS is 17, and not really a paper conducive to "cutting" and still retaining a coherent argument, if that makes sense. So I just chopped off the last 7 pages and noted that it's an excerpt, but I've heard that they'd rather have a cohesive, finished 10-page paper. 

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4 minutes ago, Kilos said:

Yep, one that was 400 and two that were 500. The rest were 1000+, but still rough. I understand that they simply don't have the time to read everybody's personal autobiography, but 400 words seems like an awfully scant explanation--especially when some of these programs place such heavy emphasis on SoPs. I'm really not complaining, I understand the situation, but it's definitely the one thing I worry about above all else. 


p.s.: If you don't mind my asking, whereabouts in Oregon are you from? I moved to Ohio a few years ago, but prior to that I spent my entire life in/around Eugene. I'm happy enough where I'm at (it's actually affordable to live here), but there isn't a day that goes by that I don't miss pine trees, mountains, and moss-infused air. Gaaaah.

University of Oregon preferred 300 words. My SOP was basically "me love books. please yes." I get it too, but it's so difficult to explain the nuances and specialities of your research interest (which is what they want, right?) in so few words.

I live in Eugene! Been here six years and hate the thought of leaving. Did you go to UO?


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2 minutes ago, Pezpoet said:

University of Oregon preferred 300 words. My SOP was basically "me love books. please yes." I get it too, but it's so difficult to explain the nuances and specialities of your research interest (which is what they want, right?) in so few words.

I live in Eugene! Been here six years and hate the thought of leaving. Did you go to UO?


Haha amazing! UO is one of my six schools too. I'd move back in a heartbeat if I got in. Yeah, their app said "no more than 500 words," so you can bet your ass I used 500 words. All five hundred. And yeah, you nailed it--it's quite limiting, but I think that's the ultimate point; they want you to be able to woo them in a very clean, concise manner. I suppose knowing how to edit yourself takes more skill than being able to blather on until you get a point across. Meh, I'm torn.

Yep, I went to the University of Oregon for two years. I was a journalism major at the time, and it was quite a while ago. One of my parents had some serious health issues during my sophomore year, and I dropped out to move home and help out. Fast-forward nine years, I transferred my UO credits out here, and I'll get my B.A. in May.

I love Eugene, though it's definitely gotten a bit busy over the last fifteen years or so. When I was growing up it felt sleepy and quiet.

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Uhh, I went over the word limit on every single one of my statements. I hope that doesn't bite me in the ass. I tried to keep them as short as possible, I really, really did, but it's like I'm trying to craft a narrative of my life and research interests, people! How else am I going to stand out? 


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Also concerned about my GPA here (had one bad year).. but I'm majoring in a science field, and the poor grades in my sophomore year all came from science subjects. Just did a quick calculation – pure English GPA is 3.9. Not sure if this will matter, but I'd like to hope my high performance in English/lit will help offset some of the poor science grades.. :unsure:

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On 2/9/2017 at 3:35 AM, Pezpoet said:

University of Oregon preferred 300 words. My SOP was basically "me love books. please yes." I get it too, but it's so difficult to explain the nuances and specialities of your research interest (which is what they want, right?) in so few words.

I live in Eugene! Been here six years and hate the thought of leaving. Did you go to UO?


It could be a good idea to check with the department because sometimes they have their own rules that are different from the official provisions by the graduate school. I had two universities that were like this, one regarding SOP and another GRE report. Basically, the department didn't mind that my SOP was twice as long as the official guideline. 

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