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I think the program length depends on what you want out of the program. I want time to write, have readings, and work on my writing, but I also want to learn other aspects of theater- a shorter program is better for me so that I can get to work sooner with my MFA! I can see how a three year program would be a great choice too- but at this point I'm enjoying the two and ready for what comes next!

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Starsandsound: that's awesome!


Tate: your question seems very simple to answer, but apparently isn't! I caved and finally bugged my friends. I checked in with my friend at Yale now, who flew out to visit Brown around the same time two years ago when he interviewed at both. I remembered him finding out soon after getting back from Brown that he was in. So he confirmed that Brown does interviews. However, my friend in her first year at Brown says that they do NOT, which she said makes it even more nerve-wracking. She also said that Erik is out of town for a week and a half right now, probably doing second-round application reads, which is probably why we haven't heard anything...but there have been no decisions yet.


Hope that helps, guys! Don't lose hope for either school!

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@lavendercloud- oh wow, that makes me more anxious. LOL. And he's out of town... Just wondering, especially since I haven't seen anything regarding Brown interviews, etc on this thread.


@Barista- Sorry! Was this just on the MyStatus thingy? 

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Barista: sorry to hear about Michener! Yeah, it's kind of awful how impersonal they are...


I'd guess that Juilliard doesn't consider recs until the second round of reading applications, but I don't know much about it. I know a couple people who have done it (one recently, one in the 90s - the latter is one of my recommenders) so I can toss questions their way if there's anything people urgently need to know.

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Got a rejection from Brown. Wasn't very high up on my list anyway.


EDIT: Just received a email from Erik Ehn. It's a mass email, but kinda encouraging. 


One school left to hear back from for me. Ughhhhhhh.

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Also received a Brown rejection.


I can't be surprised when they only take 2 people, however -- in my head, at least -- it felt like the perfect fit, my sample seemed up Erik's alley, and I had this innately good feeling about this particular application. I suppose that's not unique to me, but feeling a bit down about it.


Also -- and perhaps this is just my venting -- I remember someone posting Erik's letter on the boards last year and being very impressed with it. I didn't apply to Brown last year, but it was actually reading that letter that made me want to apply. NOW, though, being on the receiving end of it ... I don't know. Something about it rubbed me the wrong way. I think it's this line:


"Your faith in the program is a prompt to our efforts; I hope we are able to sustain a degree worthy of the attention you've paid."


Everything else about the letter I thought was encouraging and sweet. This line made me feel like -- you have not accepted me into your program. Why should it matter to me if you are able to sustain a great reputation?


Maybe I'm just bitter -- did it strike anyone else this way? It just maybe feels like a little too much. When you're on the receiving end of a rejection -- unless it's personalized -- perhaps shorter and sweeter is best.


Just my two cents at this particular moment!

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I did receive the email. Went into my Spam. Looking at it on the receiving end I feel the same way, Singsalot. I also applied after reading the letter he wrote last year that was posted on this forum, but it does feel a little odd reading it now. 


Disappointed as well. It's okay to feel the way you do, Singsalot. I wouldn't call it bitter at all. 

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Rejected from Brown as well. 


I agree that Erik Ehn's letter seemed in slightly poor taste. 


"Your faith in the program is a prompt to our efforts; I hope we are able to sustain a degree worthy of the attention you've paid."


I can't help but hear: Thanks for paying us $75, suckerrrrrr! 

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Got it too. The letter didn't rub me the wrong way, but yeah, of course a personal letter would feel better. And more reasonable application fees...

Anyway, Singsalot, I'm right with you. I was really thinking this would be my year for Brown so it certainly feels like a blow, especially after hearing from my friend how wonderful it is and having been told repeatedly what a great fit I am for their program. But yeah, time to face the facts and move on. Here's to my remaining applications!


Anyone else read this? http://www.nytimes.com/2015/02/18/theater/mac-wellman-a-playwriting-mentor-whose-only-mantra-is-oddity.html?_r=1

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It didn't necessarily rub me the wrong way. But I felt last years' letter was more personal. It also would of been nice to get the rejection letter than the email about checking your online status. Also thought it was funny, when you go to check your status, the webpage is all red. lol.


@lavendercloud-  Yes, I read that article! Made me want to apply to Brooklyn!

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That article made me wish I applied to Brooklyn too! They're definitely going to get an increase in applications after those awesome articles! It was nice to read the article, because the website doesn't have much info.

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Relieved to know I'm not alone with my thoughts ...


Yes, saw that BC article, too. It was interesting as I find it super hard to find information on the program. I have even reached out to folks I know (through friends) who have gone there and for whatever reason have not heard back, so it feels super elusive to me ... but I have high hopes for my application there this year.


That said -- my app was only processed like, a week ago because they kept not receiving my transcripts. I hope it didn't screw up my chances.


Randomly, I also have a gut feeling -- don't know why -- that Yale calls went out today. I think my neurosis is in full swing for sure.

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Interesting article, to be sure!

Regarding the letter from Mr. Ehn, I stand by my post in reaction to the letter from LAST year and would apply it to what I know so far about this year's letter.

Regarding your feeling that YALE calls  might have possibly gone out today, SINGSALOT...  Possible, I guess. It IS February 20, already.  But we haven't heard anything yet from anyone... So take a breath.  Know that we are all feeling it, too -- and keep writing! 

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Hello All, I was active on this board last year having applied to Iowa, Yale, Brown and Juilliard.  Rejected from Brown (expected) and Iowa, received nice letter from Yale about applying again, made it to second round at Juilliard.  This year, it's only Juilliard.  The process last year made me realize that I don't want to leave NYC.


@Lavendercloud: I do have a question about Juilliard and it's process...  have they ever accepted anyone in their 40's?  Because that's me.  Late to playwriting and have been lucky so far with productions, award, last year I was a finalist for a Jerome fellowship.  But after everything shook out in 2014, I wondered if I had been aged out of being really considered for the fully funded programs.  Or maybe it's just sour grapes!  Who knows.  Ultimately, not something controllable, but curious none-the-less.

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