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Playwriting MFAs


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I emailed Juilliard about the play labs... and they gave me a lengthy reply that gave me the following info.


1. No play labs at this time.

2. Over 300 submissions this year.

3. Still reading first round plays.

4. Won't be hearing from then til at least the end of March.

5. Thanks for submitting.


Hope this info helps anyone who Juilliarded this year. And if your stomach is churning about it... they want to make a churn just a while longer. Break a leg to all :)

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I emailed Juilliard about the play labs... and they gave me a lengthy reply that gave me the following info.


1. No play labs at this time.

2. Over 300 submissions this year.

3. Still reading first round plays.

4. Won't be hearing from then til at least the end of March.

5. Thanks for submitting.


Hope this info helps anyone who Juilliarded this year. And if your stomach is churning about it... they want to make a churn just a while longer. Break a leg to all :)


Thanks so much for this info! 


Other than Juilliard, I'm still waiting on Brooklyn rejection, and I haven't heard anything from NYU. Anyone have any updates on those?

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Im pretty much certain brooklyn has made its decision. My one friend got accepted a few weeks ago. He was on the weight list fpr them last year and this year was his third overall try.

Keep on keeeeping on!

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I'm sort of just tired of not being able to write my work, get it up extremely easily, get it published, write screenplays, write novels in my free time, live in the Northeast Kingdom with an apartment in the city, drink top-shelf scotch, play scrabble with Chris Durang, play golf with David Mamet, play hardball with Scott Rudin, and play footsie with Arthur Miller's cryogenically preserved techno-exo-skeleton.


actually *just* found a job posting to work as an assistant for Scott Rudin productions...



and as far as NYU goes, it looks like a few of the Performance Studies MAs were notified, but I did the split app (apply to both PhD and MA) and haven't been notified yet. Noel Rubinton told me Mar 16th was the outside date for PhD review. I don't know if this is helpful for MFAs, but tha's where I'm at.

Edited by roguesenna
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I know that The New School had their interview process, which is a bit unconventional.  They take all their finalists (playwrights, directors, actors) and have them put on a 24 hour play.  That happened last Saturday.  I don't think you'll hear from University of Iowa until the end of this month, if not later.  They are notoriously late in getting back to people.


Also, I didn't mention this to anyone, but I got into the Michener program at Austin.  I haven't seen UT come up on this forum much, but if anyone also got in or knows someone who did, I'd love to talk to them.

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Cobbler, congrats!! That's absolutely fantastic! Best of luck :D What was your secondary focus, btw? I chose fiction but I assume most playwrights go for screenwriting. And I take it that you're accepting the offer?


I got an email from the other interviewer at UCSD to say more nice things to soften the blow of the rejection. It's comforting, but I'm definitely disappointed that I won't be going to grad school this year. (Unless Yale or UTA-T&D magically grow some interest in me.) I have much bigger problems right now--I'm going through a painful, complicated breakup--but the kind words still mean a lot, and I'm really looking forward to getting another shot at this whole shebang next year.


(Anyone else not heard from Yale yet? Glenwood?)

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Been away a while:

Anybody interested in moving this discussion to a Facebook ala what the fiction people do with the MFA Draft? I don't check this as often now that I'm not obsessing over Yale dates but still like to see what everyone's talking about. Of course, we lose our anonymity (THANKS ZUCK)

Rougesenna, that's a very dangerous job hahah. One of my best friends is a junior executive with Rudin and....it's intense, to say the least. Particularly for assistants. Who sometimes will all get blanket fired and then rehired later that day.

Congrats cobbler!!!!! That's so awesome!

And yeah, lavendercloud I did get my Yale rejection. No nice note like I was hoping! Oh well. Onto fellowship and internship applications now.

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Ah. What internships and fellowships are you applying to? I've done those application rounds the last few years. There are some great ones out there, but they're insanely competitive; I applied to about a dozen a year for three years and got one offer each time (two the last time if you count the previous theater I was at offering to keep me on). It's a relief not to be doing that again...


I don't know about the Facebook group, sounds like a pretty good idea but I'm currently on a break from that particular timesuck.

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All the big non profit theaters in New York, Mead Center, Cleveland Rep, a few teaching fellows - I have a few projects kicking around but I really want to stay engaged in the industry/the city. That's why I leaned in on Yale - what's so great about it is beyond all of the program specific benefits, it's an hour fifteen train ride + cheaper living and bulletproof financial assistance.

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Been away a while:

Anybody interested in moving this discussion to a Facebook ala what the fiction people do with the MFA Draft? I don't check this as often now that I'm not obsessing over Yale dates but still like to see what everyone's talking about. Of course, we lose our anonymity (THANKS ZUCK)

Rougesenna, that's a very dangerous job hahah. One of my best friends is a junior executive with Rudin and....it's intense, to say the least. Particularly for assistants. Who sometimes will all get blanket fired and then rehired later that day.


I'd be down for an FB group.


And yeah, I've heard he's one of the worst bosses in the city, if not the country. TBH though, if they'd hire me, I'd at least give it a try for a while. At least I know going in. And I'm hoping that the position I'm going for is so low level that I'll have minimal interaction with him. But no use worrying about that sicne I haven't even heard back from them yet.

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Haven't been on this for awhile because I couldn't log into my account, but I've been looking from afar.


So it seems the ones I still have hopes for at this point are Iowa, Northwestern, and Juilliard.


Only official reject is Michener.

Still  haven't heard from Columbia, UT-Austin T&D, and Brooklyn College, but not feeling too hopeful b/c they seem to have had interviews at this point? Brooklyn said my application wasn't complete, because I didn't take the TOEFL, but I'm a native English speaker so that's not even required. Could that have slowed down my application? I dunno. They seem really disorganized, but it's an awesome program from what I hear.


Any info on the program at Northwestern? I applied on a whim, but it's not my top choice. Any first-hand accounts?

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I'm looking to apply for Fall 2015. I know I'm early but I had some questions. I'm a newer writer. I graduated two years ago and I haven't had anything produced, no fellowships, or contest winnings. I'm looking to apply to the fully funded programs- lots of undergraduate debt from UT Austin!- and I was wondering how important having readings, productions and etc. for the Big Four are? I've been told that these places, especially Michener, want a little more seasoned playwright.



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Going off last year, it seems like around this week when UT-T&D and Yale sent out final rejections, so I'm guessing I'll hear from them soon...?


Tate, the writing sample matters way more than having a padded resume. If you happen to have had a couple of readings, that's great, and it never hurts to submit your work as much as possible, but focus primarily on developing the best writing samples that you can. Now is a good time to apply to summer programs, like Sewanee or FAWC workshops, that might help you develop your work so you'll be ready for application season. The next most important element is your recommendations, so make sure you have strong connections with writers and teachers who will be articulate about you. (It's all well and good to have recs from "famous" writers, but there's not much point unless they know you well.) You said that you're a newer writer, so that might be the hardest part of your application; as I said, summer programs may be helpful for finding recommenders. You can also try to join or create a local writer's group or take extension classes.


There are schools that never take anyone directly out of undergrad (like UCSD) and programs that frequently take recent graduates. I'm not sure if Michener wants more seasoned playwrights than other programs, but I'm sure you can talk to people in the program since you're already in town! Don't worry too much about whether you have enough "experience" for these programs. The process of applying is an excellent way to learn what you're doing, and you may be surprised at which programs show interest in your writing. You can always reapply the following year.


On another note, I'm looking at taking this class. Anyone think it might be useful for grad school applications?


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So, some new developments. I checked my status for UT-Austin T & D and Northwestern. Denied admission for both. As well as a rejection from Columbia. All which happened today, but not much of a surprise. I was really on the fence for Northwestern so I think it's for the best. 


I wish that these places would actually send out letters in the mail. May not be as quick, but at least I wouldn't have to just see a red DENIED sign next to my status after all of the work I put into my application. I'm submitting to as many theaters as I can, theaters that I admire that produce new work, and see what happens. Just going to keep chugging along.


Got an email from Brooklyn College that said my application is now being reviewed by the committee so all hope's not lost there even if they've admitted people. Also, Iowa and Juilliard are still reviewing stuff from what I gathered from my status. 


Any other developments after today? It seems a lot is happening today.

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