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SSHRC 2010


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Man, I love you guys. I love the community here!

I'm going into a Master's program, and applied for SSHRC and OGS (I didn't get latter, unfortunately). Although, my school called me up and offered me a substantial amount of money, so I guess I can't complain.

I'm wondering, though, since I didn't get the less-competitive OGS grant what are the odds I'll even get a SSHRC?

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Man, I love you guys. I love the community here!

I'm going into a Master's program, and applied for SSHRC and OGS (I didn't get latter, unfortunately). Although, my school called me up and offered me a substantial amount of money, so I guess I can't complain.

I'm wondering, though, since I didn't get the less-competitive OGS grant what are the odds I'll even get a SSHRC?

I know someone who didn't get OGS (not even the waitlist) and yet were given SSHRC CGS. Obviously, if you have a strong proposal, but the committee at OGS didn't like it for some reason, there's still lots of reason to believe you are still in the game for SSHRC.

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found out I'm third on the waitlist.

How should I feel?

Think of it this way: There are three possible ways you can get it from here:

1. There are likely 2 Vanier offers in your subcommittee. If they take them, then you only need one of,

2. The SSHRC DF people to decline. Alternatively,

3. More funding could open up. This has happened in previous years.

So, take this information as you will. I hold hope for anyone in the bigger subcommittees that are in the top 5 on the waitlist. My subcommittee has 2 vaniers, and 34 other winners.

Man, I love you guys. I love the community here!

I'm going into a Master's program, and applied for SSHRC and OGS (I didn't get latter, unfortunately). Although, my school called me up and offered me a substantial amount of money, so I guess I can't complain.

I'm wondering, though, since I didn't get the less-competitive OGS grant what are the odds I'll even get a SSHRC?

The process is so random, that you could gauge your chances better by asking any small children you know to pick a number between 1 and 100.

That said, there is someone here on the Forum who won a SSHRC CGS, despite being passed over for the OGS.

Edited by Canuckonomist
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Thanks, Canuckonomist!

Do you think it's worth emailing them back to find out more than where I sit on the waitlist? Like, will they tell me if anyone's been awarded a vanier in my sub-group?

I don't know what more you could ask. You could ask about the Vaniers in your subgroup. They'll probably tell you how many have been offered, but they won't know who has accepted yet. other than that, you'll just have to ignore it and wait a month like I'm doing. And we thought the process was over!

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To the econ guys: does a SSHRC have anywhere near the decision-changing potential of the NSF? How do Americans view it?

It's good money, and provides good signal.

If I were to apply anywhere, I would definitely let them know of SSHRC or any other form of funds that were awarded.

Edited by RaaR
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It's good money, and provides good signal.

If I were to apply anywhere, I would definitely let them know of SSHRC or any other form of funds that were awarded.

Agreed. Americans definitely know about it.

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Thanks for all the great advice on grant writing, everyone. I feel fairly confident about my MA SSHRC proposal, but I think I can (and will need to!) do better in the future (especially in my introductory paragraphs). Fortunately I'm interested in doing applied psychology research in a relatively "sexy" field, which lends itself well to concise and practical research proposals. I like the idea of getting the advisor in on it too, RaaR. I wasn't able to ask my advisor for a reference letter, because it was September and I hadn't even applied or been accepted at that institution yet, but I was able to directly connect my research proposal to work that one of his current doctoral students was doing after catching her poster at a summer conference. I was very pleased at the time with that little addition - hopefully it means success!

I'm hoping that the Master's results were finalized today, one week after the PhD results were, and that we will start receiving notice by Friday. The suspense is terrible.

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To the econ guys: does a SSHRC have anywhere near the decision-changing potential of the NSF? How do Americans view it?

It's definitely worth notifying, but I think I know what you're getting at, and it's not likely to get you reconsidered at MIT the way Jeeves was last year. In that sense, I don't think it has the same power as the NSF.

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Finally got the letter today! As a Canadian applying abroad, I was awarded "C" funding, meaning I can have the CGS if I stay in Canada or the regular scholarship if I follow the original intentions of my proposal at the American school. So glad it's all finally over!

I can't remember the info everyone was supposed to post, but here's the basics:

Program: beginning 1st year PhD in the fall

Letter: May 10 (3 business days after it was mailed, May 5)

Offered CGS (but will have to take the basic scholarship)

Score: 22/30

Field: Archaeology/Anthropology

I believe my GPA (4.0) and references were probably the major factors, as well as a "sexy" topic and the presige of the American school I applied to within my field. However, since they assume students may change topics or even schools (since they have provisions in case I pursue studies at a Canadian school) I don't know whether it's the project itself or simply the quality of the written proposal that gets judged, at least for those of us at the entry level. I've got a few conference presentations under my belt and had a paper under submission review when I applied.

I'm so psyched! 4 years of semi-worry-free study!

To move on to future worries: how important is it that I stay on the same topic I used to apply for the grant? I threw it together at the last minute to meet the deadline and it may not be viable, though I will try my best, but by the end of next year I may have gone off on a related but possibly less "sexy" tangent. What is the procedure for notifying SSHRC if you change your research focus?

Edited to add:

Forgot to mention I am in Alberta, so west coasters should get their letters tomorrow I imagine!

Edited by archy_grad
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I'm dying to know if anyone in Vancouver has received the new yet (by mail that is).

I'm in Victoria, and I haven't gotten my results yet (they weren't in today's mail).

This is agonizing. I was lying awake half the night trying to plan the next 12 months from a position of profound financial uncertainty!

Hang in there, West Coast team! (And others in distant/remote locations). Best of luck to you all.

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Sooo I'm coming out of lurking mode! Congratulations to everyone who has been successful so far! Has anyone waiting to hear about the Masters results emailed SSHRC to get any updated information re. results/mail? I just don't want to email them if they've heard from lots of people already. Good luck to everyone!

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Sooo I'm coming out of lurking mode! Congratulations to everyone who has been successful so far! Has anyone waiting to hear about the Masters results emailed SSHRC to get any updated information re. results/mail? I just don't want to email them if they've heard from lots of people already. Good luck to everyone!

Results will be mailed out "around mid May".

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Received my letter in the mail this afternoon, I am living in Edmonton.

1. Recommended but not funded.. scored 18.20/30 :(

2. Edmonton

3. Received May 10th, dated May 3rd

4. I'm in Sociology, all it says is multidisciplinary selection committee (I study social services and community groups in relation to newcomer employment outcomes)

5. Through my university

6. I'm just finishing my 1st year

7. N/A

8. This is my second time applying, I didn't make it to the national competition last year. I didn't apply to SSHRC for my MA. I have a 4.0 GPA, one 2nd-authored book chapter, 5-ish conference presentations, two minor awards during my MA, and three awards were on my application for my PhD.

I won't lie, I'm actually pretty depressed about this. The truth of the matter is that rejection is part of our job, and I realize and accept that.. but it still stings, lol. I've already added a number of lines to my CV for next years application, so I'm confident and optimistic about that. I wish I could've worked on a couple solo pubs this year, but coursework is way too demanding! I think after a couple of weeks I'm going to start my application for next year, I really want to get this right this time. So hopefully I can figure that out.

Best of luck to everyone :) I really hope you MA folks find out soon, waiting is tough.. don't work yourselves up too much darlings, you're all fabulous.

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GPA: 4.2

Department History

Starting PHD in the Fall

2 Conference papers

Wrote my proposal the week after I broke my arm in three places.

What are the chances that a 20.4 gets moved to the CGS?

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Congratulations to everyone who has received good news so far. The process is absolutely exhausting, so I'm sure it must be a huge relief. I'm trying not to be too concerned that I haven't received my results yet despite having them sent to an Ottawa address. I'm currently enrolled at an American institution, so my department is of little use in this area.

Just wanted to send a message of support to all the others who have yet to receive their results. Hang in there.

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That sounds like a pretty decent score - you should contact SSHRC to find out where you are on the waitlist and what your chances are - don't lose hope yet!!

Received my letter in the mail this afternoon, I am living in Edmonton.

1. Recommended but not funded.. scored 18.20/30 :(

2. Edmonton

3. Received May 10th, dated May 3rd

4. I'm in Sociology, all it says is multidisciplinary selection committee (I study social services and community groups in relation to newcomer employment outcomes)

5. Through my university

6. I'm just finishing my 1st year

7. N/A

8. This is my second time applying, I didn't make it to the national competition last year. I didn't apply to SSHRC for my MA. I have a 4.0 GPA, one 2nd-authored book chapter, 5-ish conference presentations, two minor awards during my MA, and three awards were on my application for my PhD.

I won't lie, I'm actually pretty depressed about this. The truth of the matter is that rejection is part of our job, and I realize and accept that.. but it still stings, lol. I've already added a number of lines to my CV for next years application, so I'm confident and optimistic about that. I wish I could've worked on a couple solo pubs this year, but coursework is way too demanding! I think after a couple of weeks I'm going to start my application for next year, I really want to get this right this time. So hopefully I can figure that out.

Best of luck to everyone :) I really hope you MA folks find out soon, waiting is tough.. don't work yourselves up too much darlings, you're all fabulous.

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Ok! Here is my info:

1. Funded; 21.10/30...small SSHRC for 3 years

2. I'm studying on the East Coast of Canada.

3. Letter received: 10th of may; Letter postmarked: 5th of may; Letter dated: 3rd of may

4. Subject area and/or committee : Committee 3 (I'm studying social psychology)

5. Applied through my university

6. Year in PhD studies when you would take up the award : I will be starting my second year.

7. Taylor, Ross, or Queen's Fellowship? No.

8. Anything else you want to include that might be helpful: First time applying, Bachelor GPA 4.26/4.3, Master GPA 4.26/4.3, 1 submitted publication at an important Journal (third author), 2 conferences (first author, third author)

-Really hoping to get bumped up to the big SSHRC...what are the chances with a score like this?

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hey everyone. when applying to sshrc for a doctoral award, you have to select the disciplinary committee (i think there's four or five to choose from) to evaluate your application. just wondering, but for someone who's doing political theory, should i have selected the committee that includes political science, or the committee that includes humanities such as philosophy and the classics? i chose political science, and did not receive a SSHRC. i am curious as to whether this might have been the dagger, considering that the committee i chose would have been much more social science-minded. i thought it would have been silly not to have chosen my main field of political science. any thoughts?

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hey everyone. when applying to sshrc for a doctoral award, you have to select the disciplinary committee (i think there's four or five to choose from) to evaluate your application. just wondering, but for someone who's doing political theory, should i have selected the committee that includes political science, or the committee that includes humanities such as philosophy and the classics? i chose political science, and did not receive a SSHRC. i am curious as to whether this might have been the dagger, considering that the committee i chose would have been much more social science-minded. i thought it would have been silly not to have chosen my main field of political science. any thoughts?

I haven't received my results yet, but am in the same boat as you: main focus in political theory, with bent towards literary theory as well and chose the poli sci subcommittee (will be starting a PhD in Poli Sci in the fall). Will keep you updated.

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successful application - 20,000 for four years, score of 22.10/30, about to enter year 1 of phd

2 questions:

1) is it true you can still be eligible for a CGS in year two of your program?

2) this business about people getting bumped up after those offered a CGS decide to study abroad and can only take the 20,000 award with them - can anyone confirm if this is actually how it works?


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