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Who Are You Waiting For?



101 members have voted

  1. 1. How acceptances have you received?

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  2. 2. How many rejections have you received?

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  3. 3. How many waitlists have you received?

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I've heard from five of my seven in one form or another (are interviews and waitlists really "decisions"?). Still waiting on Rice and British Columbia, but if I get another admit before I hear from Rice I'll probably just contact them and ask them to take me out of any running I might be in, since it's by far the poorest fit for me and if they accepted me it wouldn't be very nice to take someone else's spot, even temporarily. I think UBC will be the last I hear from. I have no basis for this reasoning. Maybe I am unconciously suspicious because they are foreigners to me. Too much time spent in the South, I suppose.

you may actually hear from UBC before NYU. canadian schools do usually take longer than american ones to get the admissions out, but NYU is notoriously late in notifying people.

may i ask, who are you applying to work with at ubc? i went there for my undergrad and still keep in contact with a few professors. i could do some digging for you, or just answer questions you may have about the department.

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you may actually hear from UBC before NYU. canadian schools do usually take longer than american ones to get the admissions out, but NYU is notoriously late in notifying people.

may i ask, who are you applying to work with at ubc? i went there for my undergrad and still keep in contact with a few professors. i could do some digging for you, or just answer questions you may have about the department.

The chair at NYU told me that admit decision would be made right after the prospective's weekend, which is in a week, so maybe it won't be too long for them :)

I'm interested in working with either Tim Brook or Leo Shin, but if I were to be admitted (and that's a big if) I'd probably end up with Shin since Brook said he might be on leave next year. If you could find anything out about adcom dates, that would be awesome!

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Waiting on Chicago, Harvard, Columbia, but a bunch of Chicago people (most I think) heard yesterday and today so I'm assuming it's a no-go. Also, Yale never told me anything good OR bad, so I really have no idea what is going on there. Very disappointed about Chicago, esp. since Columbia is a definite long shot for me.

Could be a good thing - maybe you're on some waitlist.

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Still waiting on:

UC-Davis, although I have seen some have already been accepted/rejected and Davis' use of their status tracking website is horrendous.

USC, although saw one Modern European acceptance there which is my prospective field so not too optimistic about that.

Boston College, have not heard anything from them throughout this entire app process.

University of Vermont, master's program and I have not heard anything from them this entire process so it could go either way.

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I'm still waiting on all of mine except OSU where the PA is apparently retiring soon (even after I was told he was accepting students). I'm waiting on WashU, Vanderbilt, Penn State, UPenn, Rutgers (I saw someone was already contacted for an interview there), USC, and UT Austin. Has anyone had any news yet from any of those schools? Isn't 3 months of waiting long enough? What torture!

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I'm applying to mostly UC's... I haven't heard back from anybody! I haven't heard from USC or UCSD either... *sigh* I'm ready to climb the walls! Got my first rejection on Friday from University of Washington, Seattle.. spent most of my weekend in a fetal position on my bed...

Edited by LatteDarling
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Still waiting for the American Studies / American Civilization programs at Yale, Brown, and Harvard to come back, as they seem to be lagging behind their History counterparts at the same schools.

Based on last year's results I should hear back sometime next week, which is also my birthday week. Maybe one of them will see fit to send me a present in the form of an acceptance?

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I'm also waiting on Vandy, along with Florida, WashU and Penn but not the history dept at Penn. There were acceptances posted last year on the 10, 12, & 14th so I thought we would hear from Vandy this week. But rejections weren't posted for a couple weeks later so I hope we both hear soon! All I know is I need an acceptance soon from any school so I can get off this site. Some of these people on this site are crazy. Maybe I'm just gettin old but what's with the fake posts and the ramblings back & forth on the results page?

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Penn State's interview weekend begins Friday. Of course, that doesn't mean you aren't being considered or on a waitlist.

I meant to say the interview for Penn State (I don't know if anyone has been contacted for Rutgers yet). I hear my PA may be a little anti-social, so maybe he doesn't make it out for interview weekends. >_<

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Yes, I totally agree. This site makes me a little paranoid, and I'm just ready for this whole process to be over with. My GRE's are abysmal and the scores people are talking about on here make me feel pretty insecure. But everything else on my app is pretty rock solid. I'm worried that I am going to be rejected from every school purely on the basis of my GRE.

Anyways, I contacted the graduate secretary at Vanderbilt yesterday and it sounds like they are still reviewing the applications. Hopefully it won't be too much longer though...

I don't know what the deal is with all the fake posts, but while most people on this site are nice and friendly, others are far too damn pretentious for their own good (especially on the results page!)

Sorry for ranting! :)

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Ugh....still waiting for NYU, Chicago, Michigan and UTexas (which may or may not have already contacted its admitted bunch already).

Maybe plan B will be a paper on the whole gut-wrenching PhD application/waiting process.

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From the results search it looks like both Stanford and Columbia have sent out acceptances (and rejects too, in the former case) this week for the past three years. If I still bit my nails, they'd be gone by now! :blink:

Edited by utsusemi
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From the results search it looks like both Stanford and Columbia have sent out acceptances (and rejects too, in the former case) this week for the past three years. If I still bit my nails, they'd be gone by now! :blink:

A little birdie told me that we're going to hear from Columbia on Thursday or Friday if we're in the admitted student group

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Temple, Temple, Temple! They are my first choice, and I'd do just about anything to go there. I have applied to four schools and am waiting on others if the other four don't pan out. They are Temple (shocking, I know), UMass Amherst, Tufts, and UF. GW isn't due for the MA until April 1, so if I don't get in to Temple in the next few weeks then I'll go ahead and submit my application. I guess if nothing works out I'll just apply to Florida Atlantic and just get all As and apply for my PhD later.

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Temple, Temple, Temple! They are my first choice, and I'd do just about anything to go there. I have applied to four schools and am waiting on others if the other four don't pan out. They are Temple (shocking, I know), UMass Amherst, Tufts, and UF. GW isn't due for the MA until April 1, so if I don't get in to Temple in the next few weeks then I'll go ahead and submit my application. I guess if nothing works out I'll just apply to Florida Atlantic and just get all As and apply for my PhD later.

Have you heard anything from/about UF? Looks like they phoned admittees this week last year so I was really hoping for a call today.

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Have you heard anything from/about UF? Looks like they phoned admittees this week last year so I was really hoping for a call today.

I was told by the Department that MA decisions would be made and mailed out officially mid-March, so I guess I've still got some hope left. I really don't want to go to FAU!

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and I really dont want to have to go thru this process again! What's your field? Mine is legal history--race & poverty. Maybe I'll see you at UF.

I've got my ear to the ground at UF. I know the individual sections have met and ranked candidates, and I was under the impression that the committee was meeting as a whole this week to make final decisions. Surprisingly, however, no news has emerged. If I hear anything I'll be sure to report it.

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