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I know grad schools usually need three recommendation letters, and I think I have a good three from my department lined up (I haven't asked yet though!). However, I could also add a 4th one, as the professor offered to write me one (more as a character reference though, and not really speaking to academics/research) - is that okay and not overkill? Some more info: the 4th recommender is outside of my university (and outside of my field), but he is a fairly recent Nobel Laureate and is a well-respected researcher in his field! Thanks very much!

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How do you know this person? What can they speak to about you?

A big name is good, but it needs to be someone that has known you professionally and can speak to some aspect of your abilities. 

A big name that hasn't interacted with you professionally just seems like name dropping. Especially if they're outside your field. 

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Well I actually invited, hosted him for a visit at my school, and organized his entire schedule - I think he was touched by all that I did for him and so he told me that I shouldn't hesitate to ask him for a recommendation to speak about my character. He isn't in the exact field that I'm applying for grad school (ChemE), but he is a winner of a Chemistry Nobel Prize, and my second major is in chemistry.

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I would still say no. Has this person read any of your work? Given you feedback on your work? Have you worked on a research project with them?

If not, then they aren't in a position to write you a good letter. Even if they thought you were amazing, they have nothing substantive to write about. 

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Hmm...sounds good - thanks again Eigen! I might still keep it as a "just in case option" as my gpa is a bit on the lower end of the spectrum. So I'll see where things end up going - appreciate your insight!

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Or use it for schools that need or allow a 4th letter. 

Better for your.career would be capitalizing off of your relationship with this person by staying in touch and trying to build something more. 

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