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Difference Between Psy.D and PhD in Clinical Psychology?

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Is it the case that a Psy.D degree allows one to be every bit as much of a clinical psychologist as a PhD does, but the individual with only a Psy.D degree is just not able to be a professor also? 

I am trying to decide if this would be a wise degree for me to pursue because I am more interested in working as a clinical psychologist (i.e., therapist) than working in academia. 

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Doesn't matter which you choose. As long as you go to a reputable school with great training you'll be equipped to be a therapist or an academic. There are also easier ways to become a therapist than to go the PhD or PsyD route...

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3 hours ago, ClinicalHopeful said:

Is it the case that a Psy.D degree allows one to be every bit as much of a clinical psychologist as a PhD does, but the individual with only a Psy.D degree is just not able to be a professor also? 

I am trying to decide if this would be a wise degree for me to pursue because I am more interested in working as a clinical psychologist (i.e., therapist) than working in academia. 

At the moment, I can only think of a few truly reputable Psy.D. academic clinicians (as Psy.D. puts far less emphasis on research training).


Ditto to 8bitjournry on going to a reputable program and that there are other ways to be a therapist than to pursue a doctorate. 

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Generally the PhD includes more research and is better for academic careers, the Psy.D has slightly more of a clinical focus. As far as long term career goals, I have noticed Psy.D's working as directors in medical graduate schools, rather than in academia. If you don't desire to work in academia, a Psy.D may be a good fit for you. But it can hinder academic work. 

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