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@naito 久仰久仰. Did any other threaders get into the EALC Ph.D at Berkeley? Wondering if there are any other people on the Chinese Language track, and if so what specialization (I too am medieval Chinese poetry的). I saw on the results page one person got in for the Japanese track. Waiting for decisions also rendered me non-functional for about 2 weeks (I admit I resorted to a bit too much 綠酒). 

還有, still no results from Princeton? I assume I didn’t get in as interviews went out in early Jan, it seems, but that program wasn’t really a good fit for me as I didn’t know/read much of the professors’ work.

Glad to find a forum where people love the same stuff I love! 

(PS I accidentally replaced my last post with 加油, but thanks for your response!)

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@Kongyiji 豈敢豈敢,恭賀先生金榜題名!Congrats on the Berkeley PhD acceptance! They have a great program. I know a poet who went there years ago. I think he ended up just getting an MA en passant. His name is a pun, and his father is a Chinese literature professor at Beijing. (何鯉?何鯉者,河之鯉躍龍門,雖潛於水而卓越於世也。)  https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/何鲤 

And there's a person on the results page that got accepted to the Cornell Asian Literature PhD without having been invited to an interview, so you still have a shot! http://thegradcafe.com/survey/index.php?q=cornell+asian

Anna Shields is great for mid-Imperial poetry (Tang-Song). I hope you get accepted to Princeton! :) 

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Welcome @Kongyiji, and congratulations on your acceptance! Glad to have you join us:)

A couple days ago I had another email from U Alberta confirming my admission to their MA program, and offering some initial details on funding!! I'm still processing/trying to figure that part out and it sounds like there's more information to come in that regard. This morning I had a very detailed and welcoming email today from my prospective advisor!! I'm pretty excited and impressed!

Thanks for the info @lordtiandao. I hope we'll all hear back next week.

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3 hours ago, Naito said:


Anna Shields is great for mid-Imperial poetry (Tang-Song). I hope you get accepted to Princeton! :) 

Thanks for the info y'all. Yeah I applied to study with Shields at Princeton, but I've only ever read her paper about "the use of nostalgia" or sth in friendship poems between 白居易 and 元稹. I'm in Taipei and it's hard to get my hands on a lot of English scholarship (i.e., most university press books) not on Jstor. 


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5 hours ago, kotatsumuri said:

Welcome @Kongyiji, and congratulations on your acceptance! Glad to have you join us:)

A couple days ago I had another email from U Alberta confirming my admission to their MA program, and offering some initial details on funding!! I'm still processing/trying to figure that part out and it sounds like there's more information to come in that regard. This morning I had a very detailed and welcoming email today from my prospective advisor!! I'm pretty excited and impressed!

Thanks for the info @lordtiandao. I hope we'll all hear back next week.

WOO! You must be excited! 

@machacreampuff thanks for the intel! I thought it must be soon...

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3 hours ago, spicyramen said:

WOO! You must be excited!

Yes, I am!!

I'm curious, too, about RSEA. The results section shows a lot of responses coming back in early March though...

At least the Olympics provide a nice distraction! Anyone else watching too?

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@Kongyiji 欢迎你来参加咱们的谈话!And congrats on your acceptance to UC Berkeley! I wasn't accepted to their program, but I do study Medieval Chinese Poetry, along with being a poet myself. I've been accepted to CU Boulder and might end up there for my masters, so maybe we'll cross paths at some point out west. 

@kotatsumuri It's great that you have an acceptance to University of Alberta! Must take a good bit of the pressure off.

I'm still waiting to hear from six more programs and trying to avoid checking my email 100+ times a day... I went skiing yesterday, and the conditions were amazing--took my mind off applications for an entire day. What a treat! Will be tuning into the olympics this afternoon for added distraction. Curling anyone?? :) 


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Rejection is like a tear-soaked sleeves that can never dry, which reminds me of a poem...:(

"My tear-soaked sleeves
are like rocks in the offing.
Even at low tide
you never notice them,
nor can they ever dry."

『わが袖は 潮干に見えぬ
沖の石の 人こそ知らね 乾く間もなし』 -- 二条院讃岐


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1 hour ago, costevens said:

Curling anyone?? :)

Haha, yes, I love it!! Curling is underrated. Enjoying figure skating & looking forward to some hockey, too! Glad you found a way to keep your mind off of grad apps for a while. I wish we could get results from every school within about a 1-2 week period. Waiting month after month is a major drag!

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22 hours ago, kotatsumuri said:

I wish we could get results from every school within about a 1-2 week period. Waiting month after month is a major drag!

Agreed wholeheartedly!! They should have something akin to an "early decision" option which notifies applicants in 2 weeks upon completion of application!

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Has anyone else got anything from Berkeley...? Just spoke to a friend who sat on admission committees in past years at her grad school...Not sure how representative her school's way of doing things is, but I was told that the "clear rejects" and "clear admits" are sent out first, and the "middle files" are on hold until April when the admits decline/accept offers. Seems like I might be in the ambiguous pile at Berkeley.  :( 

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On 1/31/2018 at 7:56 AM, costevens said:

@kotatsumuri Congrats! Very happy for you :) 

Also, congratulations to all the folks with UChicago acceptances as well! And welcome to the folks who have joined this burgeoning discussion. 

I've been incognito lately due to an increased workload but have been happily following along. 

@mxiongturquoise I, too, am interested in Irish poetry, and other modernists! I've taken a big influence in my own poetry from W.B. Yates, and I hope to some day tie him into my study of poets in China (possibly pertaining to his infatuation with the Occult and the iconography derived from this!) I also am a big fan of Su Shi, I wrote my undergraduate thesis on subjectivity in his poetry. I haven't read 林語堂's biography, though! I'll have to add it to the list... 

加油 everyone! And here is one of my favorite quatrains: 




Sorry for replying this late--traveling and work have made my life more hectic than ever!  I'm so thrilled you mentioned Yeats; in fact, my MA thesis is on the extent of secularism in the literary utopias of his two "Byzantium" poems and Tao Yuanming's  "Peach Blossom prose&poem 桃花源记并诗."  The Irish/Chinese comparison in poetry and poetics study certainly sounds uncommon, which is why I am prepared for a rather arduous journey of Ph.D. applications, but I'm sure this angle could contribute in many ways to the field.  We'll see!  

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Good to hear from you again @mxiongturquoise!! Very interesting research perspective you have there!

As for me, I think by the time this is all over, I will have turned into Shakespeare...:unsure:

"Waiting for Good News"

No word from thee, my beloved top choice,
My pain grows bigger, my worries balloon,
When will thou relieve me of this empty void,
And give me rest from patience's relentless test!

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