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Fall 2018 French


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5 minutes ago, awhiterussian said:

Holy shit you serious????  Someone a couple years ago heard 4 hours after their interview.  Terrifying.  Omg I’m so nervous.  

That's what Pierre Force told me right before we hung up, unfortunately. I'm so nerve-wracked. I'm not going to be able to function properly for the next two days. Going to be checking my phone constantly. Guess we'll be floating in the anxiety boat. 

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7 minutes ago, Saltshaker said:

That's what Pierre Force told me right before we hung up, unfortunately. I'm so nerve-wracked. I'm not going to be able to function properly for the next two days. Going to be checking my phone constantly. Guess we'll be floating in the anxiety boat. 

He told me 2 weeks when I had my interview!  Plus the decision will probably be made while I’m asleep because I’m on Réunion now 

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5 minutes ago, awhiterussian said:

He told me 2 weeks when I had my interview!  Plus the decision will probably be made while I’m asleep because I’m on Réunion now 

Two weeks?!? Your interview wasn’t even that far from mine. Now I’m really hoping it’s two days. 

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On 28/01/2018 at 9:09 AM, Monsieur Vénus said:

@Carly Rae Jepsen thank you! Unfortunately there's still one more round of reviews (and therefore a couple more months of waiting) before I can officially receive the award and find out where they're sending me. Really all being a semi-finalist means is there are now only 15-20 applicants vying for 10 spots instead of ~150 applicants

I hope you get it, good luck!

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@Saltshaker @awhiterussian  Best of luck to both of you! Since the most recent interview (saltshaker) was told 2 days, they probably made decisions faster than they thought, and that would be the updated time. AH! Crossing my fingers for y'all! 

@Carly Rae Jepsen Chicago is an RLL department -- not just French, right? If so, then if Spanish is getting results, y'all should be too! ;) 

Edited by madamoiselle
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Good point, @madamoiselle Looking at programs like Chicago that have so few students in French, I wonder how NYU manages to have this massive department of 40 students. Of course, they have more professors, but I'm still quite intrigued by this.

Just got an email and I got so excited but lol it was from Amazon. <_<

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@frenchlover Good question, I've always wondered that myself! I think it's also because NYU has so many students in its unfunded masters/cross-disciplinary masters that they aren't struggling too much for money in that field. The IFS is enormous! The Maison Française also seems to be doing pretty well with hosting and fundraising!

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18 minutes ago, frenchlover said:

Just got an email and I got so excited but lol it was from Amazon. <_<

If this admissions cycle has taught me anything, it's that I should have made a brand new email address for my applications. Next time Amazon wants to email, it had better be offering me admission somewhere.

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1 hour ago, HomewardBound said:

@Saltshaker That's what I heard! How did the interview go?

I don’t think it was too bad, they asked a couple difficult questions but I couldn’t tell if the resulting nods from the professors were approvals or nods for the sake of nodding. 

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@Everyone Thank you! I'm relieved to have an acceptance done with!

@frenchlover I just got my Yale rejection, too. I think they accept approximately one person per year. Definitely not a reflection on your ability to get accepted to all the other places.

@Saltshaker Oooh! If you don't mind me asking, what were the difficult questions? Honestly, the fact that they asked difficult questions is probably a good sign. I didn't get past basic questions. : (

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