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U. Iowa

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I desperately want to get into U. Iowa. Their program looks wonderful, I suppose that is what makes all this waiting so difficult. Has anyone heard anything at all? Feb. is almost over and this makes me nervous. I saw an acceptance posted on here a while ago, but there was only one and nobody really mentioned it. Any information would be greatly appreciated. I'm going crazy over here.

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I'm wondering the same thing...I've been checking my ISIS thing at least thrice daily.

On the results page for last year, it doesn't look like they did a lot of their notifying until March or so. So I don't think we should be in complete and utter panic yet, even though we probably all are. There's still a little time before breakdowns should occur.

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I'm wondering the same thing...I've been checking my ISIS thing at least thrice daily.

On the results page for last year, it doesn't look like they did a lot of their notifying until March or so. So I don't think we should be in complete and utter panic yet, even though we probably all are. There's still a little time before breakdowns should occur.

Iowa's application has a status checker? How do I use this? (sorry, I am SO incompetent with computers!) Also, what is your area of focus? I'm a hopefully Iowa-bound medievalist...hopefully...

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Iowa's application has a status checker? How do I use this? (sorry, I am SO incompetent with computers!) Also, what is your area of focus? I'm a hopefully Iowa-bound medievalist...hopefully...

There's a hawkeye ID and password in that letter they sent out [i got mine in early February,] and you go to the uiowa homepage, click ISIS, and then enter those numbers etc in. There's a link for admissions profile, and you click that, and it'll probably say "admissions decision: in progress." I don't know how quickly before or after a decision this is updated, but it's something else to check compulsively.

I'm a medievalist too, so hopefully we both get in, and can end up in the same department. :) I hope you hear something really soon, and I hope it's good news!

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There's a hawkeye ID and password in that letter they sent out [i got mine in early February,] and you go to the uiowa homepage, click ISIS, and then enter those numbers etc in. There's a link for admissions profile, and you click that, and it'll probably say "admissions decision: in progress." I don't know how quickly before or after a decision this is updated, but it's something else to check compulsively.

I'm a medievalist too, so hopefully we both get in, and can end up in the same department. :) I hope you hear something really soon, and I hope it's good news!

oh no! I'm nervous because I never got that letter! Oh jeez, I shall be calling admissions tomorrow! haha but thank you, this helps a lot. I don't see an ISIS link on the uiowa homepage. Do you think you would mind posting a link to the webpage you see this on? ( I know, I am inept!)

That is fabulous! Good luck! I really hope we are in Iowa City together next year, that would be wonderful. Keep me posted!

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  • 2 weeks later...

You got a waitlist email? This school seems really odd about notifying, has anyone received an acceptance email? I've heard absolutely nothing, so I guess that is another reject to add to the list. Le sigh, did your status checker change at all?

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I know they're sending out letters next week--acceptance and rejection. . . so I'm not sure what the e-mail business is about. CONFUSED! blink.gif

Edited by ecg1810
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I know they're sending out letters next week--acceptance and rejection. . . so I'm not sure what the e-mail business is about. CONFUSED! blink.gif

My rejection email says: "Please consider the attachment as your official letter, no further documentation will be sent."

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<br />My rejection email says: &quot;Please consider the attachment as your official letter, no further documentation will be sent.&quot;<br />
<br /><br /><br />

That's strange. My friend (who also applied) called the department and was told that both "yeas" and "nays" would be sent out next week.

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You got a waitlist email? This school seems really odd about notifying, has anyone received an acceptance email? I've heard absolutely nothing, so I guess that is another reject to add to the list. Le sigh, did your status checker change at all?

My status on ISIS did not change. The email didn't say anything about size of entering class or size of waitlist. But, it did seem to indicate that all first round acceptances had gone out: "right now our earliest round of offers has gone out to a small group of other students."

It was late when they sent the email. Maybe they still have some waitlists to send out?

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Gah! I'm freaking out. This is my top choice--and if I'm rejected, I'm officially out of the game! *cringes*

Well, to be fair, it doesn't say *how* the offers were communicated, so they could have been mailed, and not quite (yet) reached the recipients.

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Ok, cue me officially freaking out. This is one of my top choices too. And they don't seem to be consistent at all about the way they're notifying...way to twist the nerves Iowa, way to twist the nerves.

Also, random question, but on anyone else's Isis, is the "Email:" slot blank? They've sent me mail, when I submitted my application, but that spot on my admissions profile is empty, and I feel like that shouldn't be...

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Ok, cue me officially freaking out. This is one of my top choices too. And they don't seem to be consistent at all about the way they're notifying...way to twist the nerves Iowa, way to twist the nerves.

Also, random question, but on anyone else's Isis, is the "Email:" slot blank? They've sent me mail, when I submitted my application, but that spot on my admissions profile is empty, and I feel like that shouldn't be...

I think that Iowa (like Michigan) does not update the profiles very much. Case in point: I was contacted over a month ago about missing transcripts. The transcripts were sent, the department confirmed that they got 'em, and ISIS still says that they don't have my transcripts. *sigh*

If you've received email from them since you submitted the application, don't worry about it. It doesn't hurt to check, but rest easy this weekend - plenty of these profiles are incomplete even when the applications are complete.

Edited by lady_coffee
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So many people are posting email notifications from Iowa, rejects, acceptances and waitlists, and yet I have heard absolutely nothing. I know they have my email. Wtf, Iowa, wtf?

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Okay. Iowa's lack of notification consistency is driving me insane. The only explanation I've been able to come up with is perhaps they've changed their DGS recently, so this year's acceptances/waitlists/rejections are being done differently. But what do I know? Those letters better get here quickly. . . sad.gif

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They really need to get their act together. I mean, not that I'm eager to get any form of rejection, but every Email noise I get makes me twitchy, and the fact that I get no mail on weekends (stupid college campus) makes me neurotic until Monday, when I storm the mailbox.

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They really need to get their act together. I mean, not that I'm eager to get any form of rejection, but every Email noise I get makes me twitchy, and the fact that I get no mail on weekends (stupid college campus) makes me neurotic until Monday, when I storm the mailbox.

I know what you mean about being twitchy. When I saw that one random e-mail acceptance go up I was hoping like crazy for an e-mail--but now that it seems people are being waitlisted/rejected via e-mail I'm desperately willing my Inbox to remain empty.

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I don't know if this is helpful or not, but I wanted to just share in case. I received one of the ambiguous waitlist e-mails from Iowa, and it seems to indicate that all those who have been accepted in the first round have been notified of the decision already. A sentence midway through the e-mail reads:

"...right now our earliest round of offers has gone out to a small group of other students"

The sentence surely leaves the door open for additional rounds and additional offers, but as always, so much depends on the initial yield. I would imagine that the best-case scenario at this point, should you not be among "the small group of other students" positively notified, would be to be on the receiving end of a waitlist e-mail.

Le sigh. This application process is for the birds sad.gif

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Thanks, Lily. That is good to know and congratulations on being wait listed, I know it is weird to think of the wait list that way but at least you have a chance. Good luck! Would you mind sharing your stats so I have an idea of what Iowa is looking for when I reapply? haha, if you don't want to share I totally understand, but I am curious.

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I'll probably regret being so stupidly optimistic, but I'm still not giving up hope. There aren't enough acceptances up on the Results Page to convince me they've made all of their offers. If Iowa was making 5 offers--then maybe--but they usually make around 20. Plus, this "small group of other students" could just be fellowship recipients.

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I'm trying to stay optimistic too, probably leading to a horrid crash and burn later this week. But as someone said elsewhere on this thread, there's no guarantee how the acceptances were made, so there could be letters in the mail or something. And I'd say, for those of us who haven't heard anything yet, there did seem to be that slew of rejections this weekend. I'd say not being on that is a decent sign, and am clinging to "no news is good news" at this point. Mostly because I can't spare the mental energy to fall into a pit of despair just now, but there you go.

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Okay. So someone just posted a rejection via postal service. I really hope all mail notifications aren't rejections--again, I just don't see how they could be with only two acceptances currently posted. huh.gif

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