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    DeKalb, IL
  • Application Season
    2014 Fall
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  1. In my experience, most programs wanted a combined of around 300. My inital GRE score (scaled, from when I took it 6 years ago) was about a 295 combined. I have stats similar to yours as far as GPA, but I felt like I should give it one more shot just in case. I ended up with 153 verbal, 146 quantitative and AW 4.5....almost the exact same as your scores. I applied to 7 schools, was accepted by 4 and waitlisted at 3. I feel like the combination of the other factors can help if your GREs aren't EXACTLY a 300 combined. I wrote a kick-ass statement of purpose and asked for letter of rec from kick-ass profs where I felt I proved myself well as a student. GREs aren't everything.... Good luck!
  2. I'll also be attending and am curious to hear. Hi Danielle90! Looks like we'll be classmates!!!
  3. I've accepted at UNM and am interested in the bilingual track. I have had a completely, albeit limited, experience with UNM thus far. They were willing to set up a whole half day of meetings with students, faculty, etc., and tour around the facility. Interdepartmental discord is, unfortunately, something that happens no matter where you go. I've only encountered extremely friendly and outgoing professors and clinical supervisors there. The clinic at UNM is small - there are only a few treatment rooms and there is only one classroom where each cohort in the grad program takes all of their classes. It seats 30 people. It sounds like sarahsahara might have mistaken some of the Post Baccs, as another poster mentioned, for actual grad students in her 100+ student classes. As for a post-bacc/out of major or out of field completing the 25 ASHA hours, that to me doesn't really seem like a program specific difficulty. Rather, it seems like a requisite that's put forth by ASHA and is kind of difficult for departments to deal with. At my current University, I'm having a HECK of a time getting observation hours through local SLPs. I mentioned I'm bilingual, there is a Spanish speaking SLP in the school district in my town, and the principal and asst. prinicpal have made me jump through crazy hoops to get in ($60 fingerprints/criminal bkgrd check, TB test, bloodborne pathogens online module, paperwork, etc.). Did I mention I'm currently a licensed teacher in Illinois? Bottom line - I didn't get the same read on things as has been reported here. Also, no matter where you go to school, there will be positives and negatives. It's good to keep in mind that your graduate program is often just what you make of it. It's hard to avoid the "drama," but it's important to do your own thing, try to forge on in your own way, make connections that are meaningful and fruitful, and if professors don't want to work with you, it's probably nothing personal. They're busy people and are trying to balance getting manuscripts published, working with UGs and Grads, supervising, etc., etc. There is someone/something out there for everyone, so just keep looking!
  4. What specifically have you read, just out of curiosity. I'm interested in the bilingual Class for All NM and just accepted at UNM last Monday. To me, they seemed great when I visited. I'd like to hear more.
  5. Has anyone else heard back? Truth be told, I'm having kind of a difficult time getting some of my questions answered. Has anyone else experienced this?
  6. Yo no, aunque veo que tiene un programa bilingüe. Pensaba solicitar este programa....pero en fin decidí que 7 solicitudes eran suficientes....
  7. Pues mi historia es larga y complicada.... Lo estudié por primera vez en la secundaria y empecé como intérprete para unos distritos escolares por aquí en N.Illinois a los 18 años. De allí, en la universidad estudié un semestre en Buenos Aires, un semestre en Barcelona y pasé todos mis veranos trabajando aquí en una escuela para los niños de trabajadores agrícolas que venían de México, California y Téxas. La mayoría de los trabajos que conseguí después de la universidad eran puestos bilingües. La verdad...mi acento confunda mucho...hasta me confunda a mi! Apenas ayer interpretaba para el papá de un muchacho, y me preguntó de donde era...jejejeje.
  8. Aquí les comparto un poco de información.... Hablé con una reclutadora de empleos con una de las empresas que especializa en la colocación de terapeutas bilingües. Ella me confirmó, por una parte, lo que dices aquí, Gaby. Sin embargo, me dijo que el desarollo de destrezas clínicas es el factor que más busca y que más tiene que ver con el éxito en cuanto al trabajo. Tiene sentido...entre más practicas algo, mejor lo dominas, ¿no?
  9. I'm not sure if it's specific to accepted applicants only, but there are two: 3/21 and 3/28.
  10. ¡Amigos que hablan español! Tengo una pregunta para uds. Es que estoy súper emocionada de haber recibido algunas cartas de aceptación para programas que tienen un énfasis en terapia bilingüe. Trabajar con niños bilingües y hispanohablantes era mi meta y, de hecho, la razón porque me cambié de carrera. Sin embargo, ¡me quedo con las dudas en cual programa debo de escoger! En su opinión, ¿cuáles son las características más importantes en cuanto a los programas bilingües? Para mi, es la combinación de: los cursos que se enfocan en cómo proveer tratamiento, intervención, etc., una cantidad alta de horas de supervisión (en la clínica o las escuelas) con clientes bilingües y supervisores bilingües, la oportunidad de estudiar/trabajar en otro país (esto no es tan importante, pero entre más oportunidades que hay, mejor), un/a mentor/a bilingüe y la localidad del programa. En realidad, hay muchas personas donde yo vivo que hablan español, pero tengo entendido que en la universidad más cercana de aquí, hay pocos clientes en la clínica que hablan español. Así que creo que sería mejor mudarme a Arizona o New Mexico para tener más posibildad de contacto con clientes bilingües.... ¿Qué opinan uds? ¿Cuáles son los factores que consideran con sus decisiones, si es que solicitan programas bilingües...? Gracias y un saludo cordial a todos.
  11. I would love to...but airfare is super expensive. Let's see if there are any last minute cheap flights...
  12. I agree - when considering the programs and what they may or may not be able to provide me helps to determine whether or not the cost is justified. In my case, I absolutely want clinical experience and external placements where I will have a higher percentage of Spanish speakers on my caseload. Could I get experience with Spanish speakers here in North-Central Illinois, of course. However, I know I will have exponentially more opportunities in a place like AZ or NM where there is a greater percentage of speakers, an established program for training bilingual SLPs, clinical supervisors/mentors who are bilingual, etc. I can justify the cost of moving across the country and potentially paying more than the very nice university in the town where I live, because I know that it will give me the practice and I'll be able to develop the skill set that I need to work a bilingual/Spanish speaking caseload. Another way to conceptualize the educational debt that we'll incur: IF you want to go to school "x", because they have "XX" program or clinical practicum, but it costs "y" more money, think about that "y" sum and then spread it out over the years you'll be working as an SLP. So for example, if "y" program costs $20k more, spread that $20k out over, say, 20 years. $1000/year, to me, seems like a drop in the bucket (especially in our career field where salaries are pretty good and stable) to get the skills and training you want/need. Furthermore, if you get some sort of specialized experience, chances are, you'll be better at "XX" aspect of SLP because you studied "XX" program and had a lot of clinical experience. That gives you a special skill and puts you into higher demand, which could mean more compensation (in the form of consultation, private practice, research, etc.) IMHO, educational debt only appreciates, because it is something that benefits you as a person over a lifetime. It's different from a car that depreciates or other "big purchase" items that require continual maintenance and investment. But then again, this is coming from someone who has ed. debt from a BA and MA....
  13. I received an email from Vicky Bellendir with my letter and also a letter of intent form. My "MyASU" account still says "in review."
  14. The sappy, saccharin coated message will appear in 3...2...1... I really have to say how impressed I am with the amount of support and the words of encouragement from those posting on this blog. In good news and not so good news, everyone has really positive and uplifting things to say. So often, at least with the blogs and comments I regularly read on the interwebz, there are people just trolling for the opportunity to post negative, degrading responses. Kudos to all of you - what an amazing community of people we have here, and I imagine, in our field as a whole!
  15. That's a great idea, @DeafAudi! I got two letters from Indiana - one saying I was waitlisted, and another saying that if I move off the waitlist, I am invited to participate in the bilingual STEPS (Speech Therapy Education, Practicum, and Services for Latino Children and Families) program. I wrote an email to the person who signed off on the STEPS letter, but didn't think about writing one to the person who signed off on the general letter...Thanks for the suggestion!
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