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  1. You might not be talking about archaeology, however some archaeologists are doing precisely the kind of work you seem to be pointing towards... If I were you, I would look into people at UChicago. Francois Richard and Shannon Dawdy are a good place to start. They are both doing fascinating work quite distant from what one might think of as archaeology. Good luck.
  2. Thanks for bringing this up. Do you happen to know what is the formal process for applying for such "dual" program arrangement? Given I am an Anthro incoming PhD student, do I have to be accepted by the other department of choice and if so, how?
  3. [i've been waiting long enough to ask this question, I think...] Still haven't heard anything from UCLA and Northwestern (checked both online applications and they both state a decision has bot been made yet). To the best of my knowledge both places already sent out both acceptances and rejections. I have some other good, perhaps better, options, but still - it would be nice to know. Anyone else in the same position? What are your thoughts?
  4. Anyone going to UChicago here?
  5. the open days are March 21st and 22nd, there's still time. after informing me by phone that i was accepted, i received a formal/informal email from the chair of the admissions committee, but not a formal offer from the graduate school yet --- so it is likely they haven't let everybody know yet.
  6. me neither. if it hasn't appeared does this mean they haven't made a decision yet? blah.
  7. They reset my password. I'm in!
  8. I can't believe someone was bold enough to call Harvard. Can you call again and ask about me too?
  9. I can't manage to log into the Embark system or restore my password (which I still think must be correct because I used the same one for all apps). I keep getting fail message. The support people aren't answering my emails and the grad administrator didn't bother to release the info. Any thought as to what I should do?
  10. NYU got a bit less than last year: they said 410, expecting a cohort of 8.
  11. Yes. I also heard of one more international applicant (she is in the same department as me) that was accepted to Columbia. Official notices have already been sent, visiting days March 21-22 (same as NYU).
  12. Thanks, all of you, really. Applying was such a tiring process and frankly all I feel right now more or less boils down to "what?!" Am I the girl who submitted all these applications? Plus there's a big stress factor re moving to the other side of the globe... And I am still anxiously waiting to hear from Harvard (and some other places, but frankly, all I care about is Harvard) - any news from that front anyone?
  13. I'm sorry :-( stay strong.
  14. uhm, they said formal results would be out in a few weeks (depending on bureaucracy mainly). i got the impression they haven't interviewed that many people, and at least my interviewer told me not to worry (hope he's right).
  15. It was me. Just received a phone call from a member of the committee. Fully funded, any TA or RA position would be on top of fellowship. A formal announcement will arrive via e-mail. Seems like they have divided the phone calls between members of the committee. The Prof. that called me said he took the internationals, so if you are American seems like there's nothing to worry about. I am a bit shocked because during the process of applying I have made attempts to contact professors, and non of them replied. I'm not even sure what I think of the department. Was also accepted to Columbia and (probably) to Chicago Anthro... waiting for other results and not really sure where to put myself at this stage.
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