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Everything posted by frannyt

  1. Hey for anyone asking about funding, I heard from a friend who emailed the department that first offers for funding went out last week. Any chance of second offers depends on whether or not someone rejects an offer from the school at this point.
  2. @M.gooseberry 200 is definitely a lot for a masters. But I know it's a larger program because it's course based as opposed to thesis only. That being said, they did mention at the meet and greet that the number of applications this year has gone up quite a bit and they are trying to reduce the number of acceptances compared to last year (could explain why it's taking longer this time around to give back responses). @Legacy23 yeah by not promoting I mean they didn't talk about it much at the meet and greet or anything. But I agree with @M.gooseberry that coop options will probably increase every year (its still pretty new based on my understanding).
  3. Hey, I'm not really sure how good it is. Dont know many details about it. Based on my understanding the program is pretty small. Only 30 students did co-op last year (if i remember correctly). They didn't promote it all that much. I think the idea of the program is theres tons of options and they emphasized co-op is only one of those.
  4. @Nick.lb I don't think there is another meet and greet specifically, but there is an event on July 8th. I think in general its the same concept but more specific since all decisions will be sent out by then. Honestly not a huge group. I'd guess maybe somewhere between like 40-50 students like max?? Not totally sure though. @Legacy23 they discussed co-op and career options briefly. I imagine they will discuss it again in July. The session was supposed to be taped for students who couldnt go so maybe message Andrea to see if you can get a link to it or something. I am personally going to start looking in may for an apartment available in August. Turnover for apartments and stuff is pretty high so I think between May and June is the best time for anyone looking in August (based on what I have been told and stuff). I find the prices range so much in toronto its insane. all depends on what you're looking for.
  5. @Nick.lb hey, the meet and greet was pretty good! Basically discussed a lot of preliminary things. started out with a welcome talk, talked about student services and affairs (ex: co-op option). Then moved into a student panel discussion about the different programs. Heard the students speak about their experiences, etc. Lastly we got a small tour around the school before the meet and greet part. Teachers weren't around, but are going to be present at the second event on July 8th (which is supposed to be more focused on registration). @Legacy23 I have been told by most places I have contacted that I am too early in the process. Usually the earliest you can inquire is approx 3 months prior to a move in date. These are the sites I have been using though: https://www.padmapper.com/ (my personal favourite) http://www.rentseeker.ca/ https://www.torontorentals.com/ https://www.casalova.com (also pretty good) A friend of mine also added me to a group on fbk where people post about rentals and people who are looking for roommates and stuff (could be good for you!), but its a closed group I think. So you need someone to invite you (you can check the group to see if you know anyone who is in it and then ask them to invite you to it, its called Bunz Home Zone). Hope this helps!
  6. If I had to guess (because realistically I dont actually know), I would say the department sent out a first batch of acceptances and are waiting to hear back from a certain percentage before sending out more acceptances. Not because they're full, but probably just to keep track of admission numbers and such. About rejections, not really sure how many people are going to post about that online... depending on level of comfort and reaction to a rejection. Doesn't hurt to follow up with them!
  7. are you an international student or canadian?? I was given four weeks from the date accepted (March 10th). I doubt they've reached full capacity; they might just be waiting to see how many more they can accept seeing as they are still taking applications? Who knows... hopefully you get a response soon!!
  8. @Nick.lb hey! I my decision came in about a week later. The impression I got from the email was that my application had not yet been looked at all so she was just going to put a notice that I had got in touch with them. I'm not totally sure it had any influence or if I was just lucky enough to be part of the next batch of reviewed applicants. How long ago did you contact her? They might be waiting to hear back from a certain number of applications before sending out more acceptances maybe??
  9. Yeah I saw! I hope that doesn't mean the other positions have been filled already ): regardless, I'll definitely apply to 2 more. @Taylomac welcome to the chat!! Haha. Wish I could help but I don't know much about UBC and all I know about U of T is the research I've done online.
  10. No, I mean this one: http://www.rosi.utoronto.ca/ !! You can create your student account and usually if you've been accepted it will show invited to register. Prior to my acceptance it just said "no registration history". I would start by emailing Andrea though! She usually responds really quickly (:
  11. @Legacy23 wow didn't realize the difference in prize was so significant. I applied for Archives and Records Management and Culture and Technology. I had to say which concentrations I was planning on following when I applied. You can check on the admission application page - should show on the application summary). @Spzr yeah I'll honestly take anything I can get with hopes of a job offer after!!
  12. hey! You're also coming from Montreal? Which Uni?! And which concentration are you going into? No discussion groups yet... (or at least that I am aware of). Someone did talk about starting a whatsapp group on the results page for UofT though. Haven't see anything else.
  13. Have you considered applying to the co-op option? Its two full semesters a year (winter and summer) of paid work. Usually full time! If I don't hear anything about the TALint program, I will try and apply to that. I dont know what your concentration is, but I know they have a lot more opportunities for ISD and UXD students. I also saw on their library website that they have quite a few library work positions outside of the TALint program it seems so I might try for that too. I totally get it. Toronto is expensive so I definitely want a job thats worthwhile.
  14. @Spzr I also applied for TALint. Mind you, I havent heard anything since I submitted my CV and cover letter for the maximum three positions... I also know there are only like 8 positions for what I'm assuming is a lot of applicants. I didn't think i'd have much of a shot. Have you heard anything?
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