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  2. Good that you shared this info, Personally i chose to not send anything except for my application. I have heard it increases the chance to have an established connection beforehand but also heard from so many who got in that they didn't know anybody from MAS beforehand. Maybe also they are looking for some extraordinary surprises who have a strong portfolio and will.
  3. Today
  4. Since AWP is in late March this year do we think most notifications will come out sooner than last years? How do we think that would affect schools decisions coming out
  5. Between Oxford and the University of British Columbia's Asian Studies programs, which has a better reputation inside the field? Essentially, I'm trying to decide if Oxford wins here, or if UBC can be an equally competitive name to have on my future applications (it has a slight financial advantage) - I like what both schools have to offer in other respects. My specific field is early 20th-century China, if that helps.
  6. hi, i've also applied and got very curious about the stipend as i've heard good things about UMass Amherst. may i ask their offer that they did to you?
  7. I emailed the PI of the group to which I applied, he did reply on the same day... but it was a standard "i don't check applicants beforehand for fairness." a friend connected me with someone from the group and we exchanged a couple of emails but it didn't go far. People do say that it's hard to get into the Media Lab through the front door. But it makes sense, I think most professors would rather admit someone they already know.
  8. I also got an email invite to interview from UC Irvine for PhD Sociology program this past Thursday evening (1/16/25). I applied to 13 schools and so far they are the only one I have heard from.
  9. Thanks for sharing! I just read all of your post since 2023 and I feel more than anxious than before because I just know someone is doing this .. effort for so long like me. My first round was back in the day for 2020fall entry and that was a big failure. I’m also waiting for my 25fall result although I have been losing hope for months.. I am quite sensitive to the professors’ reactions when it’s getting to the deadline, although I know they may be just too busy to reply to my updates after the winter break. I have been preparing for this round of application since 2023 so I feel you. Big hug. It’s such a hardship that we must get through and we will get through. And I realise you have made a very big change on your school choices. Guess you’re making big progress and growth as well; back in the days in 2020 I thought I couldn’t do an MFA in my whole life but I am picking up this shit again and again..hard to describe
  10. Hi everyone! This is my third application cycle 😓 and I might as well give the full history for those interested because I really didn't know what I was doing the first time and the advice I found on this forum was super helpful. First round (Fall 2022) all painting programs except MICA which I applied for the interdisciplinary program The University of Colorado, Fort Collins: Interviewed, offered a great spot with a good scholarship and a teaching assistantship, only problem was they wanted my response sooo early—like in Feb. before I'd heard back from anyone else so I ended up turning it down. Also because I was hesitant to move somewhere I knew there wasn't much of an arts culture (should have done more research). The University of Montana, Missoula: Interviewed, offered a spot, pretty small scholarship, wasn't thrilled by their response to me asking how it was for trans students at the school, and needed a bigger scholarship to make it work. VCU: straight up rejected, took them a really long time to get back to me, that was the last school I heard from I think in April. they sent their rejection via mail. SFSU: interviewed, waitlisted then rejected, didn't do well in the interview (I bungled the question "how do you see yourself using your time in this program" they wanted specific research interests and details about what projects I'd be pursuing) MICA: interviewed, offered a spot with a big scholarship but still not enough to make it financially feasible. MICA is realllllly expensive. UC Irvine: no interview, rejected Second round (Fall 2023) all painting programs (some were just "MFA" programs without any specification) SFSU: applied again, interviewed and offered a spot with no scholarship and no teaching assistantship, ended up having to turn it down when I couldn't find any housing in SF that would make it financially feasible. The University of Michigan: no interview, rejected Northwestern: no interview, rejected UCLA: no interview, rejected UC Irvine: totally forgot and missed the deadline, thank u adhd 🤦‍♂️ Stanford: no interview, rejected Pretty disappointing second round, but I think I was overly ambitious and didn't apply to enough of a range of schools, just ones that are really competitive. and I was exhausted after having just finished my undergrad, it honestly didn't feel like the right time. After that, I decided to take a year off of applying and develop my portfolio and research interests a bit more and find programs that were fully funded and offered teaching assistantships. It was definitely the right move, I feel so much more confident in my portfolio and the direction of my art practice, and much more ready for the challenge of grad school. So, TLDR: It's been a mixed bag, but I've learned a lot. This round (Fall 2025) here's where applied, all painting. Yale Rutgers Carnegie Mellon Herron (Indianapolis) The University of Michigan The University of New Mexico Utah Tech The University of Nevada, Reno UC Irvine Good luck, everyone!! Hang in there 🫡
  11. Yesterday
  12. Has anyone heard from UC Irvine Phd Education. I applied Dec 1st but I haven’t heard anything yet 😭
  13. Best of luck and I hope you get in
  14. It seems like someone got an interview invite from Yale? Does anyone know if invites are sent in batches?
  15. Hi, @ssbELAI applied to the PhD program, and from what I've seen admissions/interviews may come out this upcoming week. For the EdLD programs, I've seen them come out until early February but I have not been keeping track as much with that program.
  16. https://www.thegradcafe.com/survey/
  17. Can you guys let me know what the results page is?
  18. Heard back from Berkeley and JHU for interviews, didnt apply to the others
  19. Oh nice, which subfield?
  20. I’ve applied to six MURP programs across the US, and now it’s just a matter of waiting and hoping for the best. Fingers crossed!
  21. Thanks for your reply! Good luck in your application!
  22. Anyone hear from USASK?
  23. I was the one who posted the Berkeley invite -- new to this site so not super sure how it works haha...can confirm not an anomaly as a friend (same subfield) also got the invite. Was also surprised since I hadn't heard of Berkeley offering interviews in the past!
  24. Anyone got any response from UC Santa Cruz Literature? Their grad coordinator had told me decisions would be out this week.
  25. I have been called for an interview by UW-Madison. Is the interview just a formality, or can one get rejected even after the interview?
  26. I too applied to UCSB but haven't heard anything from them.
  27. Good News! Wish you luck! Thanks for letting us know and would be nice to share some information (the sharables) about how it goes.
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