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Status Updates posted by iphi

  1. Summer classes were a poor idea. No break from classes = rough

    1. .letmeinplz//


      I think I won't do courses over the summer at least during my MS (maybe intern, maybe). I've missed summers while working and I want them back to relax.

    2. iphi


      Definitely take summers off if you can! I don't have a choice. :(

  2. Never been more nervous about a conference proposal submission in my life! So many requirements and automatic disqualification factors.

  3. Everything for next year finally came together on the very last day of the semester. Actually looking forward to next year now!

  4. Call me crazy, but I believe in funding current students and not taking on 1st years you can't afford

    1. Mechanician2015


      That should be the position of most people. I wouldn't want to get in fully funded for the first year to then find out that there's no funding anymore after that.

  5. Deep breaths....

  6. Well things are going to shit...

    1. Lycaon


      Dammit... are you me?

      I hope things get better on your end

    2. iphi


      :( I hope things work out ok for you!
    3. Threeboysmom
  7. 3 more weeks

  8. The times they are a changin'...

  9. Just found out my funding might be cut for next year

  10. Paralyzed by indecision

    1. .letmeinplz//


      Same, so many opportunities with pros/cons. Also the impact it makes on several lives makes it even harder.

  11. Just got an offer to switch fields! Might be tempting if I didn't love the applied nature of my current field. :)

  12. lolol Dweissman just downvoted my posts to "get back" at me for downvoting her homework help posts. Then messaged me about it.

    1. fuzzylogician


      FYI she has been warned. If she doesn't stop, she will be banned.

  13. Has anyone seen my motivation? I seem to have lost it.

    1. HistoryGypsy


      Maybe it joined my motivation for coffee?

  14. Hang in there, folks! Every day is one step closer!

    1. .letmeinplz//


      One step closer to what though? If it is rejection I would like a time machine to go back :-(

    2. iphi


      Wow, someone's a negative Nancy! It's one step closer to grad school! Even if it means reapplying.

  15. PSA: be respectful to grad students! If you are not we will complain about you and our POIs will listen.

    1. Taeyers


      Very true. As a current grad student, I'm pleasantly surprised how much say we have in overall evaluation of the applicants.

    2. attackonthedoctor


      I graduated from a SLAC and the undergrad senior students had much sway over who got hired for professor positions too. The point is to be respectful to everyone, because you don't know if they'll make or break your acceptance.

  16. Prospies are here! <3

    1. Taeyers


      Ours were last week. It was a little too exciting! I got no work done for a day and a half. Now I'm going through a repeat of the waiting period from last year, except this year I'm hoping my favorite recruits will get offers.

  17. Everyone's watching the Superbowl and I'm just sitting here, snowed in, doing my taxes...

  18. Tip to interviewers: if you are being hosted by a grad student, please RESPOND to them when they contact you. It's just good manners.

  19. Prof wrote 1/3 of our readings (articles + books) assigned this semester...

  20. Started classes this week after 5 weeks off and now a family member is dying. The universe's timing sucks. :(

    1. 1Q84


      Very sorry to hear.. Hope you are able to spend some time with that person and achieve what you'd like this semester as well. Sending good thoughts.

    2. gk210


      i'm so sorry...sending you prayers, positive vibes, and lots of love!<3

  21. Saw about 7 posts on the same topic today ("OMG school wants a decision in x amount of days, what do I do?!??!") doesn't anyone use the search function?

    1. atlremix


      I thought it would be interesting for others to know that this cycle a lot of schools are ignoring the CGS resolution and not "playing nice," which is creating some stressful situations for us. For me, grad cafe is as good a place as any to vent :)

    2. GeoDUDE!


      if they are ignoring CGS, they probably arent a good program.

  22. Is it bad that the class I am most excited about is not in my department?

    1. ahlatsiawa


      That happened to me last semester.

  23. Oh my god can school just start already?!

  24. Today I just want to quit school and go home. :(

    1. AKCarlton
    2. Threeboysmom


      Sorry iphi hang in there.

  25. Hang in there, everyone!

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