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    North America (International student)
  • Application Season
    2013 Fall
  • Program
    Intl Development/Nonprofit Management

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  1. Well, in my experience, I haven't heard much of Korbel. I was accepted in Korbel but decided to attend SIPA instead. The only thing I know is that a lot of RPCV people go there for their international development program, but I've never met anyone from there, I don't know where they work. I have a colleague that was offered full ride at Korbel but still decided to go to SIPA, so I don't know how telling is that.
  2. It´s not that is bad, its just that SIPA has a longer history and therefore more achievements I suppose. About funding at SIPA , 70% of first year students get some kind of award by the second year, the average being from 10 to 20k per year, although you must have a GPA above 3.4. Go to the Admitted students google group, there is a ton of info about that topic.
  3. I was also between New School and Columbia in the same field of study. I talked to a professor that teaches at both schools and she said that she expects more of her SIPA students, and that the NS seems to take a bigger percentage of undergrad students, so the level of conversation is different. They also offered me a very nice financial package but Columbia´s reputation is way bigger/better than NS internationally, as well as the alumni network. Also, at SIPA you have the chance to get a scholarship for the second year, so I would do it.
  4. UT Austin has international name recognition (top 25 in the world according to the Times ranking), The New School not so much. Austin is definitely cheaper than NYC, so you have to add living expenses to your New School scholarship, it might still be more expensive than UT Austin. That being said, The New School has a fame for being very creative and collaborative, so there´s that. Make a real estimate of costs and talk to current students in both programs, you´ll get a clearer picture.
  5. LBJ: https://www.facebook.com/groups/593380364015310/
  6. I was told that there is no second round: One group member asked if scholarships and fellowships are freed up when a funded student declines their offer. Like most schools, SIPA admits more students than we anticipate enrolling; we know that not all admitted students are going to decide to attend, and that includes students who have received offers of funding. So when one student declines a scholarship or fellowship, it does not directly open up funding for another candidate. We do have some awards with very specific eligibility criteria set forth by the donor for which only a small number of students may qualify. When those awards are offered to newly admitted students who have not yet committed to SIPA, the Admissions Committee has typically already identified an alternate recipient. These represent a very small number of the awards we make, and no action is necessary on the part of any student in order to be considered.
  7. Ok, so what would happen if I accept offers from two different schools and pay the deposits in order to have more time to decide where to go? What are the consequences besides losing the deposit? Some of us are in quite the predicament because we won´t know about funding opportunities until July and so we need a "backup" school in case our top choice doesn´t work... I´m pretty sure there are a ton of students (mostly international) that have been through this...
  8. Well, I applied to both programs because their structures and classes fitted with my overall interests. I didn´t really pay attention to the degree I would obtain afterwards. Maybe I should have? I don´t know. Also, boyfriend lives in Texas so that would have been a "plus". And the Heller program is very affordable. Anyway, I suppose the main question is: Internationally, which school/program has better overall recognition/reputation? What would be more strategic? Biscuits, I know you´re a cousin of the cookie but you can still have it if you want. Thanks MPPgal
  9. Hello everyone. This is one of those "school A vs school B" questions but I could really really use some advice here. I´m trying to decide what is the best option as a backup in case I don´t get enough funding for SIPA (I have a self-established limit on how much debt I´m willing to take). What I want to do: Work in the nonprofit sector, particularly gender and environment policy. Long term goal would be to work for a foundation or aid agency implementing/evaluating projects around the globe. Which program has a stronger name internationally, Heller MA in Sustainable International Development program or LBJ Master of Public Affairs? Academically speaking I think they´re both rigorous and are a good fit with my plans so I don´t worry too much about that. Additional info: I can already afford any of these two programs and I am an international applicant from Mexico. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated. Please help! PS. I´ll give a virtual cookie to whoever responds to this message
  10. The Heller School at Brandeis University. It´s well ranked and it can be quite cheap compared to the rest of them. Also, Columbia University has a great Master of Public Administration in Development Practice (I´m most probably going there)
  11. Which program did you apply to? I am MDP and barely had any quant during my undergraduate. Your profile is somewhat similar to mine. I think you have great options and I would suggest that you only do that if you have time/money/patience/energy in your hands to do it all over again. Or accept, defer and then try again next year... If you don´t get in, then go to your safe option.
  12. I haven´t. I was going to request "admission" but I decided to wait a little...
  13. I think as long as it was submitted by the deadline you´re fine... They´ve mentioned it multiple times in the admissions blog.
  14. Oh, not another thread of these! Look, I would suggest that you read this:
  15. Hey Soapwater, Kadisha, I´ll be also attending the open house on April, lets hang out MPA-DP here- How about you?
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