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  1. Just an update for those who are interested. The strike is still continuing, making it now the longest strike in the University of Illinois history. The picket lines are still going strong. The University has not reached out to us indicating that their position on tuition waivers has changed and they are willing to bargain with us in good faith.
  2. I did my my MA in Historical Archaeology there. I am PMing you.
  3. I love Doctor Who (both the old series and the new one). However I absolutely cannot stand Rose in her episodes with the Tenth Doctor. I tolerate her with the Ninth Doctor but find her incredibly annoying with the Tenth Doctor. I also think she is far from the best companion ever. I also wish that most people would watch more of the old series. For some reason it annoys me when people say they are huge fans of Doctor Who but have no idea about anything that happened in the earlier seasons.
  4. I just wanted to reiterate what bioarch_fan said about minimal funding, especially at state schools. I know that the Anthropology programs in at least two of the schools you've mentioned in your post have been struggling financially over the past few years and as a result have taken in few students. One of them has been unable to provide funding for new students for at least the past two years. Definitely talk to the professors at these schools and see what they have to say.
  5. NOWAYNOHOW, I don't think field experience is necessary for entrance into a PhD program, even for people coming from another discipline. I can't speak directly about the programs in which you are interested. However there are several members of my cohort who came from other disciplines. None of them came in with any field experience. I would concentrate on connecting your past interests and experiences with your plans for the future and discuss how your previous training has prepared you for research in anthropology.
  6. Check out The Moon is a Harsh Mistress, also by Robert Heinlein. It is one of my favorite sci-fi novels.
  7. I'm currently a graduate student at UIUC. I would highly recommend that anyone who is trying to rent an off-campus apartment contact the UIUC Tenant Union. They were incredibly helpful last year when I was trying to rent an apartment from afar. They have a list of landlords which tells you whether these apartments are furnished, whether they allow pets, how close they are to campus, and how many complaints the landlord has received in the past five years. With their help I found a great apartment with Hunsinger.
  8. I'm not sure if most will wait until the deadline (although I know some who did last year), but I think that there are many students who have yet to make decisions. It is a big decision to make and there are lot of factors which go into it. I think that there are also many admitted students who want to wait until they have visited their different schools before they make a final decision. Departments may still be holding visitations; my department just had its new student visitation this past weekend. So I would say, as difficult as it, to hold out for a few more weeks before you contact your POI or the department.
  9. I agree about mid-March being too early. I know some departments are still having their visitation days, which means many admitted students are still trying to make up their mind about where to go. By the beginning of April, a much larger number of students will have made up their mind and declined their offers from other schools. That being said, when I was going through this process it was really hard to stay patient and not email sooner.
  10. Daisy123, if you are still on the waiting list at the beginning of April, I would contact your POI then and let them know you are still interested. I think reiterating your interest after being waitlisted for several weeks is not a bad thing. If this is your top school, I would let them know. Last year I was waitlisted at my top choice school. On April 1 I sent a letter to my POI. I think it was something like: Dear So and So, I hope you are doing well. I just wanted to let you know that I am still extremely interested in the anthropology program at (his school) and I have not accepted any of my other offers. (His School) is my top choice and if offered admissions, I would accept immediately. Thank you so much, sweetpearl16. He wrote back a couple of hours later thanking me for the letter and letting me know he'd forwarded it to the department chair. About a week later I received an admissions offer from the school. I don't think the letter of continuing interest got me admitted, but it certainly didn't hurt my chances.
  11. I am part of the health care working group of my university's graduate employee union. My school does not offer prescription benefits. I have severe asthma and must take two prescriptions. I am lucky that I am under 26, since these two medications together cost about $500 a month without insurance coverage. I have spent most of this year working to get get prescription benefits for graduate students. I was told at a meeting today that as of Fall 2014, all college insurance plans must be compliant with the Affordable Care Act, which means they must include prescriptions.
  12. The other thing you need to consider is how the Affordable Care Act impacts student health insurance policies. Prescription benefits are considered one of the 10 essential benefits health insurance plans must provide. I believe that starting in Fall 2014, most college insurance plans are required to have prescription benefits.
  13. I would not wait until April 10th to ask about your position on the waitlist. I would go ahead and contact either your POI or the DGS now to let them know you have another offer and ask questions about how the waitlist works (Is it ranked? If so, what is your position? Have they accepted people off of it in the past?). Last year I was waitlisted at my top choice school and got into another school with full funding. When I found out I was waitlisted I asked my POI, who also happened to be the DGS, about how the waitlist worked, if it was ranked then was willing to tell my position, and whether people had been accepted off of it in the past. I also reaffirmed my interest in the program and let him know I had another offer. At the beginning of April I contacted him again to let him know I had not accepted my other offer, that I was still interested in this school, and if admitted I would accept the offer.
  14. Congratulations NOWAYNOHOW! I've been following you on the boards and through your blog and no how awful and hard this whole application season has been for you. I'm glad that you've finally gotten an answer other than "NO" and I really wish you the best of luck!
  15. I have a friend who focuses on US mid-Atlantic historical archaeology and was admitted (and just accepted the offer) into UNC Chapel Hill Anthropology PhD. program.
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