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    Speech Pathology

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  1. Hi Everyone, Im hoping to find some insight on online programs for ABA. I am graduating with my degree in SLP and was hoping to further that with adding an ABA Masters. I was wondering if anyone knew of any online programs that offered ABA and a clinical psych emphasis? If not, any reliable accredited aba online programs would do. Do you think taking an ABA online program would hinder me, or is there no downfall to this? Thank you!
  2. hi! ill be joining the cohort! I changed the group settings, hopefully that works!!
  3. woo!!! was accepted this afternoon to University of Central Florida!! yay!!
  4. I wrote a supervisor and she suggested I visit the clinic so I am planning on making a trip. This will be my third semester applying and I am goin to make it my last!
  5. Hi all, I was wondering if anyone knows of any shorter programs? I only know of UoP in California. If you guys have additional information about them as well, Thanks!
  6. Hi Everyone, Someone posted a link where we can check what universities offer California residents in-state tuition for certain states. Can someone post it again? Thanks!
  7. Im thinking of applying to maybe one or two California schools for fall. Just because its so competitive in-state. Anyone else? And what do you guys know about any of the private programs?
  8. does anyone know how competitive Nazareth college was this semester? i'm hoping I hear good news.
  9. This is my second semester applying for graduate programs and I've already been rejected from UTD and College of St. Rose. I'm still waiting on three more schools (UCF, Nazareth, and St. Johns++), which I am hoping one of them will turn into an acceptance! (crosses fingers and toes). I've taken the GRE three times already and my highest scores were 150v 142Q and 4.0AW. I am also currently looking into a second job as a speech aide. I don't know what else to do? before I become discouraged I want to get accepted! I'm thinking of applying to some private schools in California and more schools out of California.
  10. does anyone know when Nazareth will be sending out their decisions? or any of the NYC schools?
  11. Hey everyone! I figured since today is the deadline for most applications for the Spring 2015, I went ahead and started this thread So where r you applying and where r you hoping to get in? Does anyone know how competitive St. John's university is for spring?! Thanks!
  12. so I have my CSDCAS letter submitted! but now CSDCAS wont let me submit until I find one more reference! who am I going to find the due date?! my letter writer has yet to submit the other two letters, this is kind of discouraging.
  13. Hello! Can anyone reference me or know where I may find a list of ABA (Applied Behavioral Analysis) programs? Thank you!
  14. I called my school's department and my writer isn't on campus this semester. I know they picked up my packet with the dates of when my application was due. Im still hesitant as to whether or not I should submit my CSDCAS application, since it is $140 and Idk if it'll even be complete.
  15. I was in contact with my letter writer on the 16th. They have submitted two other letters already. What concerns me is that when they responded to my email, the link for an application had already been sent out and they just did not complete it. Should I contact the programs and ask them, what do you think about using my Spanish professor?
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