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  • Application Season
    2018 Fall
  • Program
    Sociology and Gender Studies

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  1. Hi! I don't know if you've already made the decision, but definitely do a thesis! There's basically no point doing a Masters if you don't. Everyone will expect you to have one, once you're in the job market post-Masters. If you want to work back in the UK in the long-run go to Oxford - networking will be key, and Oxford has the name recognition in the UK/Europe, more so than Columbia. (I went to Cambridge and have applied for studies in the US, and of six top-tier universities I applied to, including two Ivies, hardly anyone recognised names).
  2. I didn’t get into Brown. My PhD dreams are over. Sad to say, unless Emory has a rejection and I’m off the waitlist. Thanks for the support this year friends - it’s been fun to talk through this with you.
  3. Hi @paulbets this is the Sociology forum, you would be better to ask in a biosciences forum.
  4. Thanks for the good wishes everyone! Still waiting on Brown as my last hope of acceptance (Yale is such a long shot due to faculty fit, but guess you never know for certain!). Hope you all hear good news soon
  5. Thanks @qeta! I'm shocked, the grad coordinator's email made it sound like my rejection letter was in the post, but the chair of admissions just messaged me. So pleased. Even if I don't get in, I feel like at least someone (sorta) wants me
  6. holy s--- I got waitlisted at Emory!
  7. The best advice I had - which ties in with yours - is that you need to be able to show an admissions committee that you can devise a PhD project, based on your interests and a potential research question. My interests are about the links between technology, fertility, contraception and embodiment, for example, and I gave examples of how I would like to study this, with particular reference to research already undertaken at X school or faculty members that were researching similar things already. Having an interest in “health” or “Gender” very broadly wouldn’t be specific enough, based on the feedback that I had from a number of professors.
  8. Hey, I just got rejected from Emory. The grad coordinator sent me a lovely email (in reply to my inquiry) saying that I haven’t received a rejection letter due to the flexible nature of the recruitment process but I won’t be accepted into Emory. She said decisions had been made following the recruitment weekend, so good luck to anyone who attended who hasn’t heard back yet!
  9. I definitely don’t think Emory has sent out all their acceptances ... if you look at what that person said, they contacted Emory to ask, rather than being told by Emory directly. I wouldn’t assume a rejection at all.
  10. This might seem like a silly issue ... but both for Berkeley and UWM I didn’t receive an email to check the portals, I just checked when everyone else did. So even tho I’ve checked and have received emails from both systems before, I’m paranoid I might be missing stuff from other schools (and I’ve checked junk/spam at least once a day, nothing). Has this been the case for anyone else?
  11. Berkeley rejects are on the website as a pdf letter - sorry if you didn’t get in.
  12. Anyway, now that I have that off my chest, I’m going to spend a little less time on the forums while I wait on my final four schools! I’m usually around for a PM if anyone wants to catch up, and good luck to everyone still waiting on results! And congrats to those who have their acceptances!
  13. Hi, I don’t really want to continue commenting on this in much depth because everyone obviously has different stories, and the comments certainly come from a place of support and good intent, and this is certainly not meant at anyone in particular! I just feel that these comments accidentally reinforce the narrative that we, people who have been rejected or are waiting on offers, are going to be depressed or upset that we haven’t been accepted yet. Not everyone does associate their self worth with rejections, and preemptively commenting along the lines makes me feel like I’m expected to be upset ...
  14. I completely appreciate the sentiment behind it, and do understand your points. But people can accidentally come across as a little condescending - I suppose in a jokey way, I’m just asking people to bear that in mind when they post, to avoid sounding that way!
  15. Can the person who was rejected by Berkeley share where they found that info? When I logged in to the site, nothing came up and my application still says "submitted". (Sorry to hear about your rejection )
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